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Command Replay

The "replay" library (introduced in 1.16.1) allows commands on a master server to be replayed against a slave server.

Typical use case

One use case for this is for regression testing or A/B testing of two different versions of an application (eg after a system upgrade, or after a refactoring of business logic).

The master and slave are set up in a test environment with the master pointing at a database backup a few days in the future from the slave. For example, the master database could be restored with a copy of Wednesday night backup, while the slave could be restored with a copy of Monday night’s backup. Master is therefore two days "ahead" of the slave.

The master instance is just a regular instance of the application, but the slave instance is started with a number of additional configuration parameters. These are used to allow the slave to copy commands from the master using the REST API, and then to execute them (similar to the way that background commands are executed).

An alternative configuration is to use production instance as master, with the slave being in the test environment. The slave instance would be restored from the previous night’s database backup. As the online users make changes to the production (master), these are applied to the slave also.

Obviously using production as master introduces additional load: the slave continually polls the master for new commands and so there will be additional load that should be taken into account.


The replication of Commands from master is slave is based on the idea of a "high water mark" (HWM). This represents the most recently executed command on the slave. The algorithm is as follows:

  • the slave polls the master for the "next" foreground command after its HWM (by timestamp);

  • if there is one then this is copied over the slave and persisted, at which point it becomes the new HWM;

  • the command is then executed, and any background commands that might have been created as a result of this are also executed immediately.

Note that background commands are never replicated. When the replicated foreground command is executed, it will create its own background commands on the slave and these are what are executed.

If the command was replayed successfully then the slave loops around looking for the next command, continuing until all commands have been copied over from master to slave, one by one.

But, if the command failed to replay, then the slave stops until the issue is resolved. More on this topic below.

"Patching" Mementos

On master the persisted commands (that is, CommandJdo entity instances) hold an XML memento that is a serialization of CommandDto (as per the cmd.xsd schema). This serializes the state of values and of entity references automatically. However, for space reasons it does _not serialize any Blob or Clob arguments; the values are simply missing in the XML.

To address this a CommandDtoProcessor implementation can be specified on a case-by-case basis. This interface is defined as:

public interface CommandDtoProcessor {
    CommandDto process(final Command command, CommandDto commandDto);

This is specified using the @Action#commandDtoProcessor() or @Property#commandDtoProcessor() attribute. For example:

@Action(domainEvent = IncomingDocumentRepository.UploadDomainEvent.class,
            commandDtoProcessor = DeriveBlobFromReturnedDocumentArg0.class
    @MemberOrder(sequence = "3")
    public Document upload(final Blob blob) {
        final String name = blob.getName();
        final DocumentType type = DocumentTypeData.INCOMING.findUsing(documentTypeRepository);
        final ApplicationUser me =;
        String atPath = me != null ? me.getAtPath() : null;
        if (atPath == null) {
            atPath = "/";
        return incomingDocumentRepository.upsertAndArchive(type, atPath, name, blob);

where DeriveBlobFromReturnedDocumentArg0 (simplified) is:

public class DeriveBlobFromReturnedDocumentArg0
        extends DeriveBlobFromReturnedDocumentAbstract {

    public CommandDto process(
            final Command command,
            final CommandDto commandDto) {
        final Bookmark result = command.getResult();
        if(result == null) return commandDto;
        final Document document = bookmarkService.lookup(result, Document.class);
        if (document != null) {
            ParamDto paramDto = getParamDto(commandDto, 0);
                paramDto, ValueType.BLOB, document.getBlob(), bookmarkService);
        return commandDto;
    BookmarkService bookmarkService;

So, in effect, the CommandDtoProcessor allows the CommandDto to be "patched" with the missing information that was not persisted in the XML. This missing information does end up being persisted in the command’s memento on the slave, but is not persisted in the master.

