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File metadata and controls

150 lines (98 loc) · 5.57 KB
.. currentmodule:: tool.VRE_Tool

Creating a tool

Before you start creating your tool, the basic entity Tool of the basic_modules from the openvre-tool-api library is imported.

from basic_modules.tool import Tool

The Tool is the core element to running an application within the VRE. It defines the procedures that need to happen to prepare the data along with the application to run over chunks of data provided. An application can be either a piece of code that is written in Python or R that is run with given chunks of data or defined parameters. The results are then returned to the calling method :meth:`~tool.VRE_Tool.myTool.toolExecution()`.

All tools contain at least a run() method which takes the input files, defined output files, and relevant metadata. Returned by the run method is the output files and their metadata.

All the tools should be placed within the tools directory within the package.

Your first myTool

Use the tool/ script as a template to create you new tool.

The script contains myTool a class that you can define to run your application. You must define the location of your application to run, e.g. /example/

You can see the first lines of myTool class saved in a file named under the tool/ directory from the project’s top level folder. In this class, we define the application we want to run using the wrapper. The application can be implemented in different programming languages, such as Python or R, taking into account how to execute it. To see how to execute your application see Command line tool and Adding software dependencies sections.

class myTool(Tool):
    This class define <myTool> Tool.
    DEFAULT_KEYS = ['execution', 'project', 'description']
    """config.json default keys"""
    PYTHON_SCRIPT_PATH = "/example/"

... (omitted for brevity)

myTool class defines two attributes and some methods. Specifically:

Adding input files

If your application expects one or more input files, you must add them as follows in the method :meth:`~tool.VRE_Tool.myTool.toolExecution()`:

input_file_1 = input_files.get('hello_file')
if not os.path.isabs(input_file_1):
    input_file_1 = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.parent_dir, input_file_1))

For each input file, you must add a new variable. The VRE works with absolute paths and as you can see, it is preferable to check if the directory is absolute or not; which in case it is not, becomes absolute.

Adding arguments

If your application expects one or more arguments, you must add them as follows in the method :meth:`~tool.VRE_Tool.myTool.toolExecution()`:

argument_1 = self.arguments.get('username')
if argument_1 is None:
    errstr = "argument_1 must be defined."
    raise Exception(errstr)

For each argument, you must add a new variable and validate their importation from openVRE configuration file (config.json) to ensure the execution of the application.

Adding output files

If your application expects one or more output files, you must add them as follows in the method :meth:`~tool.VRE_Tool.myTool.toolExecution()`:

output_id = output_metadata[0]['name']
output_type = output_metadata[0]['file']['file_type'].lower()
output_file_path = glob(self.execution_path + "/*." + output_type)[0]
if os.path.isfile(output_file_path):
    output_files[output_id] = [(output_file_path, "file")]

For each output file, you only need to extract its identifier, file type, and file path from the output_metadata that contains the information from openVRE configuration file (in_metadata.json); and save it to output_files. As you can see, we recommend to check the existence of each output file.


If your application generates multiple output files, we recommend to develop a separate method. You can see an example HERE.

Command line tool

cmd = [
    self.parent_dir + self.PYTHON_SCRIPT_PATH,  #
    input_file_1,  # hello.txt
    argument_1,  # username
.. currentmodule:: VRE_RUNNER

Adding software dependencies

If you need some software requirements to run your application, you must add them to the file VRE_RUNNER, in the project's top level directory.

DEPENDENCIES=("Rscript", "docker")

Integrating the new tool into VRE

The final step is the integration of the tool into VRE. The X section should provide a guide to the initial JSON files. The full JSON specifications is located in this GoogleDoc. the details the requirements for correctly creating the Tool description JSON file and the requirements for parameters needed for an application.