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django-activities is a generic python activities module written for django. You can create activities about any object type and share that comment with any object type.


Download the source from Github and run:

pip install django-activities



Config steps:

  1. Add to installed apps. django-activities has two dependencies which are listed above. Both need to be added to the installed apps in your settings file.:


By default, django-activities comes with builtin views. You can use them if you like or totally write your own.

To use the views here are a few configuration steps to follow:

  1. Create the html file that will be used as the gateway between your application templates and django-activities templates. A simple template would look something like:

     # base_activities.html
     {% extends request.base_template %}
     {% block content %}
       {% block activities_content %}{% endblock %}
     {% endblock %}
  2. Once you're created the base activities html file, you need to link to it in your settings. In your settings file add the following setting that points to your template you just created:

     ACTIVITIES_BASE_TEMPLATE = 'path/to/your/template/base_activities.html'
  3. Add the context processor in your settings that's used to retrieve your custom base template:

  4. Add the urls (generic urls are not longer the recommended approach. see extending the urls section):

     urlpatterns = patterns('',
         url(r'^activities', include('activities.urls')),
  5. There are also default .less and .js files that will assist the activities as well. These are optional and the js requires jquery. The files are located at:


Custom Activity Urls

There are times when you want prettier urls that aren't so generic or want to add additional subclasses to the activity views (like special permission checking view mixins). If this is the case you'll need to do two things. First, create a view that contains the mixin you want to use. Second, call the activities.urls.get_urls(...) method from within your file:

# create the custom view that all activity views will inherit
class MyCustomActivitiesView(object):

    def get_activities_about_object(self):
        # override the method to explicitly state which object
        # should be used for activies
        return some_object

Then in your

from activities.urls import get_urls
from django.conf.urls import patterns

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    # regular urls stuff
    url(r'^/foo/?$', SomeView.as_view(), name='my_view'),

# Generate the activity urls for movies

This will generate the following urls:

  • /foo/activities
  • /foo/activities/<activity_id>
  • /foo/activities/<activity_id>/edit
  • /foo/activities/<activity_id>/delete
  • etc

Form Rendering

Different apps render forms differently. With that in mind, this app lets you define the location for a function in your settings that will be used to render your forms.

For example, if I want to use the django-bootstrap-form app to render forms, I would provide the following setting to the template tag form rendering function:

ACTIVITIES_FORM_RENDERER = 'bootstrapform.templatetags.bootstrap.bootstrap'

Then all forms will render using the django-bootstrap-form library. You can optionally provide the following strings that will render that form using table, paragraph or list tags:

ACTIVITIES_FORM_RENDERER = 'as_p'     # render form using <p> tags
ACTIVITIES_FORM_RENDERER = 'as_table' # render form using <table>
ACTIVITIES_FORM_RENDERER = 'as_ul'    # render form using <ul>

This will default to rending the form to however the form's __str__ method is defined.


Below are some basic examples on how to use django-activities:

>>> from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
>>> from activities.models import Activity
>>> User = get_user_model()
>>> user = User.objects.create_user(username='hello')
>>> # The object the activity is about
>>> about_obj = User.objects.create_user(username='world')
>>> n = Activity.objects.create(created_user=user,
...                                 text='Hello world',
...                                 about=about_obj,
...                                 source='COMMENT')
>>> n.text
'Hello world'
>>> user_activities = Activity.objects.get_for_user(user=user)
>>> len(user_activities)
>>> object_activities = Activity.objects.get_for_object(obj=about_obj)
>>> len(object_activities)

Extend the Model

If all this configuration still isn't to your liking, then you can simply extend the Activity model:

# my_activity_app/

from activities.models import AbstractActivity

class MyActivity(AbstractActivity):
    """Your concrete implementation of the activity app."""
    # Do your stuff here

Custom Activity Rendering

When rendering the activities, the get_html will check to see if the activity about object has implemented custom rendering of the activity itself. In order for the custom rendering to occur, the about object model needs to implement the class as follows:

def get_activity_created_html(self, activity, **kwargs):
    """The activity renderer for a created activity about this object."""
    # do rendering that returns html
    return rendered_html


From the tests directory where the file is, run:

python test