If the CommandDtoProcessor returns null, then the Command is effectively excluded from the result set, and so is not replicated. The CommandDtoProcessor.Null class is such an implementation. For example:

        commandDtoProcessor = CommandDtoProcessor.Null.class
public TurnoverImportManager uploadSpreadsheet(
        @Parameter(fileAccept = ".xlsx")
        final Blob spreadsheet) {

Defining Failures

A "replay failure" does not necessarily mean that executing the command threw an exception; it could be the case that the command also threw an exception on the master. In such a case, "replay success" means that the same exception was thrown.

So instead, for flexibility, there is a pluggable SPI that allows "command replay analysers" to be installed. If any such analyser detects an error, then the command replay is marked as failed and replication ceases.

This SPI is defined as:

public interface CommandReplayAnalyser {
    String analyzeReplay(
            final Command command,      // (1)
            final CommandDto dto);      // (2)
  1. The Command that has just been executed. This will have its startedAt, completedAt properties set, and either a result (unless void) or an exception (if any occurred).

  2. The DTO obtained from the Command, being the memento copied over from the master. This is passed in as a small performance optimisation to save each analyser having to unmarshal the DTO from XML.

The command replay module provides a number of pre-built implementations.

  • CommandReplayAnalyserResultStr

    If both master and slave produces a result, then checks they are the same

  • CommandReplayAnalyserExceptionStr

    If both master and slave produces an exception, then checks that the first 500 characters of that exception’s stack trace are the same.

  • CommandReplayAnalyserNumberBackgroundCommands

    Checks that the number of background commands created by both master and slave are the same.

All of these in-built implementations can be disabled, by setting the appropriate configuration option. For example, to disable the ResultStr analyser, add:


Similarly for the other analysers.

New implementations of this SPI can be also registered simply by annotating as a domain service within a module loaded by the application’s manifest.

To facilitate this the replay module also defines a more general SPI, called CommandDtoProcessorService. This is almost identical to the CommandDtoProcessor (which is defined on an action-by-action basis), except it runs for all commands:

public interface CommandDtoProcessorService {
    CommandDto process(Command command, CommandDto commandDto);

This can therefore be used to capture additional information within the memento on the master, and then have the replay analyser on the slave check. In fact, the same service implementation can implement both the CommandDtoProcessorService and CommandReplayAnalyser SPIs; the in-built CommandReplayAnalyserNumberBackgroundCommands does precisely this.

Detecting Failures

If the slave hits an issue when executing the command, then the process stops. The development team can check for a failure by either:

  • executing "findReplayHwmOnSlave" action (on the slave)

    This returns the HWM with a mixed-in collection showing the most recently executed commands; or

  • monitoring the console/log of the slave

    The LOG for ReplayableCommandExecution class will write out an info message if it has hit a replay error.

If a command fails to replay then the development team can either exclude it or they can retry it (using mixin actions on the CommandJdo entity). If a command is excluded then the slave's job will continue onto the next command. If a command is retried then the slave simply removes details of the failure condition, and attempts again.

Hints and Tips

There are several reasons why a command may fail to replay.

  • First and most obviously, the master and slave must be compatible with each other.

    If the slave has changed implementation (eg has a bug fix or new feature) which produces different results, then replaying a command is expected to fail to replay. Indeed, this could be considered a successful test because it confirms that the slave implementation is indeed different. Providing appropriate implementations of CommandReplayAnalyser will allow useful information about the variation to be obtained.

  • the Command memento captures the target and object references as "OIDs", which encodes the object type (alias for the concrete class) as well as its identity.

    If database-generated surrogate/artificial keys are in use, then sequencing becomes important. Indeed, this is the main reason that the replication job only works one command at a time, to minimize the chance that the replay happens in a different order to that of the slave.

    For more reliability of replays (but arguably more complexity), consider using business natural keys.

  • A related and more severe issue is if the identity of objects is specified using a random UUID. Unless the generation of such UUIDs is made deterministic, replaying such commands is unlikely to be do-able.



