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File metadata and controls

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Enable Stats from Command Line:

  • StatCmds="startfile"

Reference From

Description of stats:

Stats System Diagram

  • FEventPayload

Common Functions & Stats

Common options: [-ms=5.0][-root=None] [leaf=None][-depth=maxint] [-nodisplay] stat groupname[+] - toggles displaying stats group, + enables hierarchical display stat group list|listall|enable name|disable name|none|all|default - manages enabling/disabling recording of the stats groups. Doing stat [groupname] automatically enables that group

  • Also supports [-group=groupname][-sortby=name] [-maxhistoryframes=60][-reset] [-maxdepth=4][-root=None] [-ms=0.2][-reset]

stat namedmarker #markername# - adds a custom marker to the stats stream stat none - disables drawing all stats groups stat display -font=small[tiny] - Changes stats rendering display options

stat slow [-ms=1.0][-depth=4] - toggles displaying the game and render thread stats stat dumpframe - dumps a frame of stats

  • stat dumpframe -ms=.001 -root=initviews
  • stat dumpframe -ms=.001 -root=shadow stat dumpave|dumpmax|dumpsum [-start | -stop | -num=30] - aggregate stats over multiple frames stat dumphitches [-start | -stop | empty toggles] - toggles dumping hitches stat dumpevents [-ms=0.2][-all] - dumps events history for slow events, -all adds other threads besides game and render stat dumpcpu - dumps cpu stats stat dumpnonframe [groupname] - dumps non-frame stats, usually memory stats

stat hier -group=groupname [-sortby=name][-maxhistoryframes=60] [-reset][-maxdepth=4] [-root=None][-ms=0.2] [-reset]

  • groupname is a stat group like initviews or statsystem
  • sortby can be name (by stat FName), callcount (by number of calls, only for scoped cycle counters), num(by total inclusive time)
  • maxhistoryframes (default 60, number of frames used to generate the stats displayed on the hud)
  • reset (reset the accumulated history)
  • maxdepth (default 4, maximum depth for the hierarchy)

stat startfile - starts dumping a capture stat stopfile - stops dumping a capture (regular, raw, memory) stat startfileraw - starts dumping a raw capture stat toggledebug - toggles tracking the most memory expensive stats

add -memoryprofiler in the command line to enable the memory profiling stat stopfile - stops tracking all memory operations and writes the results to the file stat testfile - loads the last saved capture and dumps first, middle and last frame

