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File metadata and controls

145 lines (83 loc) · 5.3 KB

The Metadata Service

The metadata service wraps the work of posting metadata to the Cardano blockchain in a gRpc defined service.

This allows for the automatic generation of clients using the specified IDL.

This document describes the service and how to use it. A working knowledge of gRpc is assumed.

The Service

The service wraps access to the cardano wallet backend API. It supports multiple wallets via it's configuration file. This is to allow a single service instance to be used by multiple clients as a multi tenant service. However it also works as a micro service integrated with a particular solution.


The configuration is stored within the docker container, in the conf folder of the application however it can be overridden from the commandline.

This is the time interval used by the service to poll the wallet backend for updates on the state of a transaction.
txPollInterval = 4 seconds

This is the number of retries that will happen in a case where communication with the wallet backend is lost.

max-retry-on-error = 3

In the case where no clientId is provided to the service request, the default wallet name is used to service the request.

default-wallet-name = "metadata-default-wallet"

In the case where the balance of a wallet falls below this value the low balance alarm is triggered

default-minbalance = 1000000

As mentioned previously the configuration supports multiple wallet configurations as a list.

wallets = [
        url = ""
        name = "metadata-default-wallet"
        id = "695f31xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
        passphrase = "xxxxxxxxxx"
        minbalance = 1000000
        transferamount = 1000000
        mnemonic = "valid menmonic words all the way to twenty"
        monitor-low-balance = true

Most of this wallet configuration is self-explanatory, note that it is NOT necessary to provide the mnemonic for the wallet in this file. This facilitates never having to have the menmonic on this machine.

To have the low balance alarm monitor ignore the balance of this wallet set

monitor-low-balance = false


The service is deployed as a docker container or as a Java Application as defined by sbt native packager.

In order to override any of the values in the application configuration (with environment substitution) from the commandline use

-DVAR_NAME=NEW_VALE for example (Note the environment substitution syntax)

default-wallet-name = "metadata-default-wallet"
default-wallet-name = ${?DEFAULT_WALLET_NAME}

... to override the default wallet name use


To override other application configuration from the command line e.g. from the docker run command line, use



There are two http urls available for monitoring applications, the first is a trivial alive url that returns 200 if the service is up.

wget should return 200 OK.

More usefully

wget will return a json response indicating whether all the monitored wallets have balances above their low balance thresholds.

In the case where all wallets are ok the following is returned


...otherwise allOk:false will be returned along with details of the problems.

The Metadata Service API

Submit Metadata

The submit metadata method provides a stream of response updates until all the criteria have been met.

Create a request and provide the clientId to choose a particular wallet configuration, or provide no client id to use the default wallet.

Provide the depth as a number of blocks.

Provide the metadata as a string in Json format, but conforming to the schema described here

The result will be a stream of responses, these responses are checked for status, first to make sure the request has a state 'IN_LEDGER' and finally to indicate the transaction has been buried under the requisite number of blocks.

The transaction id (tx_id) for the metadata transaction is returned in the first result of the stream.

The stream ends when these criteria are filled or there is a 'problem'.

In the case of a problem, that problem is described in a problem field of the response.`

In the case where a problem occurs before the criteria are filled, due to a lost connection for example, the process can be restarted by resending the request but providing only the tx_id and the clientId.


Simple returns the available balance of the wallet associated with the clientId or default wallet.

Get Funding Addresses

In order to add funds to a wallet a target address is required, this call returns a list of unused addresses from the wallet associated with a clientId

This is then used to add more funds to a wallet (e.g. from Daedalus) and thus facilitate more metadata transactions.

List Transactions

List all metadata transactions associated with the clientIds wallet between the dates given.

Note the dates are optional and when not provided, all metadata transactions are returned.

Note, if a transaction has no metadata, it will not be listed by this call.