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File metadata and controls

49 lines (41 loc) · 1.93 KB

Validation model

The following pseudocode shows how to verify and extract metadata about a single artifact from a single attestation. The expectation is that consumers will feed the resulting metadata into a policy engine.

TODO: Explain how to process multiple artifacts and/or multiple attestations.


  • artifactToVerify: blob of data
  • attestation: JSON-encoded [Envelope]
  • recognizedAttesters: collection of (name, publicKey) pairs
  • acceptableDigestAlgorithms: collection of acceptable cryptographic hash algorithms (usually just sha256)


  • Envelope layer:
  • envelope := decode attestation as a JSON-encoded [Envelope]; reject if decoding fails
    • attesterNames := empty set of names
    • For each signature in envelope.signatures:
      • For each (name, publicKey) in recognizedAttesters:
      • Optional: skip if signature.keyid does not match publicKey
        • If signature.sig matches publicKey:
          • Add name to attesterNames
    • Reject if attesterNames is empty
  • Intermediate state: envelope.payloadType, envelope.payload, attesterNames
  • Statement layer:
    • Reject if envelope.payloadType != application/
    • statement := decode envelope.payload as a JSON-encoded [Statement]; reject if decoding fails
    • Reject if statement.type !=
    • matchedSubjects := the subset of entries s in statement.subject where:
      • there exists at least one (alg, value) in s.digest where:
        • alg is in acceptableDigestAlgorithms AND
        • hash(alg, artifactToVerify) == hexDecode(value)
    • Reject if matchedSubjects is empty

Output (to be fed into policy engine):

  • statement.predicateType
  • statement.predicate
  • matchedSubjects
  • attesterNames