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Ansible Development Environment

An Ansible role to install and configure necessary softwares and toolings for the personal development environment in Vagrant boxes.

Currently, it supports:

  • Install and configure author information and ssh key pairs for git
  • Install Java (OpenJDK) and set JAVA_HOME
  • Install Maven and set M2_HOME
  • Install Docker
  • Install kubectl and configure it to connect to remote cluster
  • Install helm
  • Install httpie
  • Install MongoDB and configure it
  • Configure kubernetes cluster to insert private docker registry secret

It plans to support in the future:

  • Add tags to allow more granular control
  • Install Go, set GOROOT and set GOPATH
  • Install Gradle
  • Install and configure MariaDB
  • Install and configure Redis
  • Install and configure RabbitMQ


This role is solely designed for Ubuntu xenial Vagrant images. User may choose to define ops.secretDir variable, in which YAML files containing secret variables like user name and password will be placed. All other variables may be provided to the role via the vars key. For details, see the Role Variables section.

Configuration Options

Install Toggles

Install toggles to select which software package should be installed and configured.

Key Default
install.git true
install.* false

Example config to install git, java, maven and httpie:

  git: true
  java: true
  maven: true
  gradle: false
  go: false
  kubectl: false
  helm: false
  docker: false
  mongodb: false
  mariadb: false
  redis: false
  httpie: true

Configure Toggles

Configuration toggles will switch on and off which configuration actions to perform.

Key Default
configure.k8sPrivateRegistryImagePull false

Git Variables

When install.git is true, this role will perform its jobs related to git. If git.useExistingKey is set to true, this role will look for git.existingKeyPath and the corresponding public key (.pub) files and copy them to /home/vagrant/.ssh/ under the name git.keyName.

If git.useExistingKey is set to false, it will generate a new key pair using the name specified by git.keyName.

In addition, and must be provided. Since these are personal details are not suitable to be version track, users can choose to put it in the ops.secretDir directory and ignore it with version control.

Key Default
git.useExistingKey false
git.existingKeyPath /home/vagrant/from-host/ssh-keys/id_rsa
git.keyName id_rsa

Example config to use existing key pair call my_key and copy over as id_rsa:

  useExistingKey: true
  existingKeyPath: /home/vagrant/from-host/ssh-keys/my_key
  keyName: id_rsa

Java Variables

If is true, this role installs OpenJDK from apt-repository and sets up JAVA_HOME.

Key Default
java.version 8

Example config to install OpenJDK 8:

  version: 8

Maven Variables

If install.maven is true, this role downloads Maven archive, unarchives it and puts it to maven.home. It then creates a profile file to setup M2_HOME environment variable. In addition, if maven.forceReinstall is set to true, the role will attempt to uninstall existing installation first and install a fresh copy. This is useful when we want to upgrade Maven.

Key Default
maven.forceReinstall false
maven.version 3.5.2
maven.home /usr/lib/maven

Example config to downgrade to Maven 3.3.0:

  forceReinstall: true
  version: 3.3.0
  home: /usr/lib/maven

Docker Variables

Key Usage Default
docker.registryUrl identify registry user name no default
docker.user.password user password no default user email no default

Kubectl Variables

If install.kubectl is set to true, this role will try to install and configure kubectl. The script will only install kubectl when this is no existing installation of kubectl binary under kubectl.installDir. However, this behaviour can be overriden by kubectl.forceReinstall, which will perform uninstallation first and then a fresh installation. Note the the uninstallation process will also remove any config files at <kubectl.config.targetDir>/<>.

As for the configuration side, when kubectl.config.sourceFile is set, the script will just copy the config file at kubectl.config.sourceFile to <kubectl.config.targetDir>/<>. Otherwise, it will attempt to render the config file using variables defined under kubectl.config.props.*.

The options provided by kubectl.config.props.* is slightly more restrictive than a plain kubectl client config file. It assumes only one cluster, one context and one user, and therefore simplifies the list entries to only one options. This should fit most needs, however, if multiple user and multiple contexts are needed, user can always provide a complete config at kubectl.config.sourceFile.

Key Default
kubectl.forceReinstall false
kubectl.version 1.9.2
kubectl.installDir /usr/local/bin config
kubectl.config.targetDir /home/vagrant/.kube
kubectl.config.props.cluster.certificateAuthorityData blank
kubectl.config.props.cluster.insecureSkipTLSVerify false admin

When kubectl.config.sourceFile is not set, the following variables must be set:

  • kubectl.config.props.cluster.server
  • kubectl.config.props.user.password

Example configuration to install kubectl version 1.9.2 and configure it to target a home cluster.

  forceReinstall: false
  version: 1.9.2
  installDir: /usr/local/bin
    name: config
    targetDir: /home/vagrant/.kube
        name: juju-cluster
        certificateAuthorityData: ""
        insecureSkipTLSVerify: false
        name: juju-context
        name: admin
        password: redacted

Helm Variables

If install.helm is set to true, the script will attempt to install helm of version helm.version to helm.installDir. If helm.forceReinstall is set, the script will attempt to remove existing helm first.

Key Default
helm.forceReinstall false
helm.version 2.6.0
helm.installDir /usr/local/bin

Example config to install helm:

  forceReinstall: false
  version: 2.6.0
  installDir: /usr/local/bin

Mongo Variables

If install.mongo is set to true, the script will attempt to install mongoDB. However, the script will skip if MongoDB is already installed. During configuration, if mongo.config.sourceFile is set, the script will copy the file to mongo.config.targetFile; otherwise, it will try to render the config file using values under mongo.config.props.*. The script will restart MongoDB after config file is in place.

If mongo.auth.enabled is set to true, the script will create an admin database user under the name mongo.auth.user and password mongo.auth.password with roles mongo.auth.roles. Please note that this is not the database user you may wanna connect to. To connect to a custom database, you still have to login to MongoDB and do something like:

use newDB
db.createUser({user: "tom", pwd: "s3cret", roles:[{role:"readWrite",db:"newDB"}]})
Key Default
mongo.version 3.6
mongo.config.targetFile /etc/mongod.conf
mongo.config.props.port 27017
mongo.config.props.ip listOf(
mongo.auth.enabled false
mongo.auth.roles readWriteAnyDatabase

Example config to install MongoDB and configure it listen for requests on both and interface.

  version: 3.6
    targetFile: /etc/mongod.conf
      port: 27017

k8sPrivateRegistryImagePull Variables

k8sPrivateRegistryImagePull task configures a kubernetes docker registry Secret object in the cluster with the specified parameters:

Key Usage
k8sPrivateRegistryImagePull.namespace The K8S namespace to create the secret, defaulted
kubectl.config.targetDir The directory for the kubectl config file, defaulted The kubectl config file name, defaulted
k8sPrivateRegistryImagePull.secretName The name for the registry secret, defaulted
docker.registryUrl docker registry url, defaulted docker username, user specified
docker.user.password docker password, user specified docker email, user specified

Here are the default values:

Key Default
k8sPrivateRegistryImagePull.namespace default
k8sPrivateRegistryImagePull.secretName regsecret

Other Variables

Key Default Use
ops.downloadDir /tmp used for downloading temporary files
ops.secretDir no default directory, if defined, used to put secret YAML files