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Report settings

Some more details on stability report settings, in particular how to set: the reference dataset, binning specifications, monitoring rules, and where to plot boundaries.

Reference types

When generating a report from a DataFrame, the reference type can be set with the option reference_type, in four different ways:

  1. Using the DataFrame on which the stability report is built as a self-reference. This reference method is static: each time slot is compared to all the slots in the DataFrame (all included in one distribution). This is the default reference setting.

    # generate stability report with specific monitoring rules
    report = df.pm_stability_report(reference_type="self")
  2. Using an external reference DataFrame or set of histograms. This is also a static method: each time slot is compared to all the time slots in the reference data.

    # generate stability report with specific monitoring rules
    report = df.pm_stability_report(reference_type="external", reference=reference)
  3. Using a rolling window within the same DataFrame as reference. This method is dynamic: we can set the size of the window and the shift from the current time slot. By default the 10 preceding time slots are used as reference (shift=1, window_size=10).

    # generate stability report with specific monitoring rules
    report = df.pm_stability_report(reference_type="rolling", window=10, shift=1)
  4. Using an expanding window on all preceding time slots within the same DataFrame. This is also a dynamic method, with variable window size. All the available previous time slots are used. For example, if we have 2 time slots available and shift=1, window size will be 1 (so the previous slot is the reference), while if we have 10 time slots and shift=1, window size will be 9 (and all previous time slots are reference).

    # generate stability report with specific monitoring rules
    report = df.pm_stability_report(reference_type="expanding", shift=1)

Note that, by default, popmon also performs a rolling comparison of the histograms in each time period with those in the previous time period. The results of these comparisons contain the term "prev1", and are found in the comparisons section of a report.

Binning specifications

Without any specific binning specification provided, by default automatic binning is applied to numeric and timestamp features. Binning specification is a dictionary used for specific rebinning of numeric or timestamp features.

To specify the time-axis binning alone, do:

report = df.pm_stability_report(
    time_axis="date", time_width="1w", time_offset="2020-1-6"

The time_axis argument should be the name of a column that is of type numeric (e.g. batch id, time in ns) or date(time). The default time width is 30 days ('30d'), with time offset 2010-1-4 (a Monday). All other features (except for 'date') are auto-binned in this example.

To specify your own binning specifications for individual features or combinations of features, do:

# generate stability report with specific binning specifications
report = df.pm_stability_report(bin_specs=your_bin_specs)

An example bin_specs dictionary is:

bin_specs = {
    "x": {"bin_width": 1, "bin_offset": 0},
    "y": {"num": 10, "low": 0.0, "high": 2.0},
    "x:y": [{}, {"num": 5, "low": 0.0, "high": 1.0}],
    "date": {
        "bin_width": pd.Timedelta("4w").value,
        "bin_offset": pd.Timestamp("2015-1-1").value,

In the bin specs for 'x:y', 'x' is not provided (here) and reverts to the 1-dim setting. Any time-axis, when specified here ('date'), needs to be specified in nanoseconds. This takes precedence over the input arguments time_width and time_offset.

The 'bin_width', 'bin_offset' notation makes an open-ended histogram (for that feature) with given bin width and offset. 'bin_offset' is the lower edge of the bin with internal index 0.

The notation 'num', 'low', 'high' gives a fixed range histogram from 'low' to 'high' with 'num' number of bins.

Monitoring rules

The monitoring rules are used to generate traffic light alerts.

As indicated we use traffic lights to indicate where large deviations from the reference occur. By default we determine the traffic lights as set as follows:

  • Green traffic light: the value of interest is less than four standard deviations away from the reference.
  • Yellow traffic light: the value of interest is between four and seven standard deviations away from the reference.
  • Red traffic light: the value of interest is more than seven standard deviations away from the reference.

When generating a report, they can be provided as a dictionary:

# generate stability report with specific monitoring rules
report = df.pm_stability_report(monitoring_rules=your_monitoring_rules)

When not provided, the default setting is:

monitoring_rules = {
    "*_pull": [7, 4, -4, -7],
    "*_zscore": [7, 4, -4, -7],
    "[!p]*_unknown_labels": [0.5, 0.5, 0, 0],

Note that the (filename based) wildcards such as * apply to all statistic names matching that pattern. For example, "*_pull" applies for all features to all statistics ending on "_pull". Same for "*_zscore". For "[!p]*_unknown_labels", the rule is not applied to any statistic starting with the letter p.