Details from Stats.h: Implementing custom stats or cycle counters

 *  Unreal Engine Stats system
 *  This is a preliminary version of the documentation, any comments are welcome :)
 *  This system allows you to collect various performance data and then the data can be used to optimize your game.
 *  There are a few methods how to achieve this. This quick tutorial will describe all of them.
 *  For stats commands check out method PrintStatsHelpToOutputDevice();
 *  Stats system in the UE4 supports following stats types:
 *      Cycle Counter - a generic cycle counter used to counting the number of cycles during the lifetime of the object
 *      Float/Dword Counter - a counter that is cleared every frame
 *      Float/Dword Accumulator - a counter that is not cleared every frame, persistent stat, but it can be reset
 *      Memory - a special type of counter that is optimized for memory tracking
 *  Each stat needs to be grouped, this usually corresponds with displaying the specified stat group i.e. 'stat statsystem' which displays stats' related data.
 *  To define a stat group you need to use one of the following methods:
 *              DECLARE_STATS_GROUP(GroupDesc,GroupId,GroupCat) - declares a stats group which is enabled by default
 *              DECLARE_STATS_GROUP_VERBOSE(GroupDesc,GroupId,GroupCat) - declares a stats group which is disabled by default
 *              DECLARE_STATS_GROUP_MAYBE_COMPILED_OUT(GroupDesc,GroupId,GroupCat) - declares a stats group which is disabled by default and may be stripped by the compiler
 *  where
 *      GroupDesc is a text description of the group
 *      GroupId is an UNIQUE id of the group
 *      GroupCat is reserved for future use
 *      CompileIn if set to true, the compiler may strip it out
 *  It can be done in the source or header file depending the usage scope.
 *  Examples:
 *              DECLARE_STATS_GROUP(TEXT("Threading"), STATGROUP_Threading, STATCAT_Advanced);
 *              DECLARE_STATS_GROUP_VERBOSE(TEXT("Linker Load"), STATGROUP_LinkerLoad, STATCAT_Advanced);
 *  Now, you can declare/define a stat.
 *  A stat can be used only in one cpp file, in the function scope, in the module scope or can be used in the whole project.
 *  For one file scope you need to use one of the following methods depending on the stat type.
 *              DECLARE_CYCLE_STAT(CounterName,StatId,GroupId) - declares a cycle counter stat
 *              DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(CounterName,StatId,GroupId) - declares a cycle counter stat and uses it at the same time, it is limited to one function scope
 *              QUICK_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(StatId) - declares a cycle counter stat that will belong to stat group called 'Quick'
 *              RETURN_QUICK_DECLARE_CYCLE_STAT(StatId,GroupId) - returns a cycle counter, used by a few specialized classes, more information later
 *              DECLARE_FLOAT_COUNTER_STAT(CounterName,StatId,GroupId) - declares a float counter, technically speaking it's based on the double type, 8 bytes
 *              DECLARE_DWORD_COUNTER_STAT(CounterName,StatId,GroupId) - declared a dword counter, technically speaking it's based on the qword type, 8 bytes
 *              DECLARE_FLOAT_ACCUMULATOR_STAT(CounterName,StatId,GroupId) - declares a float accumulator
 *              DECLARE_DWORD_ACCUMULATOR_STAT(CounterName,StatId,GroupId) - declares a dword accumulator
 *              DECLARE_MEMORY_STAT(CounterName,StatId,GroupId) - declares a memory counter, same as the dword accumulator, but will be displayed with memory specific units
 *              DECLARE_MEMORY_STAT_POOL(CounterName,StatId,GroupId,Pool) - declares a memory counter with a pool
 *      If you want to have these stats accessible in the whole project/or wider range of files you need to use extern version.
 *      These methods are the same as the previously mentioned but with _EXTERN and the end of the name, here is the list:
 *              DECLARE_CYCLE_STAT_EXTERN(CounterName,StatId,GroupId, API)
 *              DECLARE_FLOAT_COUNTER_STAT_EXTERN(CounterName,StatId,GroupId, API)
 *              DECLARE_DWORD_COUNTER_STAT_EXTERN(CounterName,StatId,GroupId, API)
 *              DECLARE_FLOAT_ACCUMULATOR_STAT_EXTERN(CounterName,StatId,GroupId, API)
 *              DECLARE_DWORD_ACCUMULATOR_STAT_EXTERN(CounterName,StatId,GroupId, API)
 *              DECLARE_MEMORY_STAT_EXTERN(CounterName,StatId,GroupId, API)
 *              DECLARE_MEMORY_STAT_POOL_EXTERN(CounterName,StatId,GroupId,Pool, API)
 *      Then in the source file you need to define those stats.
 *              DEFINE_STAT(CounterName) - defines stats declared with _EXTERN
 *  where
 *      CounterName is a text description of the stat
 *      StatId is an UNIQUE id of the stat
 *      GroupId is an id of the group that the stat will belong to, the GroupId from DECLARE_STATS_GROUP*
 *      Pool is a platform specific memory pool, more details later
 *      API is the *_API of module, can be empty if the stat will be used only in that module
 *  Examples:
 *      Custom memory stats with pools
 *          First you need to add a new pool to enum EMemoryCounterRegion, it can be global or platform specific.
 *              enum EMemoryCounterRegion
 *              {
 *                  MCR_Invalid,    // not memory
 *                  MCR_Physical,   // main system memory
 *                  MCR_GPU,        // memory directly a GPU (graphics card, etc)
 *                  MCR_GPUSystem,  // system memory directly accessible by a GPU
 *                  MCR_TexturePool,// presized texture pools
 *                  MCR_MAX
 *              };
 *          This is an example that will allow using the pools every where, see CORE_API.
 *          Header file.
 *              DECLARE_MEMORY_STAT_POOL_EXTERN(TEXT("Physical Memory Pool [Physical]"),    MCR_Physical,       STATGROUP_Memory,  FPlatformMemory::MCR_Physical,   CORE_API);
 *              DECLARE_MEMORY_STAT_POOL_EXTERN(TEXT("GPU Memory Pool [GPU]"),              MCR_GPU,            STATGROUP_Memory,  FPlatformMemory::MCR_GPU,        CORE_API);
 *              DECLARE_MEMORY_STAT_POOL_EXTERN(TEXT("Texture Memory Pool [Texture]"),      MCR_TexturePool,    STATGROUP_Memory,  FPlatformMemory::MCR_TexturePool,CORE_API);
 *          Source file.
 *              DEFINE_STAT(MCR_Physical);
 *              DEFINE_STAT(MCR_GPU);
