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[Product] Features

Steven Yang edited this page Aug 27, 2020 · 3 revisions

Core Features


  • Get installment options when checkout using Indodana
  • Perform checkout to Indodana payment page when proceeding the checkout


  • Update merchant configuration


  • Notify pending transaction from Indodana

For more details on how each feature supposed to do, see Test Cases



Most plugins (Woocommerce, Opencart, etc.) are actually doing the same things (checkout, get installment options, validate configuration). Therefore, it's better to centralize those operations on a single repository for easier maintenance.

As a result, the plugin's developer only needs to use it without worrying about the heavy lifting that's being done.

Core Features

  • Get installment options
  • Perform checkout
  • Validate merchant configuration

    The front-end of the merchant configuration will be handled independently by the respective plugin. This feature only validates values that have been passed from the front-end

  • Check whether the authorization token is valid

    Used on Notify Transaction feature to determine whether it's incoming request is valid from Indodana

Additional Features

Some plugins (Magento, Opencart) will make API calls to Indodana API on its own instead of relying on IndodanaCommon. These are the features that help the process:

  • Generate checkout payload
  • Get Indodana base URL
  • Get Indodana auth token

Additional Notes

  • If not passed, postalCode on billingAddress, shippingAddress and seller will be 00000 by default
  • parentType on Checkout payload will always be SELLER
  • parentId on Checkout payload will be automatically filled based on sellerUrl


  • We're assuming that it's only one store during configuration