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locli: factor chain filtering
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deepfire committed Jan 17, 2022
1 parent 40753a2 commit d1343ba
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Showing 10 changed files with 199 additions and 167 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions bench/locli/locli.cabal
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ library


Expand Down
28 changes: 17 additions & 11 deletions bench/locli/src/Cardano/Analysis/API.hs
Expand Up @@ -18,9 +18,11 @@ import Text.Printf (printf)

import Ouroboros.Network.Block (BlockNo(..), SlotNo(..))

import Cardano.Analysis.ChainFilter
import Cardano.Analysis.Profile
import Cardano.Unlog.LogObject hiding (Text)
import Cardano.Unlog.Render
import Cardano.Unlog.SlotStats

import Data.Distribution

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,17 +128,21 @@ data BPErrorKind
-- * Key properties
isValidBlockEvent :: Profile -> [BlockCond] -> BlockEvents -> Bool
isValidBlockEvent Profile{genesis=GenesisProfile{..}} criteria be =
all (testCriterion be) criteria
testCriterion :: BlockEvents -> BlockCond -> Bool
testCriterion BlockEvents{beForge=BlockForge{..},..} = \case
BCUnitaryChainDelta -> bfChainDelta == 1
BCBlockFullnessAbove f ->
bfBlockSize >= floor ((fromIntegral max_block_size :: Double) * f)
BCSinceSlot s -> beSlotNo >= s
BCUntilSlot s -> beSlotNo <= s
testBlockEvents :: Profile -> BlockEvents -> ChainFilter -> Bool
testBlockEvents Profile{genesis=GenesisProfile{..}}
BlockEvents{beForge=BlockForge{..},..} = \case
CBlock flt -> case flt of
BUnitaryChainDelta -> bfChainDelta == 1
BFullnessAbove f ->
bfBlockSize >= floor ((fromIntegral max_block_size :: Double) * f)
CSlot flt -> case flt of
SSince s -> beSlotNo >= s
SUntil s -> beSlotNo <= s
_ -> True

isValidBlockEvent :: Profile -> [ChainFilter] -> BlockEvents -> Bool
isValidBlockEvent p criteria be =
all (testBlockEvents p be) criteria

isValidBlockObservation :: BlockObservation -> Bool
isValidBlockObservation BlockObservation{..} =
Expand Down
13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions bench/locli/src/Cardano/Analysis/BlockProp.hs
Expand Up @@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ import Data.Accum
import Data.Distribution

import Cardano.Analysis.API
import Cardano.Analysis.ChainFilter
import Cardano.Analysis.Profile
import Cardano.Unlog.LogObject hiding (Text)
import Cardano.Unlog.Render
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -244,17 +245,17 @@ mapChainToPeerBlockObservationCDF percs cbes proj desc =
blockObservations be =
proj `mapMaybe` filter isValidBlockObservation (beObservations be)

blockProp :: ChainInfo -> [BlockCond] -> [(JsonLogfile, [LogObject])] -> IO BlockPropagation
blockProp ci blockConds xs = do
blockProp :: ChainInfo -> [ChainFilter] -> [(JsonLogfile, [LogObject])] -> IO BlockPropagation
blockProp ci cFilters xs = do
putStrLn ("blockProp: recovering block event maps" :: String)
doBlockProp (cProfile ci) blockConds =<< mapConcurrently
doBlockProp (cProfile ci) cFilters =<< mapConcurrently
(\x ->
evaluate $ DS.force $
blockEventMapsFromLogObjects ci x)

doBlockProp :: Profile -> [BlockCond] -> [MachBlockMap UTCTime] -> IO BlockPropagation
doBlockProp p blockConds eventMaps = do
doBlockProp :: Profile -> [ChainFilter] -> [MachBlockMap UTCTime] -> IO BlockPropagation
doBlockProp p cFilters eventMaps = do
putStrLn ("tip block: " <> show tipBlock :: String)
putStrLn ("chain length: " <> show (length chain) :: String)
pure BlockPropagation
Expand All @@ -281,7 +282,7 @@ doBlockProp p blockConds eventMaps = do
chain, chainV :: [BlockEvents]
chain = rebuildChain (fmap deltifyEvents <$> eventMaps) tipHash
& computeChainBlockGaps
chainV = filter (isValidBlockEvent p blockConds) chain
chainV = filter (isValidBlockEvent p cFilters) chain

forgerEventsCDF :: (Real a, ToRealFrac a Float) => (BlockEvents -> Maybe a) -> Distribution Float a
forgerEventsCDF = mapChainToBlockEventCDF stdPercentiles chainV
Expand Down
42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions bench/locli/src/Cardano/Analysis/ChainFilter.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-deprecations #-}
{- HLINT ignore "Use head" -}
module Cardano.Analysis.ChainFilter (module Cardano.Analysis.ChainFilter) where

import Cardano.Prelude hiding (head)

import Data.Aeson

import Cardano.Unlog.SlotStats

-- | Conditions for chain subsetting
data ChainFilter
= CBlock BlockCond
| CSlot SlotCond
deriving (FromJSON, Generic, NFData, Show, ToJSON)

