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File metadata and controls

25 lines (15 loc) · 1.14 KB

The database DDL & DML for illa-builder-backend repo

Database DML & DDLs

-- init illa_builder
create database illa_builder;
\c illa_builder;
create user illa_builder with encrypted password 'illa2022';
grant all privileges on database illa_builder to illa_builder;
-- apps
create table if not exists apps (
id bigserial not null primary key,
uid uuid default gen_random_uuid() not null,
team_id bigserial not null,
name varchar(200) not null,
release_version bigint not null,
mainline_version bigint not null,
config jsonb,
created_at timestamp not null,
created_by bigint not null,
updated_at timestamp not null,
updated_by bigint not null,
edited_by jsonb
alter table apps owner to illa_builder;
-- app_snapshots
create table if not exists app_snapshots (
id bigserial not null primary key,
uid uuid default gen_random_uuid() not null,
team_id bigserial not null,
app_ref_id bigserial not null,
target_version bigint not null,
trigger_mode smallint not null,
modify_history jsonb,
created_at timestamp not null
alter table app_snapshots owner to illa_builder;
-- resource
create table if not exists resources (
id bigserial not null primary key,
uid uuid default gen_random_uuid() not null,
team_id bigserial not null,
name varchar(200) not null,
type smallint not null,
options jsonb,
created_at timestamp not null,
created_by bigint not null,
updated_at timestamp not null,
updated_by bigint not null
alter table resources owner to illa_builder;
-- actions
create table if not exists actions (
id bigserial not null primary key,
uid uuid default gen_random_uuid() not null,
team_id bigserial not null,
version bigint not null,
resource_ref_id bigint not null,
app_ref_id bigint not null,
name varchar(255) not null,
type smallint not null,
transformer jsonb not null,
trigger_mode varchar(16) not null,
template jsonb,
config jsonb,
created_at timestamp not null,
created_by bigint not null,
updated_at timestamp not null,
updated_by bigint not null
create index if not exists actions_at_apprefid_and_version on actions (app_ref_id, version);
alter table actions owner to illa_builder;
ALTER TABLE actions DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS actions_displayname_constrainte,
ADD CONSTRAINT actions_displayname_constrainte UNIQUE (version, app_ref_id, name);
-- tree_states, component tree_states
create table if not exists tree_states (
id bigserial not null primary key,
uid uuid default gen_random_uuid() not null,
team_id bigserial not null,
state_type smallint not null,
parent_node_ref_id bigint not null,
children_node_ref_ids jsonb,
app_ref_id bigint not null,
version bigint not null,
name text not null,
content jsonb not null,
created_at timestamp not null,
created_by bigint not null,
updated_at timestamp not null,
updated_by bigint not null
CREATE INDEX tree_states_at_apprefid_and_version_and_statetype ON tree_states (app_ref_id, version, state_type);
CREATE INDEX tree_states_at_parentnoderefid ON tree_states (parent_node_ref_id);
CREATE INDEX tree_states_at_childrennoderefids ON tree_states (children_node_ref_ids);
CREATE INDEX tree_states_with_gin_at_childrennoderefids ON tree_states USING gin (children_node_ref_ids);
CREATE INDEX tree_states_with_gin_at_name ON tree_states USING gin (name);
CREATE INDEX tree_states_with_fulltextgin_at_name ON tree_states USING gin (to_tsvector('english', name));
ALTER TABLE tree_states DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS tree_states_displayname_constrainte,
ADD CONSTRAINT tree_states_displayname_constrainte UNIQUE (version, app_ref_id, name);
alter table tree_states owner to illa_builder;
-- kv_states, component kv_states
create table if not exists kv_states (
id bigserial not null primary key,
uid uuid default gen_random_uuid() not null,
team_id bigserial not null,
state_type smallint not null,
app_ref_id bigint not null,
version bigint not null,
key text not null,
value jsonb not null,
created_at timestamp not null,
created_by bigint not null,
updated_at timestamp not null,
updated_by bigint not null
CREATE INDEX kv_states_at_apprefid_and_version_and_statetype ON kv_states (app_ref_id, version, state_type);
CREATE INDEX kv_states_with_gin_at_key ON kv_states USING gin (key);
CREATE INDEX kv_states_with_fulltextgin_at_key ON kv_states USING gin (to_tsvector('english', key));
ALTER TABLE kv_states DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS kv_states_displayname_constrainte,
ADD CONSTRAINT kv_states_displayname_constrainte UNIQUE (version, app_ref_id, key);
alter table kv_states owner to illa_builder;
-- set_states, component set_states
create table if not exists set_states (
id bigserial not null primary key,
uid uuid default gen_random_uuid() not null,
team_id bigserial not null,
state_type smallint not null,
app_ref_id bigint not null,
version bigint not null,
value text not null,
created_at timestamp not null,
created_by bigint not null,
updated_at timestamp not null,
updated_by bigint not null
CREATE INDEX set_states_at_apprefid_and_version_and_statetype ON set_states (app_ref_id, version, state_type);
CREATE INDEX set_states_with_gin_at_value ON set_states USING gin (value);
CREATE INDEX set_states_with_fulltextgin_at_value ON set_states USING gin (to_tsvector('english', value));
ALTER TABLE set_states DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS set_states_displayname_constrainte,
ADD CONSTRAINT set_states_displayname_constrainte UNIQUE (version, app_ref_id, value);
alter table set_states owner to illa_builder;