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This repository contains snippets, photo and notes collected during development on Arduino platform, right from very first basic steps.

BasicUartComm : Basic program that receives single characters from UART-RX and echo them to UART-TX. This is a skeleton program used to build other more complex programs which need receiving command from user and providing logging.

BasicI2c : Based on the BasicUartComm skeleton, at present implements I2C interface setup through Wire library and initiate a transmission.

I2C_adt7410 : Read temperature from I2C sensor ADT7410 and print result on UART. Init and read operations are UART controlled.

BasicWebserver : Hello-world webserver using Arduino UNO and Ethernet Shield. Board initializes serial port, then enables ethernet and wait for DHCP-assigned IP. Once IP is obtained, it is forwarded to Serial output. Opening IP in a browser, the basic arduino web server provides the Hello World page.

WebserverParserequest : Arduino webserver, with DHCP assigned IP provided through serial output. Parse incoming requests of a given format and extract params. This example is valid for specific parameters, but can be easily adapted.

WebserverSendjson : An Android app with network support that connects to Arduino+Ethernet board programmed with basic webserver that provides real-time data in JSON format.

WebserverHttpgetJsonres : Arduino webserver, with DHCP assigned IP provided through serial output. Parse incoming requests of a given format, extract params and update internal status of params. Response is always the whole internal status in JSON format. Serial output is used basically for debug and demonstration.

WebserverAm2302 : Arduino+Ethernet board that interfaces with AM2302(DHT22) humidity+temperature sensor and that implements basic webserver that provides real-time temperature and humidity data in JSON format. (note: text is inefficiently stored in ram, F() function added since _v3)

  • Cantuina android app version 0.2 (and source code) that shows temperature and humidity with line graph.

  • Youtube demo :

  • 20131201 update : added MAC and MILLIS() in response plus minor enhancements

WebserverAm2302_v2 : Same as WebserverAm2302 plus storing of 48 previous acquisitions at 30 minutes step. (note: text is inefficiently stored in ram, F() function added since _v3)

  • Cantuina android app version 0.3 (and source code) with graph of historical data and max/min values.

WebserverAm2302_v3 : Major code refactoring of WebserverAm2302_v2 plus support for 4 identical DHT22 sensors with history. To save RAM space values are now stored in integer (no more double).

WebserverAm2302_v4 : Added I2C temperature+pressure BMP085 sensor to WebserverAm2302_v3. To save RAM space history is now a quarter.

WebserverAm2302_v5 : Single answer on http://ww.xx.yy.zz/podval with history included. History is now a 24 half hours. Added support for missing sensors.

  • Podval android app : supports multiple sensors in local network with automatic discovery.


Collection of Arduino snippets, photo and notes







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  • Java 58.1%
  • C++ 41.9%