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catch-21 committed Jan 17, 2022
2 parents 31c71d1 + dfd0795 commit 0a3b501
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Showing 3 changed files with 148 additions and 89 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions cardano-db-sync/cardano-db-sync.cabal
Expand Up @@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ library
Expand Down
105 changes: 16 additions & 89 deletions cardano-db-sync/src/Cardano/DbSync/Era/Shelley/Insert.hs
Expand Up @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import qualified Cardano.Db as DB
import qualified Cardano.DbSync.Era.Shelley.Generic as Generic
import Cardano.DbSync.Era.Shelley.Generic.ParamProposal
import Cardano.DbSync.Era.Shelley.Insert.Epoch
import Cardano.DbSync.Era.Shelley.Insert.Grouped
import Cardano.DbSync.Era.Shelley.Offline
import Cardano.DbSync.Era.Shelley.Query
import Cardano.DbSync.Era.Util (liftLookupFail, safeDecodeToJson)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,7 +66,6 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl)
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS
import Data.Group (invert)
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe.Strict (strictMaybeToMaybe)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ insertShelleyBlock tracer lenv firstBlockOfEpoch blk lStateSnap details = do
let zippedTx = zip [0 .. ] (Generic.blkTxs blk)
let txInserter = insertTx tracer (leNetwork lenv) lStateSnap blkId (sdEpochNo details) (Generic.blkSlotNo blk)
grouped <- foldM (\grouped (idx, tx) -> txInserter idx tx grouped) mempty zippedTx
insertTxGroupedData tracer grouped
insertBlockGroupedData tracer grouped

liftIO $ do
let epoch = unEpochNo (sdEpochNo details)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -187,64 +187,11 @@ insertOnNewEpoch tracer blkId slotNo epochNo newEpoch = do

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Group data within the same block, to insert them together in batches
-- important NOTE: 'MaTxOut' is the only table referencing 'TxOut'. If any
-- other table references it in the future it has to be added here and delay its
-- insertion.
data TxGroupedData = TxGroupedData
{ groupedTxIn :: ![DB.TxIn]
, groupedTxOut :: ![(ExtendedTxOut, [MissingMaTxOut])]

-- | While we collect data, we don't have access yet to the 'TxOutId', since
-- it's inserted to the db later. So it's missing fields compared to DB.MaTxOut.
data MissingMaTxOut = MissingMaTxOut
{ mmtoIdent :: !DB.MultiAssetId
, mmtoQuantity :: !DbWord64

-- | 'TxOut' with its TxHash. The hash is used to resolve inputs which
-- reference outputs that are not inserted to the db yet.
data ExtendedTxOut = ExtendedTxOut
{ etoTxHash :: !ByteString
, etoTxOut :: !DB.TxOut

instance Monoid TxGroupedData where
mempty = TxGroupedData [] []

instance Semigroup TxGroupedData where
tgd1 <> tgd2 =
TxGroupedData (groupedTxIn tgd1 <> groupedTxIn tgd2)
(groupedTxOut tgd1 <> groupedTxOut tgd2)

:: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m)
=> Trace IO Text -> TxGroupedData
-> ExceptT SyncNodeError (ReaderT SqlBackend m) ()
insertTxGroupedData _tracer grouped = do
txOutIds <- lift . DB.insertManyTxOut $ etoTxOut. fst <$> groupedTxOut grouped
let maTxOuts = concatMap mkmaTxOuts $ zip txOutIds (snd <$> groupedTxOut grouped)
lift $ DB.insertManyMaTxOut maTxOuts
lift . DB.insertManyTxIn $ groupedTxIn grouped
mkmaTxOuts :: (DB.TxOutId, [MissingMaTxOut]) -> [DB.MaTxOut]
mkmaTxOuts (txOutId, mmtos) = map (mkmaTxOut txOutId) mmtos

mkmaTxOut :: DB.TxOutId -> MissingMaTxOut -> DB.MaTxOut
mkmaTxOut txOutId missingMaTx =
{ DB.maTxOutIdent = mmtoIdent missingMaTx
, DB.maTxOutQuantity = mmtoQuantity missingMaTx
, DB.maTxOutTxOutId = txOutId

:: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m)
=> Trace IO Text -> Ledger.Network -> LedgerStateSnapshot -> DB.BlockId -> EpochNo
-> SlotNo -> Word64 -> Generic.Tx -> TxGroupedData
-> ExceptT SyncNodeError (ReaderT SqlBackend m) TxGroupedData
-> SlotNo -> Word64 -> Generic.Tx -> BlockGroupedData
-> ExceptT SyncNodeError (ReaderT SqlBackend m) BlockGroupedData
insertTx tracer network lStateSnap blkId epochNo slotNo blockIndex tx grouped = do
let fees = unCoin $ Generic.txFees tx
outSum = unCoin $ Generic.txOutSum tx
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -274,15 +221,16 @@ insertTx tracer network lStateSnap blkId epochNo slotNo blockIndex tx grouped =
, DB.txScriptSize = sum $ Generic.txScriptSizes tx