-- | Block classification -- primary for validity as subjects of analysis.
data BlockCond
= BUnitaryChainDelta
-- ^ All timings account for processing of a single block.
| BFullnessAbove Double
-- ^ Block fullness is above fraction.
deriving (FromJSON, Generic, NFData, Show, ToJSON)

cfIsSlotCond, cfIsBlockCond :: ChainFilter -> Bool
cfIsSlotCond = \case { CSlot{} -> True; _ -> False; }
cfIsBlockCond = \case { CBlock{} -> True; _ -> False; }

catSlotFilters :: [ChainFilter] -> [SlotCond]
catSlotFilters = go [] where
go :: [SlotCond] -> [ChainFilter] -> [SlotCond]
go acc = \case
[] -> reverse acc
CSlot c:rest -> go (c:acc) rest
_:rest -> go acc rest
113 changes: 80 additions & 33 deletions bench/locli/src/Cardano/Analysis/Driver.hs
Expand Up @@ -31,10 +31,9 @@ import Graphics.Gnuplot.Frame.OptionSet qualified as Opts

import Text.Printf

import Ouroboros.Network.Block (SlotNo)

import Cardano.Analysis.API
import Cardano.Analysis.BlockProp
import Cardano.Analysis.ChainFilter
import Cardano.Analysis.MachTimeline
import Cardano.Analysis.Profile
import Cardano.Unlog.Commands
Expand All @@ -44,9 +43,10 @@ import Cardano.Unlog.SlotStats

data AnalysisCmdError
= AnalysisCmdError !Text
| RunMetaParseError !JsonRunMetafile !Text
| GenesisParseError !JsonGenesisFile !Text
= AnalysisCmdError !Text
| RunMetaParseError !JsonRunMetafile !Text
| GenesisParseError !JsonGenesisFile !Text
| ChainFiltersParseError !JsonSelectorFile !Text
deriving Show

renderAnalysisCmdError :: AnalysisCommand -> AnalysisCmdError -> Text
Expand All @@ -61,6 +61,9 @@ renderAnalysisCmdError cmd err =
GenesisParseError (JsonGenesisFile fp) err' -> renderError cmd err'
("Genesis parse failed: " <> T.pack fp)
ChainFiltersParseError (JsonSelectorFile fp) err' -> renderError cmd err'
("Chain filter list parse failed: " <> T.pack fp)
renderError :: AnalysisCommand -> a -> Text -> (a -> [Text]) -> Text
renderError cmd' cmdErr desc renderer =
Expand All @@ -74,7 +77,7 @@ renderAnalysisCmdError cmd err =
-- Analysis command dispatch
runAnalysisCommand :: AnalysisCommand -> ExceptT AnalysisCmdError IO ()
runAnalysisCommand (MachineTimelineCmd genesisFile metaFile logfiles oFiles mStartSlot mEndSlot) = do
runAnalysisCommand (MachineTimelineCmd genesisFile metaFile mChFiltersFile logfiles oFiles) = do
chainInfo <-
<$> firstExceptT (RunMetaParseError metaFile . T.pack)
Expand All @@ -83,9 +86,16 @@ runAnalysisCommand (MachineTimelineCmd genesisFile metaFile logfiles oFiles mSta
<*> firstExceptT (GenesisParseError genesisFile . T.pack)
(newExceptT $
AE.eitherDecode @Genesis <$> LBS.readFile (unJsonGenesisFile genesisFile))
chFilters <- fmap (fromMaybe []) $
forM mChFiltersFile $
\(JsonSelectorFile f) -> do
firstExceptT (RunMetaParseError metaFile . T.pack)
(newExceptT $
AE.eitherDecode @[ChainFilter] <$> LBS.readFile f)

