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STOMP Client

STOMPClient is used to connect to and communicate with the message broker. Here is how to create a client object and connect it to the Broker:

Using STOMP Client

Connecting to the Broker

import stompy

port = 61613
host = ""
client = stompy.connect((host, port))

connect() function arguments


Reading messages using iterator

import stompy

port = 61613
host = ""
client = stompy.connect((host, port))


for frame in client:
    command = frame.Command
    headers = frame.headers()               # copy of the headers array
    source = frame["source"]                # headers can be accessed via mapping interface
    option = frame.get("option", "none")
    destination = frame.destination         # convenience, same as frame["destination"]
    body_as_bytes = frame.Body
    body_as_text = frame.text               # decoded with UTF-8
    # ... process frame

# iterator stops when the connection closes

Reading messages using recv()

frame = client.recv()
while frame is not None:
    # ... process frame
    if ...:
    frame = client.recv()

Reading messages using callback

def process_message(client, frame):
    # process message received by the client
    if ...:
        return frame     # non-False return will stop the loop()

last_frame = client.loop(callback = process_message)

The loop method can have zero or more positional arguments. First positional arguments will be the callback. The remaining positional arguments will be passed as positional arguments to the callback in addition to the client and the frame. The method accepts 2 optional keyword arguments:


str, transaction ID to associate with all the ACKs and NACKs sent automatically during the loop


numeric, time-out used to receive individual frames. In case of time-out, STOMPTimeout exception will be raised

Additional keyword arguments can be specified. They will be passed to the callback as is.

For example:

client.loop()                       # loop until disconnection without calling any callback

def my_callback_1(client, frame):   # no additional arguments
    if ...:
        return True
client.loop(my_callback_1)          # loop until my_callback_1 returns True

def my_callback_2(client, frame, param1, param2, param3=None):  # 2 positional and 1 keyword arguments
    if ...:
        return True
client.loop(my_callback_2, param1_value, param2_value, param3="hello")

def my_callback_3(client, frame, param1, param2, param3=None):  # 2 positional and 1 keyword arguments
    if ...:
        return True
client.loop(my_callback_3, param1_value, param2_value, transaction="txn", timeout=10.0, param3="hello")

The loop() method will run the client in the loop, receiving frames from the broker, calling the callback, if present. The loop() will return once the callback (if any) returns something which evaluates to True or the connection closes. The loop() will return the last value returned by the callback or None if the loop stopped due to the disconnection.

Waiting for a receipt

def wait_for_receipt(_, frame, receipt):
    # process message received by the client
    return frame is not None and frame.Command == "RECEIPT" and frame["receipt-id"] == receipt

closed = client.loop(wait_for_receipt, receipt="the-receipt") == None

Sending ACKs/NACKs

client = stompy.connect((host, port))

client.subscribe("/queue/Q", send_acks = False)         # disable auto-sending ACKs

for frame in client:
    if frame.Command == "MESSAGE" and "ack" in frame:
        if ...:

Sending messages and other frames

client = stompy.connect((host, port))
        body="Hello there",                         # can by bytes or str
        source=str(os.getpid())                     # custom header
client.message("/queue/Q", "Hello there", source=str(os.getpid()))       # same as above

Sending messages and waiting for receipt

client = stompy.connect((host, port))
my_receipt = client.message("/queue/Q", "Hello there", receipt=True)       # will generate and return receipt-id

def wait_for_receipt(_, frame, receipt):
    # process message received by the client
    return frame is not None and frame.Command == "RECEIPT" and frame["receipt-id"] == receipt

if client.loop(wait_for_receipt, receipt=my_receipt):
    # receipt received
    # connection closed


client = stompy.connect((host, port))
transaction = client.transaction()
trnsaction.message("/queue/Q", "Message part #1")
trnsaction.message("/queue/Q", "Message part #2")
receipt = transaction.commit(receipt=True)

# wait for receipt
if client.loop(wait_for_receipt, receipt=receipt):
    # receipt received
    # connection closed

STOMPClient object methods


connect(self, addr_list, login=None, passcode=None, headers={}, **kv_headers)


STOMPTransaction object

STOMPClient.transaction() method returns STOMPTransaction object, which has the following methods:


STOMPFrame object

STOMPFrame object represents a STOMP frame received from the Broker
