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Releases: indranilbhuin/zero


19 Jan 10:30
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.0...v1.1

Initial Release

01 Jan 04:50
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Initial Release Pre-release

zer0 Expense Tracker v1.0 Alpha Release

Key Features

  • Local Data Storage: zer0 ensures user data privacy by storing all information locally on the user's device, with no data collected or stored on external servers.
  • Intuitive UI with Theme Options: Minimalistic design with a choice of dark or light themes, providing a seamless user experience.
  • Expense Tracking and Analytics: Easily add, edit, and delete expenses with insightful analytics, including average spending per day, total spending by day and month, and a heatmap for visualizing spending patterns over time.
  • Debt Management: Seamlessly track borrowings and lendings with a minimal UI for managing debts owed to or by the user.

User-Friendly Setup

  • Account Creation and Sync: New users can quickly set up their accounts, customize preferences, and start managing expenses. Existing users can easily sync data by uploading the zer0***.json file.

Privacy-Focused Design

  • No Data Collection: zer0 prioritizes user privacy, collecting no user data, not even usernames. The only permission required is for device storage to facilitate import/export of data in JSON format.
  • User Control: Empowering users with control over their data through settings to export, delete, and customize their application experience.