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Jeremy Kao edited this page Aug 15, 2015 · 2 revisions

Windows Store Apps

Take Twitter app as an example, even you do not have the source code.

First, install the app from Windows Store, and then try to find the package name of the app. In this case, it is 9E2F88E3.Twitter.

Some capabilities should/could be specified:

  • platformName - (Required) WindowsModern, which indicates the application under test (AUT) is a store app.
  • packageName - (Required) The package name of the app. Please note that it is not the application name visible to users.
  • resetStrategy - (Optional) The strategy of managing application state before a session starts and while closing the session. It defaults to fast reset (fastReset), that is to back up the initial state (or restore it) just before a session starts. Refer to Reset Strategies for more details.


from selenium.webdriver import Remote

desired_caps = {
    'platformName': 'WindowsModern',
    'packageName': '9E2F88E3.Twitter',
    # 'resetStrategy': 'fastReset'

driver = Remote('http://your-winappdriver-server:4444/wd/hub', desired_caps)

Then you can sign in:


In addition to the ID locator strategy used in this case, other locator strategies are also supported.

For your own store app, chances are that you have to test against the latest build comes from the CI system. In that case, just specify the URL to installation package, and even better the checksum for integrity checking.

desired_caps = {
    'platformName': 'WindowsModern',
    'app': 'http://your-build-server/path/to/your/',
    'packageName': 'your-app-package-name',
## How to find the package name of an app?

The package name should be declared in the name field in the Identity section of the package manifest file (package.appxmanifest.xml). For example:

<Identity Name="Microsoft.CoolWindowsStoreApp" ... />

If you do not have the source code at hand, you can install it and try to figure it out by querying installed apps with the help of PowerShell cmdlet Get-AppxPackage. Take Twitter app and the built-in store app as an example:

PS C:\> foreach ($app in Get-AppxPackage) { $app.Name }

Where you can find the package name of the built-in calculator is Microsoft.WindowsCalculator, and obviously 9E2F88E3.Twitter is the package name of Twitter app.

Please note that the value of this field is a generated GUID by default, and do not confuse it with the DisplayName filed in the Properties section.

For more details about the name of the package, please refer to Windows 8.1 Store apps: Contents of the package manifest.

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