 *              DEFINE_STAT(MCR_TexturePool);
 *          This is a pool, so it needs to be initialized. Usually in the F*PlatformMemory::Init()
 *              SET_MEMORY_STAT(MCR_Physical, PhysicalPoolLimit);
 *              SET_MEMORY_STAT(MCR_GPU, GPUPoolLimit);
 *              SET_MEMORY_STAT(MCR_TexturePool, TexturePoolLimit);
 *          Now we have pools, so we can setup memory stats for those pools.
 *          Accessible everywhere.
 *              DECLARE_MEMORY_STAT_POOL_EXTERN(TEXT("Index buffer memory"),        STAT_IndexBufferMemory,     STATGROUP_RHI, FPlatformMemory::MCR_GPU, RHI_API);
 *              DECLARE_MEMORY_STAT_POOL_EXTERN(TEXT("Vertex buffer memory"),       STAT_VertexBufferMemory,    STATGROUP_RHI, FPlatformMemory::MCR_GPU, RHI_API);
 *              DECLARE_MEMORY_STAT_POOL_EXTERN(TEXT("Structured buffer memory"),   STAT_StructuredBufferMemory,STATGROUP_RHI, FPlatformMemory::MCR_GPU, RHI_API);
 *              DECLARE_MEMORY_STAT_POOL_EXTERN(TEXT("Pixel buffer memory"),        STAT_PixelBufferMemory,     STATGROUP_RHI, FPlatformMemory::MCR_GPU, RHI_API);
 *          Accessible only in the module where defined.
 *              DECLARE_MEMORY_STAT_POOL_EXTERN(TEXT("Pool Memory Size"), STAT_TexturePoolSize,             STATGROUP_Streaming, FPlatformMemory::MCR_TexturePool, );
 *              DECLARE_MEMORY_STAT_POOL_EXTERN(TEXT("Pool Memory Used"), STAT_TexturePoolAllocatedSize,    STATGROUP_Streaming, FPlatformMemory::MCR_TexturePool, );
 *          And the last thing, updating the memory stats.
 *              INC_MEMORY_STAT_BY(STAT_PixelBufferMemory,NumBytes) - increases a memory stat by the specified value
 *              DEC_MEMORY_STAT_BY(STAT_PixelBufferMemory,NumBytes) - decreases a memory stat by the specified value
 *              SET_MEMORY_STAT(STAT_PixelBufferMemory,NumBytes) - sets a memory stat to the specified value
 *      Regular memory stats, without pools
 *              DECLARE_MEMORY_STAT(TEXT("Total Physical"),     STAT_TotalPhysical,     STATGROUP_MemoryPlatform);
 *              DECLARE_MEMORY_STAT(TEXT("Total Virtual"),      STAT_TotalVirtual,      STATGROUP_MemoryPlatform);
 *              DECLARE_MEMORY_STAT(TEXT("Page Size"),          STAT_PageSize,          STATGROUP_MemoryPlatform);
 *              DECLARE_MEMORY_STAT(TEXT("Total Physical GB"),  STAT_TotalPhysicalGB,   STATGROUP_MemoryPlatform);
 *      Or DECLARE_MEMORY_STAT_EXTERN in the header file and then DEFINE_STAT in the source file.
 *      Updating the memory stats is done the same way as in the version with pools.
 *      Performance data using the cycle counters.
 *          First you need to add cycle counters.
 *              DECLARE_CYCLE_STAT(TEXT("Broadcast"),   STAT_StatsBroadcast,STATGROUP_StatSystem);
 *              DECLARE_CYCLE_STAT(TEXT("Condense"),    STAT_StatsCondense, STATGROUP_StatSystem);
 *          Or DECLARE_CYCLE_STAT_EXTERN in the header file and then DEFINE_STAT in the source file.
 *          Now you can grab the performance data.
 *              Stats::Broadcast()
 *              {
 *                  SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(STAT_StatsBroadcast);
 *                  ...
 *                  // a piece of code
 *                  ...
 *              }
 *          and that's all.
 *          Sometimes you don't want to grab the stats every time the function is called, so you can use conditional cycle counter.
 *          It's not very common, but may be useful.
 *              Stats::Broadcast(bool bSomeCondition)
 *              {
 *                  CONDITIONAL_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(STAT_StatsBroadcast,bSomeCondition);
 *                  ...
 *                  // a piece of code
 *                  ...
 *              }
 *          If you want to grab the performance data from one function you can use following construction.
 *              Stats::Broadcast(bool bSomeCondition)
 *              {
 *                  DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(TEXT("Broadcast"), STAT_StatsBroadcast, STATGROUP_StatSystem);
 *                  ...
 *                  // a piece of code
 *                  ...
 *              }
 *          or
 *              Stats::Broadcast(bool bSomeCondition)
 *              {
 *                  QUICK_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(TEXT("Stats::Broadcast"));
 *                  ...
 *                  // a piece of code
 *                  ...
 *              }
 *          Mostly used for temporary stats.
 *          Those all cycle counters are used to generate the hierarchy. So you can get more detailed information about performance data.
 *          There is also an option to set flat cycle counter.
 *              Stats::Broadcast(bool bSomeCondition)
 *              {
 *                  const uint32 BroadcastBeginTime = FPlatformTime::Cycles();
 *                  ...
 *                  // a piece of code
 *                  ...
 *                  const uint32 BroadcastEndTime = FPlatformTime::Cycles();
 *                  SET_CYCLE_COUNTER(STAT_StatsBroadcast, BroadcastEndTime-BroadcastBeginTime);
 *              }
 *      A few tasks implemented in the UE4 use a different approach in terms of getting the performance data.
 *      They implement method GetStatId(). If there is no GetStatId(), the code will not compile.
 *      Here is an example.
 *              class FParallelAnimationCompletionTask
 *              {
 *                  // ...
 *                  // a piece of code
 *                  FORCEINLINE TStatId GetStatId() const
 *                  {
 *                      RETURN_QUICK_DECLARE_CYCLE_STAT(FParallelAnimationCompletionTask, STATGROUP_TaskGraphTasks);
 *                  }
 *                  // a piece of code
 *                  // ...
 *              };
 *      Generic data using the float or dword counters.
 *          First you need to add a few counters.
 *          Updating counters.
 *              INC_DWORD_STAT(StatId) - increases a dword stat by 1
 *              DEC_DWORD_STAT(StatId) - decreases a dword stat by 1
 *              INC_DWORD_STAT_BY(StatId,Amount) - increases a dword stat by the specified value
 *              DEC_DWORD_STAT_BY(StatId,Amount) - decreases a dword stat by the specified value
 *              SET_DWORD_STAT(StatId,Value) - sets a dword stat to the specified value

