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Multisig Native Assets CLI - User Guide

This document describes usage of Multisig Native Assets Client.

You can read more about native assets in the Cardano documentation.

Native Assets Client wraps the work of minting, transferring, and burning native assets on the Cardano blockchain the form of a java command-line tool. It also support the minting and burning with multiple signatures


  • Download the latest version from the repository
  • Unzip it into a folder
  • Set clientId andapiKey at /conf/application.conf to the ones from Self Serve UI
  • Set network to preprod for testnet environment at /conf/application.conf (mainnet by default)
  • Set host, port for testnet or mainnet environments
  • Make native asset client executable
sudo chmod +x /bin/native-assets-client
  • Run client from the command line
./bin/native-assets-client -multisig -COMMAND

where COMMAND - one of the supported ones

Supported commands

  • createPolicy - Creates the policy context for minting, burning etc
  • getPolicy - Gets the policy by id
  • listPolicies - Lists the existing policies contexts
  • mint - Mints specific amount of new native assets with multisignature support
  • burn - Burns specific amount of native assets with multisignature support
  • transfer - Transfers new native assets to an address
  • addWitness - Add signature to the specified transaction id
  • listWitness - List all signatures that were added to the specified transaction id
  • sendTx - Sends transaction to the blockchain.
  • getTx - Get transaction stored in backend associated with policy Id
  • listTxs - List all transactions that are stored in backend
  • genVerKey - Generates verification key
  • genKeys - Generates an ED25519 key pair
  • genAddress - Generates a cardano enterprise address from public key

Multisig Native Asset Client - API

Create new policy

# Create policy associated with public keys
./bin/native-assets-client -multisig  -createPolicy -name MyDemoPolicy -policyIdOut ./policyId -verKeyFiles "./user1.vkey ./user2.vkey"
# Create policy associated with private keys 
./bin/native-assets-client -multisig  -createPolicy -name MyDemoPolicy -policyIdOut ./policyId -signingKeyFiles "./user1.skey ./user2.skey"

Check list of policies

./bin/native-assets-client -multisig -listPolicies

Get policy

#Get Policy by Id
./bin/native-assets-client -multisig -getPolicy -policyId c86e802e283dca7e99227907ec585bc0ad93ee55e9a8b8d86c12f19d
#Get Policy by Name
./bin/native-assets-client -multisig -getPolicy -name MyDemoPolicy

Mint Asset

# Mint native assets defined in metadata file
  ./bin/native-assets-client -multisig -mint -assetName MyDemoAsset -paymentAddress addr_testxxxxxxx -mintTargetAddressaddr_testxxxxxxx -policyId ./policyId -txIdOut ./txIdOut -txOut ./txOut -arbitraryMetadata "./metadataFile.json" -amount 100
# Mint NFTs
  ./bin/native-assets-client -multisig -mint -assetName MyDemoAsset -paymentAddress addr_testxxxxxxx -mintTargetAddressaddr_testxxxxxxx -policyIdFile ./policyId -txIdOut ./txIdOut -txOut ./txOut

Burn Asset

# Burn `assetName` from `targetAddress` of specified `amount` associated with policy and transaction id loaded from files
  ./bin/native-assets-client -multisig -burn -assetName MyDemoAsset -mintTargetAddressaddr_testxxxxxxx -policyIdFile ./policyId -txIdOut ./txIdOut -txOut ./txOut -amount 10 

Transfer Asset

# Transfer `assetName` from `fromAddress` to `toAddress` of specified `amount` associated with policy and transaction id loaded from files
  ./bin/native-assets-client -multisig -transfer -fromAddress addr_testxxxxxxx -toAddress addr_testyyyyyyy -policyIdFile ./policyId -txIdOut ./txIdOut -txOut ./txOut -tokenAmount 10

Add Witness

  # Add witness from a `private key file` to the transaction with `id` loaded from file 
  ./bin/native-assets-client -multisig -addWitness -txIdFile ./txId -txFile ./txOut -signingKeyFile ./user1.skey
  # Add witness as a `param` to the transaction with `id` loaded from file
  ./bin/native-assets-client -multisig -addWitness -txIdFile ./txId -txFile ./txOut -signingKey cdb9ea82555a6f10294963705342538a8cab22ea4a40a2d2ca59e6da75b42dd6
  # Add witness where private key is derived from a `public key file` to the transaction with `id` loaded from file 
  ./bin/native-assets-client -multisig -addWitness -txIdFile ./txId -txFile ./txOut -verKeyFile ./user1.vkey
  # Add witness where private key is derived from provided `public key` to the transaction with `id` loaded from file
  ./bin/native-assets-client -multisig -addWitness -txIdFile ./txId -txFile ./txOut -verKey abe17d93a342dc4f8dadef5b40ca5f32b504de815cf0f086af1fd0cbdaf04b54

List Witnesses

  # List all witnesses associated to the transaction with `id` defined in param 
  ./bin/native-assets-client -multisig -listWitnesses -txId 493eeee2f64fc476fbcd70e614288fe692fbc1b428f6fc1a468b08f8678e0d19
  # List all witnesses associated to the transaction with `id` defined in file
  ./bin/native-assets-client -multisig -listWitnesses -txIdFile ./txIdOut

Send Transaction

# Send the transaction to the blockchain  associated with the Id loaded from file
  ./bin/native-assets-client -multisig -sendTx -txIdFile ./txIdFile

Get Transaction

# Get the transaction associated with the Id loaded from file
  ./bin/native-assets-client -multisig -getTx -txIdFile ./txIdFile

List Transactions

   # List Transactions associated with `Policy` loaded from file
  ./bin/native-assets-client -multisig -listTxs -policyIdFile ./policyIdfile
  # List all Transactions
  ./bin/native-assets-client -multisig -listTxs 

Generate Keys

  # Generate and store public key and private key to associated files
  ./bin/native-assets-client -multisig -genKeys -verKeyOut my.vkey -signKeyOut my.skey

Generate Public Keys

  # Generate and store public key to the output file
  ./bin/native-assets-client -multisig -genVerKey -out my.vkey

Generate address

  # Generate and store the Address to the output file
  ./bin/native-assets-client -multisig -genAddress -out ./my.addr