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The following information is only relevant if you want to contribute to the elements. If you just want to use the UI elements for your own project, please refer to the top level README.

This is the Storybook package containing all the documentation for the following packages:

How to write stories for a component



const MyComponentMeta = {
  title: 'Structure/<my-component>',
  component: 'my-component',
  render: (args) => html` <my-component
  args: {
    myProp: false, // will be used as default value
} as Meta<Components.MyComponent>;

export default MyComponentMeta;

// Primary Story
export const Default = Story({

// Additional Story
export const MyProp = Story({
  docsFromProperty: 'my-prop',
  args: {
    myProp: true,

Storybook Guide for my-component

This guide will walk you through the setup and configuration of a Storybook story for the my-component component using TypeScript.

Step 1: Define Component Metadata

Start by creating an object named MyComponentMeta that contains the metadata for your component:

  • title: Set the title to Structure/<my-component> to categorize your component under Structure in Storybook's sidebar.
  • component: Specify the component's tag name as my-component.
  • render: Define a render function that uses the args to render your component with dynamic properties. The eventHandler should be a function that handles the myPropChange event.
  • args: Set default values for your component's properties. In this example, myProp is set to false.

Step 2: Export Component Metadata

Export MyComponentMeta as the default export of the module. This will be used by Storybook to understand how to render and document your component.

Step 3: Create Default Story

Define a default story for your component by using the Story function and spreading the MyComponentMeta. This will create a story with the default configuration.

export const Default = Story({

Step 4: Create Variant Stories

To showcase different states or variants of your component, you can create additional stories. For instance, the MyProp story demonstrates the component with myProp set to true. You can also include additional documentation properties like docsFromProperty if your Storybook setup supports it.

export const MyProp = Story({
  docsFromProperty: 'my-prop',
  args: {
    myProp: true,

Step 5: Run Storybook

Run your Storybook instance to see your component and its stories in action. You should be able to interact with your component and see the effects of the different props as defined in your stories.