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Resize QSM checkpoints generator in terms of the number of steps
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  The main effect of this change is to make sure that checkpoints
  generated in by the QSM tests have increasing slot numbers, and
  that they also generate address states that are bigger and bigger.

  Before this change, we would see commands such as:

  - putCheckpoint (RndState [addr1, addr2, addr3])
  - putCheckpoint (RndState [])

  Which is basically not possible in practice; addresses don't
  disappear. Another approach could have been to adjust a bit our
  database model to keep track of address state in a sparse way as
  well. Ideally, we should also decrease the "size" factor with
  rollbacks although, to do it well, we need to have a coupling between
  the generator and the transition function advancing the model (to make
  sure to shrink the size by the right factor).
  • Loading branch information
KtorZ committed Aug 3, 2020
1 parent 5c26ee8 commit 151c6c9
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Showing 2 changed files with 46 additions and 31 deletions.
42 changes: 28 additions & 14 deletions lib/core/test/unit/Cardano/Wallet/DB/Arbitrary.hs
Expand Up @@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ import GHC.Generics
import System.IO.Unsafe
( unsafePerformIO )
import System.Random
( mkStdGen )
( mkStdGen, random, randoms )
import Test.QuickCheck
( Arbitrary (..)
, Gen
Expand All @@ -165,9 +165,11 @@ import Test.QuickCheck
, generate
, genericShrink
, oneof
, resize
, scale
, shrinkIntegral
, shrinkList
, sized
, vector
, vectorOf
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -286,7 +288,7 @@ instance Arbitrary MockChain where
instance GenState s => Arbitrary (InitialCheckpoint s) where
shrink (InitialCheckpoint cp) = InitialCheckpoint <$> shrink cp
arbitrary = do
cp <- arbitrary @(Wallet s)
cp <- resize 0 $ arbitrary @(Wallet s)
pure $ InitialCheckpoint $ unsafeInitWallet
(utxo cp)
(block0 ^. #header)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -332,13 +334,11 @@ instance Arbitrary PassphraseScheme where

instance Arbitrary BlockHeader where
arbitrary = do
EpochNo ep <- arbitrary
SlotInEpoch sl <- arbitrary
let h = fromIntegral sl + fromIntegral ep * arbitraryEpochLength
arbitrary = sized $ \sl -> do
let h = Quantity $ fromIntegral sl
let slot = SlotNo $ fromIntegral sl
blockH <- arbitrary
let slot = SlotNo $ fromIntegral h
pure $ BlockHeader slot (Quantity h) blockH (coerce blockH)
pure $ BlockHeader slot h blockH (coerce blockH)

instance Arbitrary SlotNo where
arbitrary = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -535,17 +535,31 @@ arbitraryRewardAccount =
Random State

{- HLINT ignore "Use !!" -}
instance Arbitrary (RndState 'Mainnet) where
shrink (RndState k ix addrs pending g) =
[ RndState k ix' addrs' pending' g
| (ix', addrs', pending') <- shrink (ix, addrs, pending)
arbitrary = RndState
(Passphrase "passphrase")
<$> arbitrary
<*> (pure mempty) -- FIXME: see comment on 'Arbitrary Seq.PendingIxs'
<*> pure (mkStdGen 42)
-- Addresses are generate based on the size parameter, so that property
-- tests can actually expect addresses to not be totally random, but
-- instead, be an ever growing map, much more like they are actually
-- generated in practice.
arbitrary = sized $ \n -> do
let stdgen = mkStdGen 42
let newAddress (m, g0) = (Map.insert k v m, g2)
(acctIx, g1) = random g0
(addrIx, g2) = random g1
k = (Index acctIx, Index addrIx)
v = Address $ B8.pack $ take 32 $ randoms g2
let addrs = fst $ head $ drop n $ iterate newAddress (mempty, stdgen)
pure $ RndState
(Passphrase "passphrase")
mempty -- FIXME: see comment on 'Arbitrary Seq.PendingIxs'

instance Arbitrary (ByronKey 'RootK XPrv) where
shrink _ = []
Expand Down
35 changes: 18 additions & 17 deletions lib/core/test/unit/Cardano/Wallet/DB/StateMachine.hs
Expand Up @@ -188,6 +188,7 @@ import Test.QuickCheck
, frequency
, labelledExamplesWith
, property
, resize
, (===)
import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -514,19 +515,19 @@ type WidRefs r =
RefEnv WalletId MWid r

data Model s r
= Model (Mock s) (WidRefs r)
= Model Int (Mock s) (WidRefs r)
deriving (Generic)

deriving instance (Show1 r, Show s) => Show (Model s r)

initModel :: Model s r
initModel = Model emptyDatabase []
initModel = Model 0 emptyDatabase []

toMock :: (Functor (f s), Eq1 r) => Model s r -> f s :@ r -> f s MWid
toMock (Model _ wids) (At fr) = fmap (wids !) fr
toMock (Model _ _ wids) (At fr) = fmap (wids !) fr

step :: Eq1 r => Model s r -> Cmd s :@ r -> (Resp s MWid, Mock s)
step m@(Model mock _) c = runMock (toMock m c) mock
step m@(Model _ mock _) c = runMock (toMock m c) mock

