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File metadata and controls

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Using the SDK

InbeaconManager class

This is the main class that you communicate with.


Initialize the SDK with your credentials. This will create a singleton instance and starts the SDK. Always call initialize from the Application class.

static InbeaconManagerInterface initialize(Context context, String clientId, String clientSecret)

Initialize the SDK with your clientID and clientSecret. These credentials are used for communication with the server. You can find your client-ID and client-Secret in your account overview

Example: Initialize the SDK in your Appliction object in the onCreate method as follows:

public class myApp extends Application {
    public void onCreate() {
        InbeaconManager.initialize(this, "<<your client-ID>", "<<your client-Secret>>");    

For old devices with API level <=18 the initialization will be silently ignored. The inBeacon SDK is disabled for these API levels.


Retrieves the shared InbeaconManager singleton class

static InbeaconManagerInterface getInstance();
static InbeaconManagerInterface getSharedInstance(); // backward compatibility

Example: At any moment it is possible to obtain the inBeaconManager instance, for example within an Activity:

InbeaconManager inbManager = InbeaconManager.getInstance();
userPropertyService = inbManager.getUserPropertyService();

getUserPropertyService() - access user properties and tags

UserPropertyService getUserPropertyService();

Returns an instance of the UserPropertyService which allow user properties to be managed. See UserPropertyService description below.


In order to get more logging, the loglevel might be increased. The level is Log.NONE by default, so no logging is shown.

void setLogLevel(long level);
// any of the standard levels: Log.WARNING Log.INFO Log.DEBUG Log.ERROR Log.VERBOSE  

Example: it is possible to increase the loglevel before initialisation

InbeaconManager.getInstance().setCredentials("client-id", "client-secret");   
InbeaconManager.getInstance().start();  // and we're off


returns the current log level

long getLogLevel();


On Android 8, in order to keep the app continously scanning while in the background the foregroundservice is neccesary. This will show an icon on the notificationbar but allows the app to keep scanning for beacons.

void setForegroundservice(Boolean on, String description);

This needs to be called BEFORE starting the InbeaconManager.

Example: use foreground mode and show "scanning" in the notification window.

InbeaconManager.getInstance().setCredentials("client-id", "client-secret");   
InbeaconManager.getInstance().start();  // and we're off


Checks for correct hardware and SDK version.

    VerifiedCapability verifyCapabilities();

Returns one of the following values:

Enum com.inbeacon.sdk.InbeaconManager.VerifiedCapability

askPermissions(Activity activity)

Convenience method to ask FINE_LOCATION permissions for SDK 23, and BACKGROUND_LOCATION for SDK 29, needed for the use of beacons, geofences and hyperfences. (safe to call with SDK 22 and lower, in this case it does nothing)

    void askPermissions(Activity activity);

See example code if you want to roll your own.


The inBeacon backend has user information for each device. The user information are properties that fall in any of the 3 categories:

  • Fixed properties. These always exist and control specific functionality. These are the fixed properties

    • name: Full user name, both first and family name. Example ‘Dwight Schulz’
    • email: User email. Example: ‘
    • gender: User gender: male, female or unknown
    • country: ISO3166 country code
    • id: inBeacon unique user id (read-only)
    • avatar: URL to user avatar
  • Custom properties. You can define other properties, like "facebook-ID" or "my-ID". Properties can be String, long, double or boolean type.

  • Tags. Users can be tagged, a tag is a string that can be set or reset.

User properties are persistent on the device, and also automatically synchronized with the backend and thus will survive an app re-install (on both iOS and Android)

Replication with the backend works both ways: Local updates are send to the server, server updates are send to the app. Because the device initiates the communication, updates from server to device do not occur immediately but will have to wait until the device starts the next communication cycle.

Note: Properties cannot be removed once created. Tags can be reset, which removes the tag.


userPropertyService.putPropertyString("name", "Dwight Schulz");
userPropertyService.putPropertyLong("age", 55);
String name=userPropertyService.getPropertyString("name");

available methods

    boolean hasProperty(String property);

    String getPropertyString(String property, String defaultValue);
    String getPropertyString(String property);
    void putPropertyString(String property, String value);

    long getPropertyLong(String property, long defaultValue);
    long getPropertyLong(String property);
    void putPropertyLong(String property, long value);

    double getPropertyDouble(String property, double defaultValue);
    double getPropertyDouble(String property);
    void putPropertyDouble(String property, double value);

    boolean hasTag(String tag);
    void setTag(String tag);
    void resetTag(String tag);


An alternative for the IDFA is to roll your own Publisher Provided ID. If you use Doubleclick For Publishers (DFP), a PPID might be a better option than using an IDFA. A PPID is a ID that is attached to the App on a Device that can be used for retargeting.

In addition to your own PPID's, the SDK will generate a unique ID, based on the device and app bundle. This can function as a PPID if you do not want to create your own. This PPID will survive app re-installs. The PPID provided by the SDK will be a hashed (base64) value.

