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Sample Works - Laravel Vuejs Sample

This repository contains the Laravel 5.7 Vuejs version API with Bootstrap View Integration

##Cloning To clone the TMS project to your local machine, run the following command

git clone --recursive -b master /your_desired_location

This will also clone the submodules attached to this project. The submodules will clone from the dev-master branch, in a detached state.

To develop these modules, you need to switch them to the dev-master branches:

cd /var/www/ git checkout dev-master

Do the same for workbench/sample-works/email-worker.

Once done, please run

git config core.fileMode false

from the root of the project, as well as the following two folders:

  • workbench/sample-works/sms-worker
  • workbench/sample-works/email-worker

This will prevent git from tracking file mode changes made with chmod.

##File Permissions and Ownerships

To make sure the file permissions are correct, a script is supplied, available at ./bin/ Make the file executable by running:

sudo chmod +x ./bin/

from the project root. When done, run the script as follows:


Do not run this as root or via sudo, the script will request your root password where needed. This script changes the ownerships to your account, which it gets from the whoami command, and tries to figure out your Apache group, and sets the folders to the group recursively.

The script will also make the required folders writeable.

##Composer When checking out the project, be sure to run

composer install to install the vendor libraries. These libraries have been excluded from the Git repository. Also run composer install from the submodule paths:

  • workbench/sample-works/sms-worker
  • workbench/sample-works/email-worker

otherwise these modules won't work.

##Bower Once you've run composer install, run

bower install to install the required JavaScript libraries.

##Configuration Files Some configuration files are excluded from the repository, as these are symlinked from the .envexample . This allows each developer to have their own private configuration files without overriding configurations from team members when these files are pushed.

Please do not commit and push your configuration files into the repository!

For your localhost, copy the following files:

  • $ cp .env.example into .env
  • $ cp .env.development into .env for Development Server

and edit them to suit your localhost configuration.

##Database Migration All that needs to be done now, is to run the database migration script from the project root.

./artisan migrate ./artisan db:seed ./artisan passport:install --force

##Deployment The project utilises codepipeline through github integration over AWS EBS.

##Npm Installation For build the frontend app simply run

npm install or npm run --watch ##Deployed Url http://localhost:8000 Or

##Redis Configuration

$ redis-server To Start Redis server

$ redis-cli check $ keys *

##Jenkins For Continuous Integration, a Jenkins server is available at Currently, the server only performs some standards checking using tools like phpcs, phpmd and phpcpd.