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AppCenter Release Manager

pub package License

Download appcenter updates straight from your iOS or Android app.

Use the predefined UI with the AppcenterReleaseManagerLatestReleases widget

Api Token should have read access only

    apiToken: 'your-api-token',
    ownerName: 'your-owner-name',
    appName: 'your-app-name',

Use the manager to create your custom ui. Should be used as a repository/service

Api Token should have read access only

  apiToken: 'your-api-token',

Install by url or release details:

Api Token should have read access only

final details = await AppCenterReleaseManager(apiToken: '').getLatestReleaseDetails('owner_name','app_name');
AppCenterReleaseManager(apiToken: '').installRelease(details, openAndroidInstallScreen: true, keepAndroidNotification: false);

Or by url Api Token should have read access only

final details = await AppCenterReleaseManager(apiToken: '').getLatestReleaseDetails('owner_name','app_name');
AppCenterReleaseManager(apiToken: '').installReleaseByUrl(details.installUrl, appName: 'your-app-name', appVersion: 'your-version', openAndroidInstallScreen: true, keepAndroidNotification: false); //appName & appVersion & openAndroidInstallScreen & keepAndroidNotification will be used in the notification on android. On iOS this is never used

Install Options

openAndroidInstallScreen -> On Android, this will open the install screen after the download is finished. On iOS this is never used

keepAndroidNotification -> On Android, this will keep the notification after the download is finished. On iOS this is never used If you use openAndroidInstallScreen: false -> keepAndroidNotification will automatically be set to true

Full access

If you also want to splits everything up by owner you need to provide a full access api token

Other available methods for the AppCenterReleaseManager:

Api Token should have read access only

AppCenterReleaseManager(apiToken: '').getUserDetails(); //global api token only

AppCenterReleaseManager(apiToken: '').getAllOrganizations(); //global api token only

AppCenterReleaseManager(apiToken: '').getAllApps(); //global api token only

AppCenterReleaseManager(apiToken: '').getAllApps(ownerName: 'owner_name'); //global api token only

AppCenterReleaseManager(apiToken: '').getReleases('owner_name','app_name'); //global/app api token only

AppCenterReleaseManager(apiToken: '').getReleaseDetails('owner_name','app_name', 'id'); //global/app api token only

AppCenterReleaseManager(apiToken: '').getLatestReleaseDetails('owner_name','app_name'); //global/app api token only

Android Production:

This package automaticly adds an extra permission to install apps from Android 8 & above.

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES" />

For most cases you don't want this permission in Production. To remove this. Add the following lines to the AndroidManifest.xml for the flavour/buildtype where you don't want this permission

<manifest xmlns:android=""

        tools:node="remove" />


In most cases you will place this in


But if you are using a flavour like prod, alpha, beta it will probably only be added here:


This will make sure that the permission is only removed in prod so you can still install updates in beta & alpha