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An attempt to better support Minecraft-related content for the Nix ecosystem


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nix-minecraft is an attempt to better package and support Minecraft as part of the Nix ecosystem. As of currently, it packages all versions of minecraft vanilla, along with all supported versions of the Fabric and Quilt loaders.


In your flake.nix:

  inputs = {
    nix-minecraft.url = "github:Infinidoge/nix-minecraft";

In your system configuration:

{ inputs, ... }: # Make sure the flake inputs are in your system's config
  # For the service module
  imports = [ inputs.nix-minecraft.nixosModules.minecraft-servers ];

  # For the package overlay, laid out as: `pkgs.nix-minecraft.PACKAGE`
  nixpkgs.overlays = [ inputs.nix-minecraft.overlays.default ];

From there, you can setup the service or use the packages, as described below.

There is also possibility of using this repo in a non-flake thanks to flake-compat using its outputs for packages.<system>.PACKAGE, nixosModules.nix-minecraft, and similar.


Vanilla servers


This repo contains all of the vanilla server versions, in the form of vanilla-version, where version is the Minecraft version (1.18, 1.12.2, 22w16b, etc), with all periods and spaces replaced with underscores (1_18, 1_12_2, etc).

For convenience, vanilla is equivalent to the latest stable version.


Or through the overlay:


Fabric servers


This repo contains all versions of the fabric loader, in the form of fabric-mcversion, the same format as how vanilla servers are versioned. You can also further specify any fabricversion you want by using an override: fabric-mcversion.override { loaderVersion = "fabricversion"; }. If this isn't specified, it will use the latest version.

The mcversion must be >=1.14 and the fabricversion must be >=0.13.0. The former is a limitation of Fabric, while the latter is the constraint put on the packaging lockfile to avoid exponential growth.

For convenience, fabric is equivalent to the latest stable Minecraft and Fabric loader versions.

fabric-1_18_2.override { loaderVersion = "0.14.3"; } # Specific fabric loader version

Or through the overlay:


Quilt servers


Quilt servers function the same as fabric servers, but with the Quilt mod loader.


Or though the overlay:





Module for hosting multiple servers at once.

TODO: Finish documentation of the module. In the meantime, see source.


This family of options govern individual servers, which will be created on boot.


This option is special in that it allows for declarative management of arbitrary things inside of the server's folder.

How it works is that it takes an attrset of derivations, and symlinks each derivation into place with the name of the attribute in the attrset.

For example,

  symlinks = {
    text-file = pkgs.writeTextFile {
      name = "text-file";
      text = "Some text";

Would symlink a file containing "Some text" into the server's folder.

This option is quite powerful, and can be used for a number of things, though most notably it can be used for declaratively setting up mods or plugins for the server.

This example takes a list of the IDs and hashes for Modrinth mods, fetches each one, and makes a folder containing those mods. (linkFarmFromDrvs is quite useful because it can take a list of derivations and produce a folder suitable for this purpose.)

  symlinks = {
    mods = pkgs.linkFarmFromDrvs "mods" [
      (builtins.fetchurl {
        name = "lithium-fabric.jar";
        url = "";
        sha256 = "0vw0bp4y5aw6x97n8kwm99c0hzhkbj3vfp6ixflxampacacd9fgk";
      (builtins.fetchurl {
        name = "starlight.jar";
        url = "";
        sha256 = "0hiscgm8s2na41ql9x6y5y49775dnhwq71msm8rsh9hkjj16dpgj";
      (builtins.fetchurl {
        name = "ferritecore-fabric.jar";
        url = "";
        sha256 = "0pakzs3mx43xzf5lmcb1rdp33f7zljyb4z88z4z1mvlmzzrc43n3";
      (builtins.fetchurl {
        name = "lazydfu.jar";
        url = "";
        sha256 = "1j3q4w974fd06q2w373wpg0mfra2wiiiwdsqvfl1kl2p7ckpffsg";
      (builtins.fetchurl {
        name = "krypton.jar";
        url = "";
        sha256 = "16hwhfkv44v4qhpsp1jrr7s1jca76y1yw4qniwr3f081miw7agv8";

A tip is that you can use nix-prefetch-url URL to generate the hash you need to put in. The name attribute can be set to be anything as long as it ends with .jar, but if you change the name you should write the command as nix-prefetch-url URL --name NAME.

If you want an easier alternative to this, you can look into packwiz and ferium as minecraft mod package managers. Both are currently packaged in nixpkgs, but require you to configure them outside of nix.

Testing a server

Change PACKAGE_NAME to the server you want to test. For example quilt-1_19 or vanilla-1_18_2.

nix shell .#PACKAGE_NAME.passthru.tests.minecraft-server.driver -c nixos-test-driver

Please file an issue if you do find a server which fails this test. We do not have the capacity to test every release of minecraft and its variants that we ship in this repo.


TODO: Finish documentation

This README file is incomplete, and doesn't fully describe the services.minecraft-servers module. Additionally, documentation should be added for the maintenance of the vanilla-servers, fabric-servers, and quilt-servers.


An attempt to better support Minecraft-related content for the Nix ecosystem







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  • Nix 65.3%
  • Python 34.7%