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FullScreenCardViewPager for Android

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Endless full-screen card ViewPager inspired by apple iBook for Android.

✅ We are open to any new feature request, bug fix request, and pull request.


Endless cards Scale on scroll up Float actionbar
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  • Scale cards on scroll up.
  • Endless (from server or database).
  • Show loading card.
  • Floating actionbar.
  • Save position when fragments are changed or onConfigurationChanged() called.
  • Lock horizontal scroll after card expanded.
  • Push side cards on card scale.
  • Support RTL.
  • Support java and kotlin projects.
  • Easy to use (3 tiny steps).
  • Support API > 16.

How to install? Maven Central

Add the following line to the app-level build.gradle file, in dependencies scope:

dependencies {
    // add this line:
    implementation "com.dolatkia:full-screen-card-viewpager:1.0.0"

How to use it in 3 steps?

Our library is based on RecyclerView, we need a RecyclerView.Adapter for each card. So let's start:

Step 1

Add FullScreenCardViewPager to your Fragment/Activity layout xml file:

        android:layout_height="match_parent" />

Step 2

Create adapter class that extends fromFullScreenCardViewPagerAdapter and override 3 abstract methods:

class MyFullScreenCardViewPagerAdapter(private val activity: Activity) :
    FullScreenCardViewPagerAdapter(activity) {
    // list of products that you should fill it yourself
    private val productsList = arrayListOf<Product>()

    // you should create your own RecyclerView.Adapter<RecyclerView.ViewHolder> for each card with the given position
    //data in this adapter will save
    override fun getCardRecyclerViewAdapter(position: Int): RecyclerView.Adapter<RecyclerView.ViewHolder> {
        return InnerRecyclerAdapter(activity, position, productsList[position])

    // return number of cards (except loading card, loading card will add with the library)
    override fun getCardsCount(): Int {
        return productsList.size

    // return View.OnClickListener to call when close button clicked
    override fun getOnCloseClickListener(position: Int, context: Context): View.OnClickListener {
        return View.OnClickListener { activity.onBackPressed() }

productsList = list of products that you should fill it yourself, each product is for one card.
InnerRecyclerAdapter = is your custom RecyclerView.Adapter to display in each card. for more details see sample app.

Step 3

Set adapter created in step 2 for FullScreenCardViewPager created in step 1.

// set customize adapter to fullScreenCardViewPager
// 0 = start position
// adapter = your customize adapter (for more details see sample app)
adapter = MyFullScreenCardViewPagerAdapter(this)
binding.fullScreenCardViewPager.setAdapter(adapter, 0)

All done :)

Some other settings and customization:

Action bar:

If you need actionbars for cards override these two methods in your adapter:

// create and return actionbar view
override fun onCreateActionBarCustomView(): View {
  return ItemActionbarBinding.inflate(activity.layoutInflater).root

// update actionbar view with relevant data
override fun onBindActionBarCustomView(position: Int, customView: View) {
  ("Beautiful Chair " + (position + 1).toString()).also {
    ItemActionbarBinding.bind(customView).title.text = it

Endless cards:

override these two methods in your adapter:

override fun hasMoreData(): Boolean {
  return true
  // return true if you have endless cards and your data is incomplete,
  // return false if you don't have endless cards or you get all data or 

// load data (from server or db) in this method and add it to the adapter
// you should  manage your load data sequence yourself
override fun loadData() {
     // call this method when new data is ready
    1000 // value in milliseconds

Save positions:

To save cards position and inner card scroll position when fragments are changed or onConfigurationChange() called (land<->portrate), Just create customize FullScreenCardViewPagerAdapter instance in onCreate() method of the fragment to avoid recreate it. for more information see the sample app. Demo

RTL (Right To Left) scroll:

call setRTL() method of fullScreenCardViewPager ,before set it's adapter

// setAdapter() after setRtl()
binding.fullScreenCardViewPager.setAdapter(adapter, 0)

setRTL() doesn't work properly on API 28, contact me for the solution.

Customize UI:

To customize UI override these methods in your adapter:

// customize distance from top to enter actionbar
open fun getActionBarStartAnimationOffsetThreshold(
  recyclerView: RecyclerView,
  customActionBarView: View?
  ): Int {
  return PresentationUtils.convertDpToPixel(50, recyclerView.context)

// customize cards background-color
open fun getCardsColor(position: Int, context: Context): Int {
  return Color.parseColor("#ffffff")

// customize cards top-radius 
open fun getCardRadius(context: Context): Int {
  return PresentationUtils.convertDpToPixel(15, context)

// customize close icon
open fun getCloseResId(position: Int, context: Context): Int {
  return R.drawable.ic_close

// customize close color
open fun getCloseColor(position: Int, context: Context): Int {
  return Color.parseColor("#444444")

More Demo

Inner card horizontal scroll Save position
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