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Getting Started

The entire setup guide is here.


These are the functions you can use when developing your own ships.

Table of contents


Ship Class

Initial Ship Properties

You have a total of 10 points to distribute amongst the four properties. These methods must be called in the constructor of the ship class.

initializeName(String name)

  • String name: String name of your ship
  • Returns: void

initializeOwner(String owner)

  • String owner: String name of the person who created the ship
  • Returns: void

initializeHull(int hull)

  • int hull: The number of hits a ship can sustain.
  • Returns: void

initializeFirepower(int firepower)

  • int firepower: The number of shots a ship can make in a turn.
  • Returns: void

initializeSpeed(int speed)

  • int speed: The number of spaces the ship can move on a turn, movement is limited to NORTH, SOUTH, WEST, EAST.
  • Returns: void

initializeRange(int range)

  • int range: The (squared) radius in which a ship can fire at.
  • Returns: void
public class SampleShip extends Ship {
    // constructor method are called once when a new object is instantiated(created)
    public SampleShip() {
        this.initializeName("Boaty McBoatFace");
        // 10 points to distribute among the methods below

Ship Actions

Protected Methods

These methods can only be called by the ship they belong to.

doTurn(Arena arena);

The code you put this method will be run each turn to instruct ship behavior. Use data from the battlefield given by the Arena object to perform different actions.

  • Arena arena: Arena object used to get battlefield information
  • Returns: void
protected void doTurn(Arena arena) {
    // instruction for ship behavior here

move(Arena arena, Direction direction)

Move ship in a give direction if there are remaining moves available, the spot is not taken by another ship or considered outside of the game boundary.

  • Arena arena: arena for the game; can be used to get battlefield information
  • Direction direction: direction to move in (NORTH, SOUTH, WEST, EAST)
  • Returns: void
protected void doTurn(Arena arena) {
    // instruction for ship behavior here
    int numMoves = this.getRemainingMoves();

    while(numMoves > 0) {
        // move north, west until there's only one turn left
        this.move(arena, Direction.NORTH);
        this.move(arena, Direction.WEST);
        // update the number of turn remaining
        numMoves = this.getRemainingMoves();
    this.move(arena, Direction.EAST);

fire(Arena arena, int x, int y)

Fire at given coordinates if there are remaining shots available.

  • Arena arena: arena for the game
  • int x: x coordinate to fire at
  • int y: y coordinate to fire at
  • Returns: void
protected void doTurn(Arena arena) {
    // instruction for ship behavior here, 1, 3);

    // get a list of nearby ships
    List<Ship> targets = this.getNearbyShips(arena);
    // access the list if there are any nearby ships
    if (targets.size() > 0) {
        // get the first ship in the targets list
        Ship ship = targets.get(0);
        Coord location = ship.getCoord();
        int x = location.getX();
        int y = location.getY();, x, y);

Public Methods

These methods can be called on any ship.

[Deprecated] getShipCoord(Arena arena, Ship ship)

Get the coordinates of another ship if it is within the range of your ship.

  • Note: You do not have to use this method because you can now get the coordinates of any ship, even if it is outside the range of your ship.
  • Arena arena: takes an arena object
  • Ship ship: another ship
  • Returns: Coord

getNearbyShips(Arena arena)

Returns a list of ships (exclusing your own) that are within the range of your ship.

  • Arena arena: takes an arena object
  • Returns: List

Q: "What do the angle brackets mean?"

A: These are called "generics." You can use Lists to store any kind of object. So the way to read List<Ship> out loud is: "a List of Ship objects."

protected void doTurn(Arena arena) {
    // instruction for ship behavior here, 1, 3);

    // get a list of nearby ships
    List<Ship> targets = this.getNearbyShips(arena);

    // loop over all nearby ships
    for (int index = 0; index < targets.size(); index += 1) {
        Ship shipInfo = targets.get(index);
        System.out.println("One nearby ship has " + shipInfo.getHealth() + " HP left.");

    System.out.println("There are " + targets.size() + " number of nearby ships");

    // if there is atleast one nearby ships
    if (targets.size() > 0) {
        // get the first ship in the list
        Ship first = targets.get(0);
        // get the fourth ship in the list
        Ship fourth = targets.get(0);

Methods that can be used on any ship


Get the coordinate of your ship, check out the Coord class for more information.

  • Note: You can now get the coordinates of any ship, even if it is outside the range of your ship.
  • Returns: Coord

Example of getting x and y from Coord object

Coord coord = this.getCoord():
int x = coord.getX();
int y = coord.getY();
System.out.println("My ship is at (" + x + ", " + y + ").");

isSameTeamAs(Ship other)

Check if another ship is on the same team as the ship calling this method.