-- In the case of a second state script validation failure, these outputs have already beeb
-- switched to the collcateral outputs in place of the "successful transaction" outputs.
txOutsGrouped <- mapM (prepareTxOut tracer (txId, txHash)) (Generic.txOutputs tx)
if not (Generic.txValidContract tx) then do
let txIns = map (prepareTxIn txId []) resolvedInputs
pure $ grouped <> BlockGroupedData txIns []

-- The following operations only happen if the script passes stage 2 validation (or the tx has
-- no script).
inputs <- if not (Generic.txValidContract tx) then pure []
else do
redeemers <- mapM (insertRedeemer tracer txId) (Generic.txRedeemer tx)
-- The following operations only happen if the script passes stage 2 validation (or the tx has
-- no script).
txOutsGrouped <- mapM (prepareTxOut tracer (txId, txHash)) (Generic.txOutputs tx)

redeemers <- mapM (insertRedeemer tracer (fst <$> groupedTxOut grouped) txId) (Generic.txRedeemer tx)

mapM_ (insertDatum tracer txId) (Generic.txData tx)
-- Insert the transaction inputs and collateral inputs (Alonzo).
Expand All @@ -302,29 +250,8 @@ insertTx tracer network lStateSnap blkId epochNo slotNo blockIndex tx grouped =
mapM_ (insertScript tracer txId) $ Generic.txScripts tx

mapM_ (insertExtraKeyWitness tracer txId) $ Generic.txExtraKeyWitnesses tx
pure txIns

pure $ grouped <> TxGroupedData inputs txOutsGrouped

-- | If we can't resolve from the db, we fall back to the provided outputs
-- This happens the input consumes an output introduced in the same block.
resolveTxInputs :: MonadIO m => [ExtendedTxOut] -> Generic.TxIn -> ExceptT SyncNodeError (ReaderT SqlBackend m) (Generic.TxIn, DB.TxId, DbLovelace)
resolveTxInputs groupedOutputs txIn = fmap convert $ liftLookupFail "resolveTxInputs" $ do
qres <- queryResolveInput txIn
case qres of
Right ret -> pure $ Right ret
Left err ->
case List.find matches groupedOutputs of
Nothing -> pure $ Left err
Just eutxo -> pure $ Right (DB.txOutTxId (etoTxOut eutxo), DB.txOutValue (etoTxOut eutxo))
convert :: (DB.TxId, DbLovelace) -> (Generic.TxIn, DB.TxId, DbLovelace)
convert (txId, lovelace) = (txIn, txId, lovelace)

matches :: ExtendedTxOut -> Bool
matches eutxo =
Generic.txInHash txIn == etoTxHash eutxo
&& Generic.txInIndex txIn == DB.txOutIndex (etoTxOut eutxo)
pure $ grouped <> BlockGroupedData txIns txOutsGrouped

:: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -775,9 +702,9 @@ insertParamProposal tracer blkId txId pp = do

:: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m)
=> Trace IO Text -> DB.TxId -> Generic.TxRedeemer
=> Trace IO Text -> [ExtendedTxOut] -> DB.TxId -> Generic.TxRedeemer
-> ExceptT SyncNodeError (ReaderT SqlBackend m) (DB.RedeemerId, Generic.TxRedeemer)
insertRedeemer tracer txId redeemer = do
insertRedeemer tracer groupedOutputs txId redeemer = do
tdId <- insertDatum tracer txId $ Generic.txRedeemerDatum redeemer
scriptHash <- findScriptHash
rid <- lift . DB.insertRedeemer $
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -808,7 +735,7 @@ insertRedeemer tracer txId redeemer = do
case Generic.txRedeemerScriptHash redeemer of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just (Right bs) -> pure $ Just bs
Just (Left txIn) -> fst <$> liftLookupFail "insertRedeemer" (queryResolveInputCredentials txIn)
Just (Left txIn) -> resolveScriptHash groupedOutputs txIn

:: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m)
Expand Down
131 changes: 131 additions & 0 deletions cardano-db-sync/src/Cardano/DbSync/Era/Shelley/Insert/Grouped.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Cardano.DbSync.Era.Shelley.Insert.Grouped
( BlockGroupedData (..)
, MissingMaTxOut (..)
, ExtendedTxOut (..)
, insertBlockGroupedData
, resolveTxInputs
, resolveScriptHash
) where

import Cardano.Prelude

import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl)

import qualified Data.List as List

import Cardano.BM.Trace (Trace)

import Cardano.Db (DbLovelace (..))
import qualified Cardano.Db as DB

import qualified Cardano.DbSync.Era.Shelley.Generic as Generic
import Cardano.DbSync.Era.Shelley.Query
import Cardano.DbSync.Era.Util

import Cardano.DbSync.Error

import Database.Persist.Sql (SqlBackend)

