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re-implement byron & jormungandr transaction layers accordingly
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KtorZ committed Jul 3, 2020
1 parent 07ea668 commit 2f11dcc
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Showing 4 changed files with 57 additions and 71 deletions.
27 changes: 13 additions & 14 deletions lib/byron/src/Cardano/Wallet/Byron/Transaction.hs
Expand Up @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Types
, TxOut (..)
import Cardano.Wallet.Transaction
( Certificate (..)
( DelegationAction
, ErrDecodeSignedTx (..)
, ErrMkTx (..)
, TransactionLayer (..)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ import GHC.Stack

import qualified Cardano.Byron.Codec.Cbor as CBOR
import qualified Cardano.Crypto.Wallet as CC
import qualified Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.CoinSelection as CS
import qualified Cardano.Wallet.Transaction as W
import qualified Codec.CBOR.Encoding as CBOR
import qualified Codec.CBOR.Read as CBOR
Expand All @@ -105,6 +106,7 @@ newTransactionLayer _proxy protocolMagic = TransactionLayer
{ mkStdTx = _mkStdTx
, mkDelegationJoinTx = _mkDelegationJoinTx
, mkDelegationQuitTx = _mkDelegationQuitTx
, initDelegationSelection = _initDelegationSelection
, decodeSignedTx = _decodeSignedTx
, minimumFee = _minimumFee
, estimateMaxNumberOfInputs = _estimateMaxNumberOfInputs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -136,11 +138,13 @@ newTransactionLayer _proxy protocolMagic = TransactionLayer

:: FeePolicy
-> [Certificate]
-> Maybe DelegationAction
-> CoinSelection
-> Fee
_minimumFee policy _ (CoinSelection inps outs chngs _) =
computeFee $ sizeOfSignedTx (fst <$> inps) (outs <> map dummyOutput chngs)
_minimumFee policy _ cs =
computeFee $ sizeOfSignedTx
(fst <$> CS.inputs cs)
(CS.outputs cs <> map dummyOutput (CS.change cs))
dummyOutput :: Coin -> TxOut
dummyOutput = TxOut (dummyAddress @n)
Expand All @@ -164,11 +168,9 @@ newTransactionLayer _proxy protocolMagic = TransactionLayer
:: CoinSelection
-> Either ErrValidateSelection ()
_validateSelection (CoinSelection _ outs _ rsv) = do
when (any (\ (TxOut _ c) -> c == Coin 0) outs) $
_validateSelection cs = do
when (any (\ (TxOut _ c) -> c == Coin 0) (CS.outputs cs)) $
Left ErrInvalidTxOutAmount
when (isJust rsv) $
Left ErrReserveNotAllowed

:: ByteString
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -196,24 +198,21 @@ newTransactionLayer _proxy protocolMagic = TransactionLayer
_mkDelegationQuitTx =
notImplemented "mkDelegationQuitTx"

_initDelegationSelection =
notImplemented "initDelegationSelection"

-- Extra validations on coin selection

data ErrValidateSelection
= ErrInvalidTxOutAmount
-- ^ Transaction with 0 output amount is tried
| ErrReserveNotAllowed
-- ^ Transaction has a reserve input amount, not allowed for this backend

instance Buildable ErrValidateSelection where
build = \case
ErrInvalidTxOutAmount ->
"Invalid coin selection: at least one output is null."
ErrReserveNotAllowed -> build $ T.unwords
[ "The given coin selection was given a reserve amount and this is"
, "not allowed for this backend / era."

type instance W.ErrValidateSelection (IO Byron) = ErrValidateSelection

Expand Down
33 changes: 15 additions & 18 deletions lib/byron/test/unit/Cardano/Wallet/Byron/TransactionSpec.hs
Expand Up @@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ spec = do
describe "Coin Selection w/ Byron" $ do
it "REG #1561 - Correct balancing of amounts close to the limit" $ do
let opts = FeeOptions
{ estimateFee = minimumFee tlayer feePolicy []
{ estimateFee = minimumFee tlayer feePolicy Nothing
, dustThreshold = minBound
, onDanglingChange = SaveMoney
Expand All @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ spec = do

let addr = Address "fake-address"
let utxo = UTxO mempty
let csel = CoinSelection
let csel = mempty
{ inputs =
[ ( TxIn (Hash "0") 0
, TxOut addr (Coin 1_000_000)
Expand All @@ -151,8 +151,6 @@ spec = do
, change =
[Coin 30_556]
, reserve =

runExceptT (adjustForFee opts utxo csel) >>= \case
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -317,14 +315,14 @@ propSizeEstimation pm genSel genChngAddrs =
estimateSize :: TransactionLayer t k -> CoinSelection -> Quantity "bytes" Int
estimateSize tl sel =
Fee fee = minimumFee tl idPolicy [] sel
Fee fee = minimumFee tl idPolicy Nothing sel
Quantity $ fromIntegral fee
idPolicy = LinearFee (Quantity 0) (Quantity 1) (Quantity 0)

