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Installing the Cardano node
Installing the Cardano node

Downloading pre-compiled executables

You can install the Cardano node and cli using pre-compiled executable files for your platform.

Building from source

Alternatively, if you want to build from source, there are two options available to you. Depending on your build tool preference, you can build from the source code using either of the following:

Please refer to the cardano-node releases page to ensure you are working with the latest version of the node.

Once you have installed the node, you need to specify the configuration parameters.

Using Docker

There is also a Docker image available that you can use.

Setting up Docker

  1. Download and install Docker/Docker Desktop from the Docker site.
  2. If using Windows or Mac, ensure you have allocated enough RAM to Docker (we recommend setting the RAM to 8GB in the Docker Desktop requirements) and start the Docker daemon, as described in the Docker instructions. Note that Docker on Linux, there are no RAM limits for containers by default.

Setting up the Cardano node

  1. Download the correct cardano-node image:

docker image pull inputoutput/cardano-node:<TAG>

where <TAG> is the tag for the version that you require (e.g. latest for the most recent stable version, or 1.27.0 for node version 1.27.0).

  1. Create local cardano-node-data and cardano-node-ipc volumes:
docker volume create cardano-node-data
docker volume create cardano-node-ipc

Running the Cardano node

  1. Run a passive node that is connected to the correct network. For example, for a mainnet node:

docker run -e NETWORK=mainnet -v cardano-node-ipc:/ipc -v cardano-node-data:/data inputoutput/cardano-node

This creates a persistent docker environment for the node, where /ipc in the Docker container is connected to the logical cardano-node-ipc volume, and /data is connected to the cardano-node-data volume. Note that you should change NETWORK=mainnet if you are connecting to a different network (eg a testnet).

Passing Explicit Configuration Parameters

You may also run the node with specific parameters:

docker run -v cardano-node-ipc:/ipc -v cardano-node-data:/data inputoutput/cardano-node run --help

If there is no pre-defined network configuration, you will need to download the specified configuration files, copy these to the persistent Docker volume, and pass the parameters on the command line:

docker run -v cardano-node-ipc:/ipc -v cardano-node-data:/data inputoutput/cardano-node run --config ... --topology ... --...

Running Cardano CLI commands

You can now run normal Cardano CLI commands, for example,

export CLI='docker run -it --entrypoint cardano-cli -e NETWORK=mainnet -e CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH=/ipc/node.socket -v cardano-node-ipc:/ipc inputoutput/cardano-node'
$CLI version
$CLI query tip --mainnet
$CLI transaction build-raw ... --mainnet

You need to specify CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH to point to the correct location in the container (/ipc/node.socket is the standard location).

Running a Shell in the Docker Container

To run a shell in the container (so that you can inspect or change settings, for example), use the bash or sh entry point.

docker run -it --entrypoint bash -v cardano-node-ipc:/ipc -v cardano-node-data:/data inputoutput/cardano-node

You may now run any commands that you require with full access to the container's file systems.

bash-4.4# cd /data/db
bash-4.4# ls
immutable  ledger  lock  protocolMagicId  volatile

Alternatively, you can start the node container with a name.

docker run --name cardano-node -e NETWORK=mainnet -v cardano-node-ipc:/ipc -v cardano-node-data:/data inputoutput/cardano-node

In a separate terminal instance, run shell in an existing container.

docker exec -it cardano-node bash

Copying files to/from the Docker Container

To copy files to/from the docker container use docker cp.

For example, if the process ID of the running container is 760199bf3561

kh@vulcan:~$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                      COMMAND                  CREATED       STATUS       PORTS     NAMES
760199bf3561   inputoutput/cardano-node   "/nix/store/p435ajna…"   ...

Then to copy the immutable directory (if you have a cached version), for example, you can:

docker cp db/immutable 760199bf3561:/data/db/immutable

You can also mount local directories for use by the container. For example to share the db and node-ipc directories, you could:

docker run ---mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)/db/",target=/data/db --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)/node-ipc",target=/ipc inputoutput/cardano-node ...

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