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inchara edited this page Mar 6, 2015 · 9 revisions

**Show-DscResource, is an add-on to Powershell ISE, which aids in composing configurations by presenting you with information about all the DSC resources currently residing in your system. This would incur a one time load , that will avoid hassles of querying properties of resources each time. **

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Introduction :

Creating configurations in Powershell can be difficult when you have a wide variety of resources to choose from. Have you always found it hard to understand what each property of the resource meant? Did you feel like executing get-dscresource for almost every resource, to understand what the property type is, and what the value set is? Do you keep forgetting which of the properties are mandatory, which aren’t? Or what module they belong to, so to include them in the import-dscresource line? For any of these questions, the answer is to use Get-DscResource cmdlet. But why should we go through the hassle of typing out get-dscresource everytime when there are practically no changes going on with the resources? Well, we have a solution to this problem- The Show-DscResource Addon!

Star features

    • Shows descriptions of resource properties
    • Shows what are the mandatory properties
    • Shows values possible for valueset properties
    • Inserts the snippet into the ISE pane for configurations.
    • Can be used with other IDEs with the "Copy" function 

How to Install

Copy the folder ShowDscResourceModule onto your system. Execute the following commands in a Powershell ISE window

Import-Module \ShowDscResourceModule Install-DscResourceAddon

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