fromCoinSelection :: CoinSelection -> [Address] -> CBOR.Encoding
fromCoinSelection (CoinSelection inps outs chngs _) chngAddrs =
fromCoinSelection (CoinSelection inps _ _ outs chngs _) chngAddrs =
CBOR.encodeSignedTx (fst <$> inps, outs <> outs') wits
dummySig =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -403,7 +401,7 @@ genSelection = do

shrinkSelection :: CoinSelection -> [CoinSelection]
shrinkSelection sel@(CoinSelection inps outs chgs rsv) = case (inps, outs, chgs) of
shrinkSelection sel@(CoinSelection inps _ _ outs chgs _) = case (inps, outs, chgs) of
([_], [_], []) ->
_ ->
Expand All @@ -416,25 +414,24 @@ shrinkSelection sel@(CoinSelection inps outs chgs rsv) = case (inps, outs, chgs)
chgs'' = drop 1 chgs
filter (\s -> s /= sel && isValidSelection s)
[ CoinSelection inps' outs' chgs' rsv
, CoinSelection inps' outs chgs rsv
, CoinSelection inps outs chgs' rsv
, CoinSelection inps outs' chgs rsv
, CoinSelection inps'' outs'' chgs'' rsv
, CoinSelection inps'' outs chgs rsv
, CoinSelection inps outs'' chgs rsv
, CoinSelection inps outs chgs'' rsv
[ mempty { inputs = inps' , outputs = outs' , change = chgs' }
, mempty { inputs = inps' , outputs = outs , change = chgs }
, mempty { inputs = inps , outputs = outs , change = chgs' }
, mempty { inputs = inps , outputs = outs' , change = chgs }
, mempty { inputs = inps'', outputs = outs'', change = chgs'' }
, mempty { inputs = inps'', outputs = outs , change = chgs }
, mempty { inputs = inps , outputs = outs'', change = chgs }
, mempty { inputs = inps , outputs = outs , change = chgs'' }

isValidSelection :: CoinSelection -> Bool
isValidSelection (CoinSelection i o c r) =
isValidSelection (CoinSelection i _ _ o c _) =
oAmt = sum $ map (fromIntegral . getCoin . coin) o
cAmt = sum $ map (fromIntegral . getCoin) c
iAmt = sum $ map (fromIntegral . getCoin . coin . snd) i
rAmt = maybe (0 :: Integer) (fromIntegral . getCoin) r
iAmt + rAmt >= oAmt + cAmt
(iAmt :: Integer) >= oAmt + cAmt

genTxIn :: Gen TxIn
genTxIn = TxIn
Expand Down
37 changes: 17 additions & 20 deletions lib/jormungandr/src/Cardano/Wallet/Jormungandr/Transaction.hs
Expand Up @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Fee
import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Types
( ChimericAccount (..), Hash (..), SealedTx (..), Tx (..), TxOut (..) )
import Cardano.Wallet.Transaction
( Certificate (..)
( DelegationAction (..)
, ErrDecodeSignedTx (..)
, ErrMkTx (..)
, TransactionLayer (..)
Expand All @@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ import Data.Text.Class
import Fmt
( Buildable (..) )

import qualified Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.CoinSelection as CS
import qualified Cardano.Wallet.Transaction as W
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.Text as T
Expand All @@ -87,25 +88,27 @@ newTransactionLayer block0H = TransactionLayer
( MkFragmentSimpleTransaction (txWitnessTagFor @k)
) keyFrom inps outs

, mkDelegationJoinTx = \_ _ pool accXPrv keyFrom _ inps outs chgs ->
, mkDelegationJoinTx = \pool accXPrv keyFrom _ cs ->
let acc = ChimericAccount . xpubPublicKey . getRawKey . publicKey . fst $ accXPrv
in mkFragment
( MkFragmentStakeDelegation
(txWitnessTagFor @k)
(DlgFull pool)
(first getRawKey accXPrv)
) keyFrom inps (outs ++ chgs)
) keyFrom (CS.inputs cs) (CS.outputs cs)

, mkDelegationQuitTx = \_ accXPrv keyFrom _ inps outs chgs ->
, mkDelegationQuitTx = \accXPrv keyFrom _ cs ->
let acc = ChimericAccount . xpubPublicKey . getRawKey . publicKey . fst $ accXPrv
in mkFragment
( MkFragmentStakeDelegation
(txWitnessTagFor @k)
(first getRawKey accXPrv)
) keyFrom inps (outs ++ chgs)
) keyFrom (CS.inputs cs) (CS.outputs cs)

, initDelegationSelection = const mempty

, decodeSignedTx = \payload -> do
let errInvalidPayload =
Expand All @@ -120,11 +123,11 @@ newTransactionLayer block0H = TransactionLayer

