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All responses are 409 #76

grantholle opened this issue Oct 5, 2019 · 11 comments

All responses are 409 #76

grantholle opened this issue Oct 5, 2019 · 11 comments


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Not an issue, more of a question.

I am getting 409 responses when using <inertia-link>. The page then reloads the intended url and is working fine, due to this behavior.

Any idea what could be causing this? When visiting directly/testing everything is 200. I feel like there's a conflicting header?

Here are the headers according to Telescope:

cookie: "remember_web:applicants_59ba36addc2b2f9401580f014c7f58ea4e30989d=eyJpdiI6IlRja01BVGdhNERGMDVsYzNPaXVVUXc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoidGRiN2tJRUJldWhcLzJTWE1QanpZQlpzd0dYV3V1em4xWEl6WnJuXC9yVUhPV0FtZDhrVFc0MmMxTkJcL1MyYmlMZFhuZStHZE5uR0s0NjFCM2pJV25ZNGxBUXU1NjVhTGJwVE5SV2RNNWpHNmpSeDFuN1Bmam5nMzBId3BGK2wwYkdzZHRuVHVWVW82a3JMYjlmeG9hdXcxXC9XS3BpdHJPZFZ0YWIrbHZkTkxuOD0iLCJtYWMiOiIxM2JmYWJkYjJlNGM2OTM0YmNiNWZlODFlNTI3MmQ0Yjg5MDEzMTljZmNlMDdlZmE4MmMwMDI2MzQ1NTc3MzMzIn0%3D; XSRF-TOKEN=eyJpdiI6InRUYzMyZjFWeFJtUmFpVTZqdHR1emc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoickN2a0Jyem5uQ242VW1MWjA4SnFLTFlnSFJSOXF4UWFlXC85eEo4WTB3aGQwNUpSbytoRkl1eVFrOTRPWXZ0dTciLCJtYWMiOiI1ODQ3MzM4ZjZlNDU1NjUxYzY5NWQ3YTkzNjRiMTYyZDZjYTQzMzM4NWU0ZDM0N2JhNmRlYjRmYWUwMWFlY2E5In0%3D; ldi_apply_session=eyJpdiI6Ims3WG5GR2dvOUdiMWlyRGhPZ2h5M0E9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiejJkd0tOSHFWRFwvUFVqcEpyV2syaVwvSlpYMndrRitQaHJGdWRGTnphOFwvY3BVZjQ3dmlYXC9XZjdXclRtaEhZNjciLCJtYWMiOiIwNzAwNDE5YzhlMmIzOTIyNGYxYWE1MTAyZDVmOWFjZTNlOGZkOTUyNzAwZTM3MjdhNDJjMjlkNjMxMWUyNTExIn0%3D",
accept-language: "en-US,en;q=0.9,ar;q=0.8,fr;q=0.7",
accept-encoding: "gzip, deflate",
referer: "http://ldi-apply.test/steps/1/forms/3/edit",
x-requested-with: "XMLHttpRequest",
x-inertia-version: "a86ad0584af7daf29b57549e69872177",
accept: "text/html, application/xhtml+xml",
content-type: "application/json;charset=utf-8",
user-agent: "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/77.0.3865.90 Safari/537.36",
x-inertia: "true",
cache-control: "no-cache",
pragma: "no-cache",
connection: "keep-alive",
host: "ldi-apply.test",
content-length: ""

The response in Telescope just says "HTML Response".

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reinink commented Oct 5, 2019

Yes, this is caused by asset versioning. A 409 response is sent when your assets are out of date. You can use this to force an asset update, which is really helpful!

@reinink reinink closed this as completed Oct 5, 2019
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Does this happen automatically or will I need to include

Inertia::version(function () {
    return md5_file(public_path('mix-manifest.json'));

in my AppServiceProvider? This behavior has started relatively recently when it had been working fine. This behavior is good when it's needed, I just don't know why it has started suddenly.

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reinink commented Oct 5, 2019

No, it doesn't happen automatically. It should only happen if you're using Inertia::version(). Are you not using this?

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Actually I just realized I had it already. Removing it solves my issue 🤷‍♂️

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reinink commented Oct 5, 2019

Okay cool. I would recommend not removing it, as this is very helpful behaviour if you're using code splitting.

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Yes absolutely. I just figured out what is happening.

I've extended Inertia to support API resources (#70), and the middleware isn't using my class, therefore not my version! Adding in the additional version() call resolves everything...

Thanks so much Jonathan!

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@reinink I have a similar issue but it keeps refreshing every time. What do I do to bring these assets up-to-date?

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yamchinghann commented Jul 18, 2023

@reinink I have a similar issue but it keeps refreshing every time. What do I do to bring these assets up-to-date?

i have similar your issue as well but i have solved it by modifying this code line at HandleInertiaRequests.php file
public function version(Request $request): ?string { //return parent::version($request); return ''; }

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@reinink I have a similar issue but it keeps refreshing every time. What do I do to bring these assets up-to-date?

For me this was an issue with the fact that we have a load balancer in place. Using sticky sessions resolved it for us.

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Use @inertiajs/inertia-vue3 instead of @inertiajs/vue3

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jjdreba commented Jun 5, 2024

I had the same issue for a while, so I wanted to share my approach for any future readers:

if you use any Vue specific handlers such as @click="selectSortOption(option)", this will cause a full page refresh as it is not in line with inertias asset versioning. Save yourself some troubles and read the Inertia docs, use < Link > and Inertia native navigation if you want to avoid frequent issues with 409s.

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