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211 lines (171 loc) · 6.01 KB

File metadata and controls

211 lines (171 loc) · 6.01 KB


This is a pure javascript slider, responsive, serving lazy loading images according to the screen size, hardware accelerated.

Inspired by many sources such as:

You can load it as a module since it is AMD ready.

At the moment this plugin's size is 12.5 KB minified.


Besides cloning this repo or downloading it, you can either get it through Bower.

bower install elbajs


Include the css into your page:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/elba.css">

Include the script into your page:

<script src="path/to/elba.js"></script>

Add the markup for your gallery:

<figure id="your-carousel" class="elba-carousel">
    <figure class="elba" data-src="http://yourpicdefault|http://yourpicdefault@2x" data-src-medium="http://yourpicmedium|http://yourpicmedium@2x" data-src-large="http://yourpiclarge|http://yourpiclarge@2x">
    <figure class="elba" data-src="http://yourpicdefault|http://yourpicdefault@2x" data-src-medium="http://yourpicmedium|http://yourpicmedium@2x" data-src-large="http://yourpiclarge|http://yourpiclarge@2x">

As shown above you can optionally set multiple sources depending on the width of the device. A further option is declaring different sources for the same breakpoint, one for normal screens and the other one for retina screens, separating the sources with the default separator '|'.

Then activate the plugin:

	var gallery = new Elba( document.getElementById('your-carousel'), {
        	breakpoints: [
        			width: 768, // min-width
					src: 'data-src-medium'
	        		width: 1080, // min-width
	         		src: 'data-src-large'

###AMD USAGE Since it doesn't have dependencies, just write something like this:

require(['elba'], function(elba){
	var gallery = new Elba( document.getElementById('your-carousel'), {
		breakpoints: [
				width: 768, // min-width
				src: 'data-src-medium'
	        	width: 1080, // min-width
	         	src: 'data-src-large'

The width is referred to the width of the gallery container, that can be smaller than the screen, according to your taste


When you make a new Elba class instance, you can override defaults options by passing an object { ... } as the second argument to the constructor.

Available options:

Property Description Type DEFAULT
separator Separator between sources for normal screens and retina screens String '|'
breakpoints Array containing objects having width and src properties. If set to false Elba js will look for just the default data-src attribute Boolean/Array false
container Setting the parent container's class which will constrain the slide size String 'elba-wrapper'
error Callback function in case of image unsuccesful load. //TODO Boolean/Function false
success Callback function in case of image succesful load. //TODO Boolean/Function false
duration The duration of the sliding animation. Expressed in milliseconds Number 1000
easing The easing of the animation. You can pick among 24 pre-set easings: String 'easeInOutCubic'
navigation Whether to set or not the arrows for the navigation Boolean true
dots Whether to set or not the dots for the navigation Boolean true
dotsContainer Append the dots to a custom HTML element by passing its ID Boolean/String false
slideshow Interval between any slide. Set 0 to disable slideshow. Expressed in milliseconds Number 10000
preload Number of pictures you want to load after the visible one has been loaded Number 1

###List of predefined easings

  1. easeInSine
  2. easeOutSine
  3. easeInOutSine
  4. easeInQuad
  5. easeOutQuad
  6. easeInOutQuad
  7. easeInCubic
  8. easeOutCubic
  9. easeInOutCubic
  10. easeInQuart
  11. easeOutQuart
  12. easeInOutQuart
  13. easeInQuint
  14. easeOutQuint
  15. easeInOutQuint
  16. easeInExpo
  17. easeOutExpo
  18. easeInOutExpo
  19. easeInCirc
  20. easeOutCirc
  21. easeInOutCirc
  22. easeInBack
  23. easeOutBack
  24. easeInOutBack


	var gallery = new Elba( document.getElementById('your-carousel'), 
					//Whatever options 

	* Goes to the next slide.
	* @param {String}

	* Goes to the previous slide.
	* @param {String}

	* Goes to the xth slide.
	* @param {Number} starting from 1 to the [lenght]

	* Starts the slideshow.

	* This method temporarly stops the slideshow,
	* which is restarted after a click on a navigation button.

	* This method permanently stops the slideshow.

	* This function returns the current index of the slideshow
	* @return {Number}


Not tested yet, but working on all modern browser, IE9+.


###v 0.3.1 Starting tests

###v 0.3.0 Initial release with touch events and drag events enabled

###v 0.2.0 Refactoring, conditional loading, active slideshow only if in viewport

###v 0.1.1 AMD ready

###v 0.1 Initial release


  • Better API
  • Better touch events
  • Better Tests