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Contributing to the Secretless Broker

Thanks for your interest in the Secretless Broker. Before contributing, please take a moment to read and sign our Contributor Agreement. This provides patent protection for all Secretless Broker users and allows CyberArk to enforce its license terms. Please email a signed copy to

Table of Contents


Go version

To work in this codebase, you will want to have at least Go 1.11.4 installed.

Mercurial (hg)

Due to a dependency on k8s/client-go, our project requires that you have installed Mercurial (hg on the CLI) on your system.


$ brew install mercurial


# Alpine
$ apk add -u mercurial

# Debian-based
$ apt update
$ apt install mercurial

Pull Request Workflow

  1. Search the open issues in GitHub to find out what has been planned
  2. Select an existing issue or open an issue to propose changes or fixes
  3. Move the issue to "in progress" in Waffle as you work on it
  4. Run tests as described here, ensuring they pass
  5. Submit a pull request, linking the issue in the description
  6. Move the issue to "in review" in Waffle, ask another contributor to review and merge your code

Our is synchronized with GitHub and helps you navigate this workflow more easily.

In addition to technical workflow descriptions available in Waffle / GitHub, some of the project's technical design documents can be found in the project design folder.

Style guide

Use this guide to maintain consistent style across the Secretless Broker project.


First, clone If you're new to Go, be aware that Go can be very selective about where the files are placed on the filesystem. There is an environment variable called GOPATH, whose default value is ~/go. Secretless Broker uses go modules which require either that you clone this repository outside of your GOPATH or you set the GO111MODULE environment variable to on. We recommend cloning this repository outside of your GOPATH.

Once you've cloned the repository, you can build the Secretless Broker.

Docker containers

$ # From Secretless Broker repository root
$ ./bin/build

This should create a Docker container with tag secretless-broker:latest in your local registry.



$ # From Secretless Broker repository root
$ go build -o ./secretless-broker ./cmd/secretless-broker


$ # From Secretless Broker repository root
$ ./bin/build_darwin



  • Docker You need Docker to run the tests.

Build the project by running:

$ ./bin/build

Then run the test cases:

$ ./bin/test

If you are on a Mac, you may also test the OSX Keychain provider:

cd test/manual/keychain_provider/

This test will not be run as part of the test suite, since it requires access to the Mac OSX Keychain. You will be prompted for your password when running this test, as it temporarily adds a generic password to your account, and verifies that it can retrieve the value.

Kubernetes CRD loading test

cd test/manual/k8s_crds

This test currently does not run as part of the test suite.


Profiling can be used to monitor the impact of Secretless on CPU and Memory consumption. Currently, Secretless supports two types- CPU and Memory.


We've provided sample instructions below for profiling the PostgreSQL handler.

Note: If you are running through these instructions yourself, you'll want to replace <GOOS>/<GOARCH> with your particular operating system and compilation architecture.

  1. Build Secretless locally

  2. Run a Postgres backend named sample-pg:

    pushd test/pg_handler
      docker build -t sample-pg -f .
      docker run -d -p 5432:5432 sample-pg
  3. Check if Postgres is running and query the database:

    $ psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U test dbname=postgres -c "select count(*) from test.test;"
    (1 row)
  4. Create a sample secretless.yml file in the project root that has:

      - name: pg_tcp
        protocol: pg
      - name: pg_via_tcp
        listener: pg_tcp
          - name: address
            provider: env
            id: PG_ADDRESS
          - name: username
            provider: literal
            id: test
          - name: password
            provider: env
            id: PG_PASSWORD
  5. The type of profiling is explicitly defined in the initial command that runs Secretless. Run Secretless with the profile desired like so:

    $ PG_ADDRESS=localhost:5432/postgres \
        PG_PASSWORD=test \
        ./dist/<GOOS>/<GOARCH>/secretless-broker \
        -profile=<cpu or memory> \
        -f secretless.yml

    Note: The location of the binary may vary across different OS

  6. Once Secretless is running, the type of profiling defined in the previous step should state that it has been enabled. It should look something like:

    2018/11/21 10:17:13 profile: cpu profiling enabled, /var/folders/wy/f9qn852d5_d4s_g06s1kwjcr0000gn/T/profile789228879/cpu.pprof

    Note: The hash observed will be different each time a profile is run.

  7. Once the Postgres database and Secretless are spun up, query the database through Secretless by running the provided scripts.

    Script for CPU profile: ./bin/cpu_profiling

    Script for Memory profile: ./bin/memory_profiling

    Note: Ensure that these scripts are given the proper permissions to run

  8. Observe results in a PDF format by running:

    go tool pprof --pdf dist/<GOOS>/<GOARCH>/secretless-broker /var/path/to/cpu.pprof > file.pdf


Plugins can be used to extend the functionality of the Secretless Broker via a shared library in /usr/local/lib/secretless by providing a way to add additional:

  • Listener plugins
  • Handler plugins
  • Connection management plugins

Currently, these API definitions reside here and an example plugin can be found in the test/plugin directory.

You can read more about how to make plugins and the underlying architecture in the API directory.

Please note: Plugin API interface signatures and supported plugin API version(s) are currently under heavy development so they will be likely to change in the near future.


  1. Based on the unreleased content, determine the new version number and update the VERSION file.
  2. Run ./bin/prefill_changelog $(cat VERSION) to populate the changelog with the changes included in the release.
  3. Commit these changes - Bump version to x.y.z is an acceptable commit message.
  4. Once your changes have been reviewed and merged into master, tag the version using git tag -s v0.1.1. Note this requires you to be able to sign releases. Consult the github documentation on signing commits on how to set this up. vx.y.z is an acceptable tag message.
  5. Push the tag: git push vx.y.z (or git push origin vx.y.z if you are working from your local machine).
  6. From a clean checkout of master run ./bin/build_release to generate the release artifacts. Upload these to the GitHub release.