See Google DFP documentation on PPID's

The PPID is available as a read/write property of the SDK instance:

String ppid = InbeaconManager.getInstance().getPPID();
InbeaconManager.getInstance().setPPID("your own PPID");

Example integration with Google DFP

PublisherAdRequest adRequest = new PublisherAdRequest.Builder()

Sending custom events or touchpoints

The SDK supports custom events that can be used for (examples)

  • custom spot types that generate events just like beacons or geofences
  • other types of events, for instance certain user actions inside the app

Different event-types are supported:

  • eventtype ONESHOT. For unrelated events, a oneshot event is not connected to other events, and no time-spend is calculated.
  • eventtype IN and OUT. For in/out eventtypes, a time-spend is calculated for example to measure dwell times. Also the in and out events are connected and kept for "currently in" and "currently not in" status calculation based on the eventID. A device can be inside more than one eventID at the same time.

Custom events can be used in the campaign designer and are stored as touchpoints and can be used in touchpoint analysis.

A custom event has 3 properties:

  • an ID. The eventID should be defined in the inbeacon backend, otherwise triggering it will be ignored.
  • an eventType, which can be IN, OUT or ONESHOT. (see com.inbeacon.sdk.Custom.EventType)
  • (optional) extra data. This is a string with extra data for custom purposes to give more context.

Triggering (sending) a custom event

There are 2 ways to trigger a custom event: Via an SDK method or with a local broadcast.

via an SDK method: triggerCustomEvent()
void triggerCustomEvent(long eventId, EventType eventType, String extra) 


import com.inbeacon.sdk.Custom.EventType;
InbeaconManager.getInstance().triggerCustomEvent(44L, EventType.ONESHOT, "some info");
via a local broadcast


import com.inbeacon.sdk.Base.Constants;
Intent localIntent = new Intent(Constants.LocalBroadcasts.EVENT_CUSTOMEVENT);
localIntent.putExtra(Constants.LocalBroadcasts. EVENT_CUSTOMEVENT_EXTRADATA_EVENTID, 44L);  // long ID
localIntent.putExtra(Constants.LocalBroadcasts. EVENT_CUSTOMEVENT_EXTRADATA_EVENTTYPE,;
localIntent.putExtra(Constants.LocalBroadcasts. EVENT_CUSTOMEVENT_EXTRADATA_EXTRA, "extrastuff");

Receiving inBeaconSDK events

The inBeacon event mechanism uses a LocalBroadcastManager and intents with actions. To listen to specific events, you need to create an intentfilter and a MessageReceiver like this:

import com.inbeacon.sdk.Base.Constants;
IntentFilter myIntentFilter=new IntentFilter(Constants.LocalBroadcasts.EVENT_PROXIMITY);

The messageReceiver class can be defined like this:

    private BroadcastReceiver mMessageReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
            Bundle extras=intent.getExtras();
            Log.w("receiver", "Got action="+intent.getAction()+" extras="+extras);


public class sdkTest extends Activity { 
    private static final String TAG = "sdkTestActivity";
    private BroadcastReceiver mMessageReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
            Bundle extras=intent.getExtras();
            Log.w(TAG, "Got action:"+intent.getAction()+" extras:"+extras);
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        IntentFilter myIntentFilter=new IntentFilter();


It is possible to have inBeacon fire a trigger that uses the app logic to handle the Activity that is activated when the user opens the notification.

intent Extras:

  • EVENT_APPEVENT_EXTRADATA_ARGUMENT - app argument given in backend. Can be any string (or json)

image alt text


fired when a user property has been changed.

intent Extras:

  • EVENT_USERINFO_EXTRADATA_SOURCE - "SERVER" or "DEVICE" - party responsible for change


Fired when device enters or leaves a location. Normally you don't need to filter this event. Special use cases only.

intent Extras:

  • EVENT_PROXIMITY_EXTRADATA_INOUT - "i" or "o" - enter or exit


Fired when device enters or leaves a beacon proximity. Normally you don't need to filter this event. Special use cases only.

intent Extras:

  • EVENT_PROXIMITY_EXTRADATA_BEACON - json object containing beacon details
    {"accuracy": 10.233, "major": 1200, "minor": 101, "proximity": "FAR", "rssi": -88, "txpower": -63, "uuid": "92517B9E-7DB2-4275-913E-AA20DA8A15CC"}
  • EVENT_PROXIMITY_EXTRADATA_INOUT - "i" or "o" - enter or exit


Fired when a device enters or leaves a geofence. Normally you don't need to filter this event. Special use cases only.

intent Extras:

  • EVENT_GEOFENCE_EXTRADATA_INOUT - "i" or "o" - enter or exit


Fired when a device enters or leaves a hyperfence. Normally you don't need to filter this event. Special use cases only.

intent Extras:

  • EVENT_HYPERFENCE_EXTRADATA_INOUT - "i" or "o" - enter or exit
  • EVENT_HYPERFENCE_EXTRADATA_SUBTYPE - cluster model that triggered the event
  • EVENT_HYPERFENCE_EXTRADATA_LOCINFO - cluster information of trigger location