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374 lines (296 loc) · 8.49 KB

File metadata and controls

374 lines (296 loc) · 8.49 KB


The virtual DOM in Gu is a package which provides a similar but functional approach to define the representation of the expected DOM which must be rendered by the selected Driver.

Gu provides a comprehensive list of functions to generate and create different tags and attributes to fit the standard HTML/HTML5 DOM nodes and events.

This provides an expressive and functional style when creating contents for components, views and the central app.

Using the DOM package requires the following packages, with each providing different portions of the HTML/HTML5 API:

  • Trees Package( ) The trees package provides the central root structure for the GU DOM. The baseline package used in the creation of object instances to represent different tags, events, and attributes types.
import (

func main(){
  selfClosing := false

  // Creates a div structure and indicates that it is not a self closing tag.
  div := trees.NewMarkup("div", selfClosing)
  trees.NewCSSStyle("display", "block").Apply(div)

  // Parses the provided string as childing of the provided div.
    <article class="article">
    <article class="article">
    <article class="article">

  div.HTMl() => `
    <div class="articles" style="display:block; ">
      <article class="article">
      <article class="article">
      <article class="article">

Although the above example is trivial, the code does demonstrate how the trees foundational structures help define and construct the content to be generated effectively and efficiently.

  • CSS Package( The css package provides a stylesheet formatter which underneat uses the a css tokenizer and parser and the Go's text template to create a robust and flexible way to include stylesheet rules targeting the trees package markup structures. This package can be freely used on it's own has it highly decouples and provides a clean API.

  • Basic Style

import (

csr := css.New(`

  &:hover {
    color: red;

  &::before {
    content: "bugger";

  & div a {
    color: black;
    font-family: {{ .Font }};

  @media (max-width: 400px){

    &:hover {
      color: blue;
      font-family: {{ .Font }};

`, nil)

sheet, err := csr.Stylesheet(struct {
	Font string
}{Font: "Helvetica"}, "#galatica")

/* =>

    #galatica:hover {
		  color: red;

    #galatica::before {
		  content: "bugger";

    #galatica div a {
		  color: black;
		  font-family: Helvetica;

    @media (max-width: 400px) {
		  #galatica:hover {
		    color: blue;
		    font-family: Helvetica;

  • Combined Styles
import (

csd := css.New(`
  block {
    font-family: {{ .Font }};
    color: {{ .Color }};
`, nil)

csr := css.New(`

  &:hover {
    color: red;

  &::before {
    content: "bugger";

  & div a {
    color: black;
    font-family: {{ .Font }};

  @media (max-width: 400px){

    &:hover {
      color: blue;
      font-family: {{ .Font }};

`, nil, csd)

sheet, err := csr.Stylesheet(struct {
	Font string
}{Font: "Helvetica"}, "#galatica")

/* =>

    block {
      font-family: Helvetica;
      color: Pink;

    #galatica:hover {
		  color: red;

    #galatica::before {
		  content: "bugger";

    #galatica div a {
		  color: black;
		  font-family: Helvetica;

    @media (max-width: 400px) {
		  #galatica:hover {
		    color: blue;
		    font-family: Helvetica;


The css package also allows use of other css.Rule to allow us extend exisiting rulesets into a new css ruleset, these though simple, provides a very powerful concept in creating generic styles which can be extended into specific css declarations for specific components.

Note: The rule set being extend will receive the same binding has the ruleset which is using it for extension.

	csr := css.New(`
    block {
      font-family: {{ .Font }};
      color: {{ .Color }};
  `, nil)

	csx := css.New(`

    ::before {
      content: "bugger";

    div a {
			{{ extend "block" }}
			border: 1px solid #000;

    @media (max-width: 400px){

      :hover {
        color: blue;
        font-family: {{ .Font }};

`, csr)

	sheet, err := csx.Stylesheet(struct {
		Font  string
		Color string
		Font:  "Helvetica",
		Color: "Pink",
	}, "#galatica")

  sheet.String() /*=>

#galatica::before {
  content: "bugger";
div a {
  font-family: Helvetica;
  color: Pink;
  border: 1px solid #000;
@media (max-width: 400px) {
  #galatica:hover {
    color: blue;
    font-family: Helvetica;

  • Elems Package( The elems package provides is an auto-generated package which provides a functional style of calls to describe the structures of the HTML to be rendered and provides a cleaner and easier use built on the foundation of the trees package.
import (

func main(){
		div := elems.Div(
					height: 100%;
          background: {{.Color}};
		`, struct{ Color string }{Size: "#ccc"}),
		elems.Span(elems.Text("Click me")))

    div.HTMl() => `
      <div uid="34343440KK32232232">
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;
            background: #ccc;
        <span>Click me</span>

By using a more functional declarative style, constructing complicated markup directives becomes easier and simpler.

  • Property Package( The property package follows in the style of the elems package to provide a functional and declarative approach in provided attributes and styles to the constructed elements. The property package differentiates attributes and styles by append a suffix ofAttr to the name of the property if an attribute and a suffix of Style to a style property.
import (

func main(){
		div := elems.Div(
      property.ClassAttr("cage", "wrapper"),
					height: 100%;
          background: {{.Color}};
		`, struct{ Color string }{Size: "#ccc"}),
		elems.Span(elems.Text("Click me")))

    div.HTMl() => `
      <div uid="34343440KK32232232" class="cage wrapper" style="display:inline-block; ">
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;
            background: #ccc;
        <span>Click me</span>
  • Events Package( The events package follows in the style of the elems package to provide a functional and declarative approach in defining the expected events which must occur on specific elements. The events are actually bound on the target where the giving DOM is mounted into but a checked is done to validate the real target of the event and if it matches the desired elements, this is handled by the driver used. This way we can easily declare and describe the behaviours we need for when events occur.
import (

func main(){
		div := elems.Div(
		elems.Span(elems.Text("Click me")),
    events.ClickEvent(func(event trees.EventObject, root *trees.Markup){
      mouseEvent := event.Underlying().(*eventx.MouseEvent)
      // do something.....

    div.HTMl() => `
      <div uid="34343440KK32232232">
        <span>Click me</span>