  • Ship other: another ship to compare
  • Returns: boolean

Example of checking if a ship is on your team:

List<Ship> nearby = this.getNearbyShips(arena);
for (int i = 0; i < nearby.size(); i++) {
    Ship other = nearby.get(i);
    boolean isOnMyTeam = this.isSameTeamAs(other);
    if (isOnMyTeam) {
        System.out.println("This ship is on my team!");
    } else {
        System.out.println("This ship is an enemy.");

Example of checking if two different ships are on the same team as each other:

Ship first = nearby.get(0);
Ship second = nearby.get(1);
if (first.isSameTeamAs(second)) {
    System.out.println("These two ships are conspiring with each other.");
} else {
    System.out.println("These two ships are not friends with each other.");


Get the number of moves a ship has left on this turn.

  • Returns: int


Get the number of shots a ship has left on this turn.

  • Returns: int


Get whether or not the ship has sunk

  • Returns: boolean


Get the name of a ship.

  • Returns: String


Get the name of the owner of a ship.

  • Returns: String


Get the number of hits a ship has remaining before it sinks.

  • Returns: int


Get the hull strength of a ship.

  • Returns: int


Get the firepower of a ship.

  • Returns: int


Get the speed of a ship.

  • Returns: int


Get the range of a ship.

  • Returns: int

Example Usage:

List<Ship> list = this.getNearbyShips(arena);
Ship enemy = list.get(0);
System.out.println("Enemy Ship: " + enemy.getName());
System.out.println("Firepower: " + enemy.getFirepower());

if (enemy.getSpeed() > this.getSpeed()) {
    System.out.println("The enemy ship will move before my ship.");
} else if (enemy.getSpeed() > this.getSpeed()) {
    System.out.println("The enemy ship will move after my ship.");
} else {
    System.out.println("The enemy ship might move before or after my ship.");

int hitsTaken = enemy.getHull() - enemy.getHealth();
System.out.println("Enemy has taken " + hitsTaken + " hits.");

Arena Class


Returns a list of ships in the arena that have not yet sunk.

  • Returns: List


Returns a list of ships, whether or not they have sunk.

  • Returns: List

isInRange(Ship a, Ship b)

Determines if ship b is within the range of ship a.

  • Ship a: ship to check range from
  • Ship b: ship to check for
  • Returns: boolean


Get horizontal size of arena.

  • Returns: int


Get vertical size of arena.

  • Returns: int

Example of map size usage

Coord myShipLocation = this.getCoord();
// if current x location plus one is equal to the size of the map
// then we have reached the EAST edge of the map
if (myShipLocation.getX() + 1 == arena.getXSize()) {
    this.move(arena, Direction.WEST);
// similar example but uses y location and a variable to store the values
int shipYLocation = myShipLocation.getY();
// if current y location minus one is equal to zero
// then we have reached the NORTH edge of the map
if (shipYLocation - 1 == 0) {
    this.move(arena, Direction.SOUTH);


Get the number of this turn.

  • Returns: int


Get the number of ships that are currently alive in the arena.

  • Returns: int


Get the random object for the arena. Do not create your own random objects, use this object for any randomness.

  • Returns: Random

Examples of common random methods:

// Get a random integer between 0 (inclusive) and 4 (exclusive)
int i = arena.getRandom().nextInt(4);
// Get a random double between 0.0 and 1
double d = arena.getRandom().nextDouble();
// Get a random object from a list
List<Ship> list = this.getNearbyShips(arena);
int index = arena.getRandom().nextInt(list.size());
Ship r = list.get(index);

Coord Class

public int getX()

gets the x location of a coordinate object

  • returns: int

public int getY()

gets the y location of a coordinate object

  • returns: int

Full Example of a simple ship

// doTurn Example, place in your ship class
protected void doTurn(Arena arena) {
    // your implementation of a ship

    // gets the current location of the ship
    Coord coord = this.getCoord();
    int x = coord.getX();
    int y = coord.getY();

    if (x > 8) {
        this.move(arena, Direction.WEST);
    else if (x < 2) {
        this.move(arena, Direction.EAST);
    else if (y > 8) {
        this.move(arena, Direction.NORTH);
    else if (y < 2) {
        this.move(arena, Direction.SOUTH);
    else {
        // make a list of all the location, and store it in a variable
        Direction[] possibleMovement = {Direction.NORTH, Direction.SOUTH, Direction.WEST, Direction.EAST};

        // get a random number and store it in a variable
        int randomNumber = arena.getRandom().nextInt(4)

        // get a random movement by using the random number to access one possibleMovement
        this.move(arena, possibleMovement[randomNumber]);

    // ship using this instruction will fire at location (x: 0, y: 0) each turn, 0, 0);