-- | Group data within the same block, to insert them together in batches
-- important NOTE: Any queries (usually found in 'Cardano.DbSync.Era.Shelley.Query')
-- that touch these 3 tables (tx_out, tx_in, ma_tx_out) need to
-- have a fallback using this in memory structure. This is because
-- these tables are inserted in the db with a delay. 'resolveTxInputs' and
-- 'resolveScriptHash' are examples that fallback to this structure.
-- important NOTE: 'MaTxOut' is the only table referencing 'TxOut'. If any
-- other table references it in the future it has to be added here and delay its
-- insertion.
data BlockGroupedData = BlockGroupedData
{ groupedTxIn :: ![DB.TxIn]
, groupedTxOut :: ![(ExtendedTxOut, [MissingMaTxOut])]

-- | While we collect data, we don't have access yet to the 'TxOutId', since
-- it's inserted to the db later. So it's missing fields compared to DB.MaTxOut.
data MissingMaTxOut = MissingMaTxOut
{ mmtoIdent :: !DB.MultiAssetId
, mmtoQuantity :: !DB.DbWord64

-- | 'TxOut' with its TxHash. The hash is used to resolve inputs which
-- reference outputs that are not inserted to the db yet.
data ExtendedTxOut = ExtendedTxOut
{ etoTxHash :: !ByteString
, etoTxOut :: !DB.TxOut

instance Monoid BlockGroupedData where
mempty = BlockGroupedData [] []

instance Semigroup BlockGroupedData where
tgd1 <> tgd2 =
BlockGroupedData (groupedTxIn tgd1 <> groupedTxIn tgd2)
(groupedTxOut tgd1 <> groupedTxOut tgd2)

:: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m)
=> Trace IO Text -> BlockGroupedData
-> ExceptT SyncNodeError (ReaderT SqlBackend m) ()
insertBlockGroupedData _tracer grouped = do
txOutIds <- lift . DB.insertManyTxOut $ etoTxOut. fst <$> groupedTxOut grouped
let maTxOuts = concatMap mkmaTxOuts $ zip txOutIds (snd <$> groupedTxOut grouped)
lift $ DB.insertManyMaTxOut maTxOuts
lift . DB.insertManyTxIn $ groupedTxIn grouped
mkmaTxOuts :: (DB.TxOutId, [MissingMaTxOut]) -> [DB.MaTxOut]
mkmaTxOuts (txOutId, mmtos) = mkmaTxOut txOutId <$> mmtos

mkmaTxOut :: DB.TxOutId -> MissingMaTxOut -> DB.MaTxOut
mkmaTxOut txOutId missingMaTx =
{ DB.maTxOutIdent = mmtoIdent missingMaTx
, DB.maTxOutQuantity = mmtoQuantity missingMaTx
, DB.maTxOutTxOutId = txOutId

-- | If we can't resolve from the db, we fall back to the provided outputs
-- This happens the input consumes an output introduced in the same block.
:: MonadIO m
=> [ExtendedTxOut]
-> Generic.TxIn
-> ExceptT SyncNodeError (ReaderT SqlBackend m) (Generic.TxIn, DB.TxId, DbLovelace)
resolveTxInputs groupedOutputs txIn = fmap convert $ liftLookupFail "resolveTxInputs" $ do
qres <- queryResolveInput txIn
case qres of
Right ret -> pure $ Right ret
Left err ->
case resolveInMemory txIn groupedOutputs of
Nothing -> pure $ Left err
Just eutxo -> pure $ Right (DB.txOutTxId (etoTxOut eutxo), DB.txOutValue (etoTxOut eutxo))
convert :: (DB.TxId, DbLovelace) -> (Generic.TxIn, DB.TxId, DbLovelace)
convert (txId, lovelace) = (txIn, txId, lovelace)

:: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m)
=> [ExtendedTxOut]
-> Generic.TxIn
-> ExceptT SyncNodeError (ReaderT SqlBackend m) (Maybe ByteString)
resolveScriptHash groupedOutputs txIn = liftLookupFail "resolveScriptHash" $ do
qres <- fmap fst <$> queryResolveInputCredentials txIn
case qres of
Right ret -> pure $ Right ret
Left err ->
case resolveInMemory txIn groupedOutputs of
Nothing -> pure $ Left err
Just eutxo -> pure $ Right $ DB.txOutPaymentCred $ etoTxOut eutxo

resolveInMemory :: Generic.TxIn -> [ExtendedTxOut] -> Maybe ExtendedTxOut
resolveInMemory txIn = List.find matches
matches :: ExtendedTxOut -> Bool
matches eutxo =
Generic.txInHash txIn == etoTxHash eutxo
&& Generic.txInIndex txIn == DB.txOutIndex (etoTxOut eutxo)

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