Update your classpath by adding this dependency in your webapp project’s pom.xml:


Check for later releases by searching Maven Central Repo.

For instructions on how to use the latest -SNAPSHOT, see the contributors guide.


In the AppManifest, update its getModules() method, eg:

public List<Class<?>> getModules() {
    return Arrays.asList(

Configuration Properties

The master and the slave are distinguished simply by the presence of a number of configuration properties on the slave:

These allow the slave to query the master through its REST API.

There are also two optional configuration properties:

  • isis.command.replay.master.baseUrlEndUser

    If configured, this contributes a mixin on CommandJdo entity to open a new web browser tab on the master for the same entity. This can be helpful for debugging a command that has failed to replay.

    For example http://localhost:8080.


    Note that this can’t necessarily be derived from the isis.command.replay.master.baseUrl configuration property; the slave may communicate with master using a different network to the one used by the end-user’s web browser (eg if Docker stacks are in use).

  • isis.command.replay.master.batchSize

    The slave executes only one command at a time, but it actually requests to fetch several commands. This is because (because of the CommandDtoProcessor SPI) not every command is necessarily replicated. The batch size is intended to ensure that "enough" commands are requested that at least one is returned.

On the slave it might sometimes be worth specifying a different manifest (using isis.appManifest configuration property), for example to disable publishing module.

Quartz job

The commands themselves are replayed through the RunBackgroundCommandsWithReplicationAndReplayJob job, scheduled using Quartz. This job replaces the RunBackgroundCommandsJob that is usually used to run background jobs; it runs on both master and slave:

  • if the job is run on the master then it simply does the same thing as the old RunBackgroundCommandsJob

  • if the job is run on the slave, then it uses the REST API to copy commands from the master to slave, and executes. This continues until all commands have been copied and executed.

The job determines whether it is running on master or slave simply by checking for the presence of the configuration properties listed above.

The quartz configuration should be something like:

<job-scheduling-data ... version="1.8">
        Retrieves executed commands (as XML) from master and
        persists as new unexecuted commands on slave
        <cron-expression>0/10 * * * * ?</cron-expression>

Manual Debugging

By default the quartz job (details below) which replicates commands starts immediately when the webapp is bootstrapped, polling for commands to replicate from master to slave.

Optionally the job can be paused by implementing the ReplayCommandExecutionController SPI:

public interface ReplayCommandExecutionController {
    enum State {
    State getState();       // (1)
  1. The current state, or null if the service implementing this SPI has not yet been initialized.

If an implementation has been provided then the state will be checked. Unless "RUNNING" is returned, the replay job will do nothing.

This can be useful if wishing to manually debug replication. With the replay job paused, commands can instead be manually copied from master to slave using the "download" and "upload" actions, and then executed one at a time:

  • On the slave, use findReplayHwmOnSlave action (from the CommandReplayOnSlaveService) to obtain the "high water mark".

    If the backup has just been restored, then this will be the most recent foreground command that was run on the production system before the backup was taken.

    If any commands have been replayed, then this will be that most recent replayed command.

  • Use the "replayNext" mixin action on the Command. This performs the same general steps as the replay job, but for a single command:

    • it fetches the next command via REST

    • persists the command

    • executes the command

    • executes any resultant background commands

    • analyses the result.

This "replayNext" action also returns the next command retrieved. Therefore, the administrator/developer can continue to invoke "replayNext" on each successive command.

There are also a couple of other actions that are worth being aware of:

  • On the master, the downloadCommandsOnMasterSince action returns the commands in XML format, where the "since" is intended to be the transaction id of the high water mark obtained from the slave

  • On the slave, the uploadCommandsToSlave action allows XML commands to be persisted on the slave.


Maven can report modules dependencies using:

mvn dependency:list -o -pl modules/spi/command/replay -D excludeTransitive=true

which, excluding Apache Isis itself, returns these compile/runtime dependencies on other modules in the Incode platform:


For further details on these dependencies, see: