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File metadata and controls

139 lines (104 loc) · 4.56 KB


The common interfaces, types and helper functions to work with identifiers are defined in resource file. Please see example to see how to work with identifiers.


You could register resource.Codec for you PB type to be used to convert atlas.rpc.Identifier that defined for that type.

By default if PB resource is undefined (nil) the atlas.rpc.Identifier is converted to a string in fully qualified format specified for Atlas References, otherwise the Resource ID part is returned as string value.

If driver.Value is nil default codecs returns nil atlas.rpc.Identifier, if you want to override such behavior in order to return empty atlas.rpc.Identifier that could be rendered to null string in JSON -

If resource.Codec is not registered for a PB type the value of identifier is converted from driver.Value to a string. If Resource Type is not found it is populated from the name of PB type, the Application Name is populated if was registered. (see RegisterApplication).


The plugin has support of atlas.rpc.Identifier for all association types. All you need is to define your Primary/Foreign keys as a fields of atlas.rpc.Identifier type.

In the XxxORM generated models atlas.rpc.Identifier will be replaced to the type specified in (gorm.field).tag option. The only numeric and text formats are supported. If type is not set it will be generated as interface{}.

If you want to expose foreign keys on API just leave them with empty type in gorm.field.tag and it will be calculated based on the parent's primary key type.

By default Identifiers are nillable, it means that for primary keys you need to set corresponding tag primary_key: true and for foreign keys and external references not_null: true.

The Postgres types from tags are converted as follows:

    switch type_from_tag {
    case "uuid", "text", "char", "array", "cidr", "inet", "macaddr":
        orm_model_field = "string"
    case "smallint", "integer", "bigint", "numeric", "smallserial", "serial", "bigserial":
        orm_model_field = "int64"
    case "jsonb", "bytea":
        orm_model_field = "[]byte"
    case "":
        orm_model_field = "interface{}"
        return errors.New("unknown tag type of atlas.rpc.Identifier")

NOTE Be sure to set type properly for association fields.

Step 1 Let's define PB resources

syntax = "proto3";

import "";
import "";

option go_package = ";pb";

message A {
    option (gorm.opts).ormable = true;
    atlas.rpc.Identifier id = 1 [(gorm.field).tag = {type: "integer" primary_key: true}];
    string value = 2;
    repeated B b_list = 3; // has many
    atlas.rpc.Identifier external = 4 [(gorm.field).tag = {type: "text"}];

message B {
    option (gorm.opts).ormable = true;
    atlas.rpc.Identifier id = 1 [(gorm.field).tag = {type: "integer" primary_key: true}];
    string value = 2;
     // foreign key to A  parent. !!! Will be set to the type of
    atlas.rpc.Identifier a_id = 3;
    atlas.rpc.Identifier external_not_null = 4 [(gorm.field).tag = {type: "text" not_null: true}];

In JSON it could look like

  "id": "someapp/resource:a/1",
  "value": "someAvalue",
  "b_list": [
      "id": "someapp/resource:b/1",
      "value": "someBvalue",
      "a_id": "someapp/resource:a/1"

The generated code could be:

import ""

type AORM struct {
	Id int64
	Value string
	BList []*BORM
	External *string

type BORM struct {
	Id int64
	Value string
	AId *int64
	ExternalNotNull string

Step 2 The last thing you need to make identifiers work correctly is to register the name of your application, that name will be used during encoding to populate ApplicationName field of atlas.rpc.Identifier.

package main

import ""

func main() {


How to customize name of my PB type?

Implement Namer interface (ResourceName() string function) or add XXX_MessageName() string method to you PB type. See Name function.

I want to validate/generate atlas.rpc.Identifier for PB types in my application

Implement resource.Codec for your PB types and you will be given a full control on how Identifiers are converted to/from driver.Value.