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File metadata and controls

87 lines (75 loc) · 3.59 KB

Lunar Vim Keys

Lunar vim is a dramework for neovim which is a terminal text editor.

This is a list full of lunarvim keybinds and commands. Few of these keys are specific to my configratuon, thus a braket is next to it to suggest the actual command/ keys. If you would like you can cutomize it and anything else in the config.lua


Leader is a key to initlize some commands, in this config is the 'spacebar', you can customise it to be '/' if you would like.

In this document it is addressed as <leader>

Also a neat feature about lunar vim is pressing the <leader> will opena pane after 1 second which shows all the commands mapped to it (with descriptions), pressing one will run it or if it has a sub command it will show more commands. Try doing <leader>-g to show all the git commands.


  • i: insert text mode.
  • I: Insert at start of line.
  • v: selection mode (visual mode).
  • Ctrl+Alt+up/down (ctrl+v): Block selection mode, follow it by a I type your change and esc to do multiline editing.
  • o: insert new line bellow.
  • O: insert new line above.
  • a: enter after the cursor.
  • A: go to end of the line.
  • c: after doing visual selection, deletes text and enters insert mode.
  • Arrowkeys: move around.
  • b: move to start of the word currently on.
  • n (e): move to end of the word currently on.


  • ctrl+s (:w/ <leader>w): save.
  • shift+x (:q/ <leader>q): close current buffer.
  • :qa: close all buffer (quit).
  • ctrl+c (:Gen): opens a ai chat window to talk to, when run on selection it sends the selection to the ai. (make sure ollama is installed on the system).
  • <leader>f: opens Telesocpe file finder.
  • q:: see vim command history.
  • :Oil: opens oil.nvim buffer file manager, reffer to project for more details.
  • :Glow: opens a preview of the current markdown file.
  • :Beacon: highlights where the cursor is.


  • ctrl+t: terminal (popup).
  • alt+1: bottom terminal.
  • alt+2: side terminal.
  • alt+3: popup terminal.


  • y: copy (visual mode).
  • x: cut (visual mode).
  • c: delete and insert (visual mode).
  • ctrl+shift+v (p): paste.
  • shift+p: paste before the cursor.
  • d: delete.
  • shift+z ("_d): delete (do not put in clipboard) (visual mode).
  • tab (>): indent (visual mode).
  • shift+tab (<): unindent (visual mode).
  • <number[optional]>gcc: automaticly comment out or in a line or <number> of lines down.
  • .: replays last change.

Find and Replace

  • /<search>: searches buffer for
    • m (/): moves to next result
    • shift+M (?): moves to previous result
    • :noh: stops search and removes highlights.
    • gn: selects in visual mode the search.
  • *: searches buffer for the current word under the cursor. The use like normal search
  • :%s/<search>/<replace>/g: searches the whole buffer for <search> and replaces it with <repalce>. % sets it to the whole buffer. Adding c to the end adds a confirmation to all the replacements.


  • shift+h (<leader>bb): prev tab.
  • shift+h (<leader>bn): next tab.
  • <leader>c: close tab.
  • <leader>bj: jump to tab.
  • :tabnew <filename>: new file in a new tab with <filename> as the filename.

Window (Buffer)

  • ctrl+left/right: increase/decrese size horizontly.
  • ctrl+up/down: increase/decrese size verticaly.
  • ctrl+m (:WinShift): rearange buffers (reference the winshift plugin).


  • <leader>g: open up git menu
  • <leader>gg: open up lazygit refer to lazygit plugin for usage.


  • ctrl++: scale window bigger.
  • ctrl+-: scale window smaller.