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You can use this plugin to trigger customer facing emails a specified time after after a customer's WordPress role changes. This plugin supports the following additional features:

  • Emails are generated using the SymfonyTwig templating engine.
  • Delay after a role transition is specified in seconds and checked on 10 minute intervals allowing for close to immediate transmission of emails up to months.
  • Subsequent role changes will cancel scheduled emails. If needed, new emails will be scheduled based on the new role change.
  • You can include custom email template fields based on event.
  • The inesonic-mailer plugin can optionally generate random, customer unique nonces that can be embedded in emails. The inesonic-mailer plugin includes facilities to validate the nonce when pages are rendered.

This plugin will optionally use the Inesonic Logger <> plugin to report errors in your settings. Errors are also logged to the WordPress/PHP error log file.

Using This Plugin

To use, copy this entire directory into your WordPress plugins directory and then activate the plugin from the WordPress admin panel.

Once activated, you can use the "Configure" on the WordPress plugins page to tie this plugin to Redmine. You'll need to set the Email Template Directory, Transitions, and Events fields.

The plugin works by tracking transitions which trigger events. In theory, the plugin could be extended to support a wide range of events, although only four event types are currently supported.

You control the plugin by defining transitions, with a delay, which then triggers a requested event. Multiple transitions can trigger the same event with the same or different delays.

The "Transitions" entry allows you to specify the transitions while the "Events" entry allows you to define what to do on each event.


The Transitions field should contain a YAML description of the transitions and events that should be triggered, with delay.

Below is a simple example transitions specification:

    send-welcome: 1
    provide-review: 604800
    send-welcome: 1
    provide-review: 604800
    send-welcome: 1
    provide-review: 1209600
    cancellation-survey: 1
    cancellation-survey: 1

The example above will trigger the send-welcome event 1 second after the user transitions from the "new" role to the "personal_user", "professional_user", or "enterprise_user" role. The example will trigger emails 1 week (604800 seconds) after users transitions from the "new" user role to the "personal_user" or "professional_user" role. The example will also trigger emails 2 weeks (1209600 seconds) after transitioning from the "new" user role to the "enterprise_user" role. Lastly, the example will trigger the cancellation-survey event when "personal_user"'s or "professional_user"'s transition to an inactive role.

Note that the role names are as stored internally in WordPress, not as shown in the dialog. You will need to determine the correct internal role names in order to configure this plugin. Also note that delay values can vary by as much as 10 minutes so setting a delay of 1 second really means between 1 second and 10 minutes. Lastly note that the indentation shown above matters and that you should always use spaces, not tabs.


The "Events" field allows you to specify how events should be handled. Every event you reference in the "Transitions" field should have an event defined here.

The "Events" field, like the "Transitions" field is a YAML specification. You should specify the event names, left justified as dictionary keys with indented fields describing the event. Note that the dictionary keys are somewhat open-ended and can be used as email template parameters allowing you to use one email template to send out several different simlar types of emails.

The table below lists the expected event fields.

Field Description

The action to be performed. Supported actions are:

  • none - Do nothing. Do not try to process this event in future.
  • ignore - Do nothing. Allow this event to be processed in future.
  • email - Send out an email. The event will not be processed in future.
  • email_with_nonce - Send out an email with a customer unique nonce that can be used to validate a page when viewed by the customer.
one-time If true, then this event will never be processed again for the customer if the same role change occurs again. This can be used to block repeat emails if a customer role could transition more than once.
subject Subject line for email actions. Ignored for the none and ignore actions.
from From address to use for sent emails.
template The email template file.

Below is a simple example "Events" specification:

  one-time: true
  action: ignore
  subject: "Please review our great product!"
  from: ""
  template: "request_review.html"
  review-url: ""
  review-site: "Great Product Reviews"

  one-time: false
  action: email_with_nonce
  subject: "Please tell us why you cancelled your subscription."
  from: ""
  template: cancellation_survey_invite.html

In the example above, the event "provide-review" is staged but doesn't do anything. Eventually we can change the "ignore" action to "email" to send out invitations to review our product.

The "cancellation-survey" event will send out an email with a customer unique random nonce. The event can be triggered multiple times should a transition occur that re-triggers this event has been processed. The email will include the subject "Please tell us why you cancelled your subscription." and the email will be generated using the "cancellation_survey_invite.html" template.

Email Template Directory

To send out emails, you'll need to create email template files, placing those files on your website. Email templates can be placed anywhere that you have access to. You can specify a directory where these templates are placed in this field. Email templates are discussed in more detail below.

Email Templates

Email text content is generated using the SymfonyTwig library. Documentation can be found at Templates will contain all the fields defined for the event. In addition, templates will contain the following parameters.

Template Parameter Description
email_address The user's email address.
display_name The user's display name (first name last name).
user_login The user's login username.
role The current user role.
nonce This parameter is only provided if the email_with_nonce action is used. This parameter contains the generated nonce. The nonce is suitable for use in URL query strings.
site_url The website URL. You can use to to reference back to your website.

Template parameters can be referenced in templates by surrounding them in double braces. For example, to include the user's display name, you would include {{ display_name }} in your template.

A simple example template is shown below:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html dir="ltr" lang="en-us">
    <title>Your Subscription Is Cancelled</title>
      Dear {{ display_name }},
      We're sad to see that you cancelled your subscription.
      In order for us to win you back someday, could you please tell us why
      you decided to cancel by clicking on the link below ?
    <p align="center">
      <a href="{{ site_url }}/cancellation-survey/?nonce={{ nonce }}">Survey</a>
      Thank you !

We provide several examples we use at Inesonic <https://> in the assets/templates directory.

Validating Page Nonces

To validate a page nonce, force the WordPress filter "inesonic-filter-page-cancellation-survey" to be triggered from your child theme when the page is loaded. The filter will return null if the page should be used or HTML page content giving a recommended message if the page should not be used.

$page_value = apply_filters(

if ($page_value !== null) {
    echo $page_value;
} else {
    // Render the page normally here.