Expand All @@ -547,10 +548,10 @@ lockstep
-> Cmd s :@ r
-> Resp s :@ r
-> Event s r
lockstep m@(Model _ ws) c (At resp) = Event
lockstep m@(Model n _ ws) c (At resp) = Event
{ before = m
, cmd = c
, after = Model mock' (ws <> ws')
, after = Model (n + 1) mock' (ws <> ws')
, mockResp = resp'
Expand All @@ -567,7 +568,7 @@ generator
:: forall s. (Arbitrary (Wallet s), GenState s)
=> Model s Symbolic
-> Maybe (Gen (Cmd s :@ Symbolic))
generator (Model _ wids) = Just $ frequency $ fmap (fmap At) <$> concat
generator (Model n _ wids) = Just $ frequency $ fmap (fmap At) <$> concat
[ withoutWid
, if null wids then [] else withWid
Expand All @@ -586,7 +587,7 @@ generator (Model _ wids) = Just $ frequency $ fmap (fmap At) <$> concat
withWid =
[ (3, RemoveWallet <$> genId')
, (5, pure ListWallets)
, (5, PutCheckpoint <$> genId' <*> arbitrary)
, (5, PutCheckpoint <$> genId' <*> resize n arbitrary)
, (5, ReadCheckpoint <$> genId')
, (5, ListCheckpoints <$> genId')
, (5, PutWalletMeta <$> genId' <*> arbitrary)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -634,7 +635,7 @@ shrinker
:: (Arbitrary (Wallet s))
=> Model s Symbolic
-> Cmd s :@ Symbolic -> [Cmd s :@ Symbolic]
shrinker (Model _ _) (At cmd) = case cmd of
shrinker Model{} (At cmd) = case cmd of
PutCheckpoint wid wal ->
[ At $ PutCheckpoint wid wal'
| wal' <- shrink wal ]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -668,7 +669,7 @@ transition :: Eq1 r => Model s r -> Cmd s :@ r -> Resp s :@ r -> Model s r
transition m c = after . lockstep m c

precondition :: Model s Symbolic -> Cmd s :@ Symbolic -> Logic
precondition (Model _ wids) (At c) =
precondition (Model _ _ wids) (At c) =
forall (toList c) (`elem` map fst wids)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -942,7 +943,7 @@ tag = Foldl.fold $ catMaybes <$> sequenceA
isRollbackSuccess :: Event s Symbolic -> Maybe MWid
isRollbackSuccess ev = case (cmd ev, mockResp ev, before ev) of
(At (RollbackTo wid _), Resp (Right Point{}), Model _ wids ) ->
(At (RollbackTo wid _), Resp (Right Point{}), Model _ _ wids ) ->
Just (wids ! wid)
_otherwise ->
Expand All @@ -958,7 +959,7 @@ tag = Foldl.fold $ catMaybes <$> sequenceA
, At (RemoveWallet wid)
, Resp (Right _)
, Model _ wids) ->
, Model _ _ wids) ->
Map.insert (wids ! wid) 0 created
_otherwise ->
Expand All @@ -969,7 +970,7 @@ tag = Foldl.fold $ catMaybes <$> sequenceA

isReadTxHistory :: Event s Symbolic -> Maybe MWid
isReadTxHistory ev = case (cmd ev, mockResp ev, before ev) of
(At (ReadTxHistory wid _ _ _ _), Resp (Right (TxHistory _)), Model _ wids)
(At (ReadTxHistory wid _ _ _ _), Resp (Right (TxHistory _)), Model _ _ wids)
-> Just (wids ! wid)
-> Nothing
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1039,7 +1040,7 @@ tag = Foldl.fold $ catMaybes <$> sequenceA
isReadPrivateKeySuccess ev = case (cmd ev, mockResp ev, before ev) of
(At (ReadPrivateKey wid)
, Resp (Right (PrivateKey (Just _)))
, Model _ wids )
, Model _ _ wids )
-> Just (wids ! wid)
-> Nothing
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1109,7 +1110,7 @@ tag = Foldl.fold $ catMaybes <$> sequenceA
isPutCheckpointSuccess ev = case (cmd ev, mockResp ev, before ev) of
(At (PutCheckpoint wid _wal)
, Resp (Right (Unit ()))
, Model _ wids )
, Model _ _ wids )
-> Just (wids ! wid)
-> Nothing
Expand All @@ -1125,7 +1126,7 @@ tag = Foldl.fold $ catMaybes <$> sequenceA
( Nothing
, At (PutDelegationCertificate wid _ _)
, Resp (Right _)
, Model _ wids
, Model _ _ wids
) ->
Map.insert (wids ! wid) 0 acc
_ ->
Expand All @@ -1138,7 +1139,7 @@ tag = Foldl.fold $ catMaybes <$> sequenceA

isReadWalletMetadata :: Event s Symbolic -> Maybe MWid
isReadWalletMetadata ev = case (cmd ev, mockResp ev, before ev) of
(At (ReadWalletMeta wid), Resp Right{}, Model _ wids) ->
(At (ReadWalletMeta wid), Resp Right{}, Model _ _ wids) ->
Just (wids ! wid)
_ ->
Expand Down

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