Each monitoring rule always has 4 numbers, e.g. by default for each pull: [7, 4, -4, -7].

  • The inner two numbers of the list correspond to the high and low boundaries of the yellow traffic light, so +4 and -4 in this example.
  • The outer two numbers of the list correspond to the high and low boundaries of the red traffic light, so +7 and -7 in this example.

You can also specify rules for specific features and/or statistics by leaving out wildcards and putting the feature name in front. This also works for a combinations of two features. E.g.

monitoring_rules = {
    "featureA:*_pull": [5, 3, -3, -5],
    "featureA:featureB:*_pull": [6, 3, -3, -6],
    "featureA:nan": [4, 1, 0, 0],
    "*_pull": [7, 4, -4, -7],
    "nan": [8, 1, 0, 0],

In the case where multiple rules could apply for a feature's statistic, the most specific one gets applied. So in case of the statistic "nan": "featureA:nan" is used for "featureA", and the other "nan" rule for all other features.

Plotting of traffic light boundaries

Where the red and yellow boundaries are shown in a plot of a feature's statistic can be set with the pull_rules option. Usually the same numbers are used here as for the monitoring rules, but this is not necessary.

Note that, depending on the chosen reference data set, the reference mean and standard deviation can change over time. The red and yellow boundaries used to assign traffic lights can therefore change over time as well.

When generating a report, the pull_rules can be provided as a dictionary:

# generate stability report with specific monitoring rules
report = df.pm_stability_report(pull_rules=your_pull_rules)

The default for pull_rules is:

pull_rules = {"*_pull": [7, 4, -4, -7]}

This means that the shown yellow boundaries are at -4, +4 standard deviations around the (reference) mean, and the shown red boundaries are at -7, +7 standard deviations around the (reference) mean.

Note that the (filename based) wildcards such as * apply to all statistic names matching that pattern. The same wild card logic applies as for the monitoring rules.

Just metrics, no report

When you're only interested in generating the metrics for the report, but not actually generate the report, you can do the following:

# generate stability metrics but no report
datastore = df.pm_stability_metrics()

This function has the exact same options as discussed in the sections above.

The datastore is a dictionary that contains all evaluated metrics displayed in the report. For example, you will see the keys profiles, comparisons, traffic_lights and alerts.

Each of these objects is in itself a dictionary that has as keys the features in the corresponding report-section, and every key points to a pandas dataframe with the metrics of that feature over time.

Spark usage

popmon works with Apache Spark. The following example demonstrates how to use them together.

import popmon
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

# downloads histogrammar jar files if not already installed, used for histogramming of spark dataframe
spark = SparkSession.builder.config(

# load a dataframe
spark_df ="csv").options(header="true").load("file.csv")

# generate the report
report = spark_df.pm_stability_report(time_axis="timestamp")

Spark example on Google Colab

This snippet contains the instructions for setting up a minimal environment for popmon on Google Colab as a reference.

!apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk-headless -qq > /dev/null
!wget -q
!tar xf spark-2.4.7-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz
!wget -P /content/spark-2.4.7-bin-hadoop2.7/jars/ -q
!wget -P /content/spark-2.4.7-bin-hadoop2.7/jars/ -q
!pip install -q findspark popmon

Now that spark is installed, restart the runtime.

import os

os.environ["JAVA_HOME"] = "/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64"
os.environ["SPARK_HOME"] = "/content/spark-2.4.7-bin-hadoop2.7"

import findspark


from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

spark = (
    .config("spark.sql.execution.arrow.enabled", "false")
    .config("spark.sql.session.timeZone", "GMT")

Troubleshooting Spark

The following section documents error that you may run into using spark, and how they can be resolved.

TypeError: 'JavaPackage' object is not callable

This error occurs when pyspark cannot find the required jars. Ensure that the location of "spark.jars" or "spark.jars.packages" is correct (see examples above). Stop the spark session and restart it with the exact location. You can use the ones hosted on github using the "spark.jars.pacakges" example or place the jars locally and use "spark.jars", depending on whichever is easiest in your setup.

If you are running in a jupyter notebook, then the kernel needs to be restarted.