firstExceptT AnalysisCmdError $
runMachineTimeline chainInfo logfiles oFiles mStartSlot mEndSlot
runAnalysisCommand (BlockPropagationCmd genesisFile metaFile blockConds logfiles oFiles) = do
runMachineTimeline chainInfo logfiles chFilters oFiles
runAnalysisCommand (BlockPropagationCmd genesisFile metaFile mChFiltersFile logfiles oFiles) = do
chainInfo <-
<$> firstExceptT (RunMetaParseError metaFile . T.pack)
Expand All @@ -94,33 +104,39 @@ runAnalysisCommand (BlockPropagationCmd genesisFile metaFile blockConds logfiles
<*> firstExceptT (GenesisParseError genesisFile . T.pack)
(newExceptT $
AE.eitherDecode @Genesis <$> LBS.readFile (unJsonGenesisFile genesisFile))
chFilters <- fmap (fromMaybe []) $
forM mChFiltersFile $
\(JsonSelectorFile f) -> do
firstExceptT (RunMetaParseError metaFile . T.pack)
(newExceptT $
AE.eitherDecode @[ChainFilter] <$> LBS.readFile f)

firstExceptT AnalysisCmdError $
runBlockPropagation chainInfo blockConds logfiles oFiles
runBlockPropagation chainInfo chFilters logfiles oFiles
runAnalysisCommand SubstringKeysCmd =
liftIO $ mapM_ putStrLn logObjectStreamInterpreterKeys

runBlockPropagation ::
ChainInfo -> [BlockCond] -> [JsonLogfile] -> BlockPropagationOutputFiles -> ExceptT Text IO ()
runBlockPropagation cInfo blockConds logfiles BlockPropagationOutputFiles{..} = do
ChainInfo -> [ChainFilter] -> [JsonLogfile] -> BlockPropagationOutputFiles -> ExceptT Text IO ()
runBlockPropagation cInfo chConds logfiles BlockPropagationOutputFiles{..} = do
liftIO $ do
putStrLn ("runBlockPropagation: lifting LO streams" :: Text)
progress "inputs" (L $ unJsonLogfile <$> logfiles)
-- 0. Recover LogObjects
objLists :: [(JsonLogfile, [LogObject])] <- flip mapConcurrently logfiles
(joinT . (pure &&& readLogObjectStream))

forM_ bpofLogObjects . const $ do
flip mapConcurrently objLists $
\(JsonLogfile f, objs) -> do
putStrLn ("runBlockPropagation: dumping LO streams" :: Text)
dumpLOStream objs
(JsonOutputFile $ F.dropExtension f <> ".logobjects.json")

blockPropagation <- blockProp cInfo blockConds objLists
blockPropagation <- blockProp cInfo chConds objLists

forM_ bpofTimelinePretty $
\(TextOutputFile f) ->
withFile f WriteMode $ \hnd -> do
putStrLn ("runBlockPropagation: dumping pretty timeline" :: Text)
progress "pretty-timeline" (Q f)
hPutStrLn hnd . T.pack $ printf "--- input: %s" f
mapM_ (T.hPutStrLn hnd)
(renderDistributions (cProfile cInfo) RenderPretty blockPropagation)
Expand All @@ -130,30 +146,44 @@ runBlockPropagation cInfo blockConds logfiles BlockPropagationOutputFiles{..} =
forM_ bpofAnalysis $
\(JsonOutputFile f) ->
withFile f WriteMode $ \hnd -> do
putStrLn ("runBlockPropagation: dumping analysis core" :: Text)
progress "analysis" (Q f)
LBS.hPutStrLn hnd (AE.encode blockPropagation)
joinT :: (IO a, IO b) -> IO (a, b)
joinT (a, b) = (,) <$> a <*> b

data F
= R String
| Q String
| L [String]

progress :: String -> F -> IO ()
progress key = putStrLn . T.pack . \case
R x -> printf "{ \"%s\": %s }" key x
Q x -> printf "{ \"%s\": \"%s\" }" key x
L xs -> printf "{ \"%s\": \"%s\" }" key (intercalate "\", \"" xs)

runMachineTimeline ::
ChainInfo -> [JsonLogfile] -> MachineTimelineOutputFiles -> Maybe SlotNo -> Maybe SlotNo -> ExceptT Text IO ()
runMachineTimeline chainInfo logfiles MachineTimelineOutputFiles{..} mStartSlot mEndSlot = do
ChainInfo -> [JsonLogfile] -> [ChainFilter] -> MachineTimelineOutputFiles -> ExceptT Text IO ()
runMachineTimeline chainInfo logfiles chFilters MachineTimelineOutputFiles{..} = do
liftIO $ do

-- 0. Recover LogObjects
progress "inputs" (L $ unJsonLogfile <$> logfiles)
objs :: [LogObject] <- concat <$> mapM readLogObjectStream logfiles
forM_ mtofLogObjects
(dumpLOStream objs)