 *              INC_FLOAT_STAT_BY(StatId,Amount) - increases a float stat by the specified value
 *              DEC_FLOAT_STAT_BY(StatId,Amount) - decreases a float stat by the specified value
 *              SET_FLOAT_STAT(StatId,Value) - sets a float stat to the specified value
 *      A few helper methods
 *               GET_STATID(StatId) - returns an instance of the TStatId of the stat, ADVANCED
 *               GET_STATDESCRIPTION(StatId) - returns a description of the stat
 *      If you don't want to use the stats system and just log some performance data, there is functionality for this.
 *              SCOPE_SECONDS_COUNTER(double&Seconds) - captures time passed in seconds, adding delta time to passed in variable
 *              Stats::Broadcast()
 *              {
 *                  double ThisTime = 0;
 *                  {
 *                       SCOPE_SECONDS_COUNTER(ThisTime);
*                       ...
 *                      // a piece of code
 *                      ...
 *                  }
 *                  UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Stats::Broadcast %.2f"), ThisTime );
 *              }
 *              FScopeLogTime - utility class to log time passed in seconds, adding cumulative stats to passed in variable, print the performance data to the log in the destructor
 *              SCOPE_LOG_TIME(Name,CumulativePtr) - using the given name prints the performance data and gathers cumulative stats
 *              SCOPE_LOG_TIME_IN_SECONDS(Name,CumulativePtr) - the same as above, but prints in seconds
 *              SCOPE_LOG_TIME_FUNC() - using the funcion name prints the performance data, cannot be nested
 *              SCOPE_LOG_TIME_FUNC_WITH_GLOBAL(CumulativePtr), same as above, but gather cumulative stats
 *          A few examples.
 *              double GMyBroadcastTime = 0.0;
 *              Stats::Broadcast()
 *              {
 *                  SCOPE_LOG_TIME("Stats::Broadcast", &GMyBroadcastTime );
 *                  SCOPE_LOG_TIME_IN_SECONDS("Stats::Broadcast (sec)", &GMyBroadcastTime );
 *                  ...
 *                  // a piece of code
 *                  ...
 *              }
 *              Stats::Condense()
 *              {
 *                  SCOPE_LOG_TIME_FUNC(); // The name should be "Stats::Condense()", may differ across compilers
 *                  SCOPE_LOG_TIME_FUNC_WITH_GLOBAL(&GMyBroadcastTime);
 *                  ...
 *                  // a piece of code
 *                  ...
 *              }