-- 1. Derive the basic scalars and vectors
let (,) runStats noisySlotStats = timelineFromLogObjects chainInfo objs
forM_ mtofSlotStats $
\(JsonOutputFile f) ->
\(JsonOutputFile f) -> do
progress "raw-slots" (Q f)
withFile f WriteMode $ \hnd ->
forM_ noisySlotStats $ LBS.hPutStrLn hnd . AE.encode

-- 2. Reprocess the slot stats
let slotStats = cleanupSlotStats mStartSlot mEndSlot noisySlotStats
let slotStats = filterSlotStats chFilters noisySlotStats

-- 3. Derive the timeline
let drvVectors0, _drvVectors1 :: [DerivedSlot]
Expand All @@ -165,7 +195,7 @@ runMachineTimeline chainInfo logfiles MachineTimelineOutputFiles{..} mStartSlot

-- 4. Render various outputs
forM_ mtofTimelinePretty
(renderPrettyMachTimeline slotStats timeline logfiles)
(renderPrettyMachTimeline slotStats timeline)
forM_ mtofStatsCsv
(renderExportStats runStats timeline)
forM_ mtofTimelineCsv
Expand All @@ -179,9 +209,24 @@ runMachineTimeline chainInfo logfiles MachineTimelineOutputFiles{..} mStartSlot
flip (maybe $ LBS.putStrLn timelineOutput) mtofAnalysis $
JsonOutputFile f ->
withFile f WriteMode $ \hnd ->
withFile f WriteMode $ \hnd -> do
progress "analysis" (Q f)
LBS.hPutStrLn hnd timelineOutput
-- | Use the supplied chain filters.
-- The idea is that the initial part is useless until the node actually starts
-- to interact with the blockchain, so we drop all slots until they start
-- getting non-zero chain density reported.
-- On the trailing part, we drop everything since the last leadership check.
filterSlotStats :: [ChainFilter] -> [SlotStats] -> [SlotStats]
filterSlotStats chFilters =
filter (\x -> all (testSlotStats p x) slotFilters)
slotFilters :: [SlotCond]
slotFilters = catSlotFilters chFilters

p = cProfile chainInfo

renderHistogram :: Integral a
Expand All @@ -194,19 +239,19 @@ runMachineTimeline chainInfo logfiles MachineTimelineOutputFiles{..} mStartSlot
Hist.defOpts hist

renderPrettyMachTimeline ::
[SlotStats] -> MachTimeline -> [JsonLogfile] -> TextOutputFile -> IO ()
renderPrettyMachTimeline xs s srcs o =
withFile (unTextOutputFile o) WriteMode $ \hnd -> do
hPutStrLn hnd . T.pack $
printf "--- input: %s" (intercalate " " $ unJsonLogfile <$> srcs)
[SlotStats] -> MachTimeline -> TextOutputFile -> IO ()
renderPrettyMachTimeline xs s (TextOutputFile f) =
withFile f WriteMode $ \hnd -> do
progress "pretty-timeline" (Q f)
mapM_ (T.hPutStrLn hnd)
(renderDistributions p RenderPretty s)
mapM_ (T.hPutStrLn hnd)
(renderTimeline p xs)
renderExportStats :: RunScalars -> MachTimeline -> CsvOutputFile -> IO ()
renderExportStats rs s (CsvOutputFile o) =
withFile o WriteMode $
renderExportStats rs s (CsvOutputFile f) =
withFile f WriteMode $
\h -> do
progress "csv-stats" (Q f)
mapM_ (hPutStrLn h)
(renderDistributions p RenderCsv s)
mapM_ (hPutStrLn h) $
Expand All @@ -220,15 +265,17 @@ runMachineTimeline chainInfo logfiles MachineTimelineOutputFiles{..} mStartSlot
-- mapM_ (T.hPutStrLn hnd) (renderTimeline xs)

renderDerivedSlots :: [DerivedSlot] -> CsvOutputFile -> IO ()
renderDerivedSlots slots (CsvOutputFile o) = do
withFile o WriteMode $ \hnd -> do
renderDerivedSlots slots (CsvOutputFile f) = do
withFile f WriteMode $ \hnd -> do
progress "derived-slots" (Q f)
hPutStrLn hnd derivedSlotsHeader
forM_ slots $
hPutStrLn hnd . renderDerivedSlot

dumpLOStream :: [LogObject] -> JsonOutputFile -> IO ()
dumpLOStream objs o =
withFile (unJsonOutputFile o) WriteMode $ \hnd -> do
dumpLOStream objs (JsonOutputFile f) = do
progress "logobjects" (Q f)
withFile f WriteMode $ \hnd -> do
forM_ objs $ LBS.hPutStrLn hnd . AE.encode

renderRunScalars :: RunScalars -> [Text]
Expand Down

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