, estimateMaxNumberOfInputs = \_ _ -> fromIntegral maxNumberOfInputs

, validateSelection = \(CoinSelection inps outs _ rsv) -> do
when (length inps > maxNumberOfInputs || length outs > maxNumberOfOutputs)
, validateSelection = \cs -> do
let tooManyInputs = length (CS.inputs cs) > maxNumberOfInputs
let tooManyOutputs = length (CS.outputs cs) > maxNumberOfOutputs
when (tooManyInputs || tooManyOutputs)
$ Left ErrExceededInpsOrOuts
when (isJust rsv)
$ Left ErrReserveNotAllowed

, allowUnbalancedTx = False
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -152,15 +155,15 @@ newTransactionLayer block0H = TransactionLayer
-- is multiplied by the total number of inputs and outputs.
:: FeePolicy
-> [Certificate]
-> Maybe DelegationAction
-> CoinSelection
-> Fee
_minimumFee policy certs (CoinSelection inps outs chgs _) =
Fee $ ceiling (a + b*fromIntegral ios + c*fromIntegral cs)
_minimumFee policy action cs =
Fee $ ceiling (a + b*fromIntegral ios + c*certs)
LinearFee (Quantity a) (Quantity b) (Quantity c) = policy
cs = length $ filter (/= KeyRegistrationCertificate) certs
ios = length inps + length outs + length chgs
certs = if isJust action then 1 else 0
ios = length (CS.inputs cs) + length (CS.outputs cs) + length (CS.change cs)

-- | Provide a transaction witness for a given private key. The type of witness
-- is different between types of keys and, with backward-compatible support, we
Expand All @@ -184,8 +187,6 @@ instance TxWitnessTagFor ByronKey where txWitnessTagFor = TxWitnessLegacyU
data ErrValidateSelection
= ErrExceededInpsOrOuts
-- ^ Transaction with improper number of inputs and outputs is tried
| ErrReserveNotAllowed
-- ^ Transaction has a reserve input amount, not allowed for this backend
deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Buildable ErrValidateSelection where
Expand All @@ -194,10 +195,6 @@ instance Buildable ErrValidateSelection where
[ "I can't validate coin selection because either the number of inputs"
, "is more than", maxI, "or the number of outputs exceeds", maxO <> "."
ErrReserveNotAllowed -> build $ T.unwords
[ "The given coin selection was given a reserve amount and this is"
, "not allowed for this backend / era."
maxI = toText maxNumberOfInputs
maxO = toText maxNumberOfOutputs
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -42,8 +43,6 @@ import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Types
, SlotId (..)
, TxIn (..)
, TxOut (..)
, WalletDelegation (..)
, WalletDelegationStatus (..)
import Cardano.Wallet.Transaction
( ErrMkTx (..), TransactionLayer (..) )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -519,26 +518,20 @@ goldenTestDelegationCertTx
-> [TxOut]
-> ByteString
-> SpecWith ()
goldenTestDelegationCertTx tl keystore pool (accountXPrv, pass) inps outs bytes' = it title $ do
let walDelegs = WalletDelegation NotDelegating []
goldenTestDelegationCertTx tl keystore pool (accountXPrv, pass) inputs outputs bytes' = it title $ do
let res = mkDelegationJoinTx tl
(accountXPrv, pass)
(SlotId 0 0)
(mempty { inputs, outputs })
let sealed = getSealedTx . snd <$> res
sealed `shouldBe` Right (unsafeFromHex bytes')
& counterexample ("poolId = " <> showHex (getPoolId pool))
title = "golden test mkCertificateTx: " <> show pool
<> show inps <> show outs
<> show inputs <> show outputs
showHex = B8.unpack . hex
policy = error "fee policy unused by Jörmungandr"

:: ByteString
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -602,15 +595,15 @@ tooNumerousInpsTest
tooNumerousInpsTest _ block0 = it title $ do
let addr = paymentAddress @n $ publicKey $ fst $
xprvSeqFromSeed "address-number-0"
let res = validateSelection tl (CoinSelection inps outs chngs Nothing)
let res = validateSelection tl $ mempty { inputs, outputs, change }
tl = newTransactionLayer @JormungandrKey block0
inps = replicate 256
inputs = replicate 256
( TxIn (Hash "arbitrary") 0
, TxOut addr (Coin 1)
outs = []
chngs = []
outputs = []
change = []
res `shouldBe` Left ErrExceededInpsOrOuts
title = "Too numerous inputs yields an error ("
Expand All @@ -625,15 +618,15 @@ tooNumerousOutsTest
tooNumerousOutsTest _ block0 = it title $ do
let addr = paymentAddress @n $ publicKey $ fst $
xprvSeqFromSeed "address-number-0"
let res = validateSelection tl (CoinSelection inps outs chngs Nothing)
let res = validateSelection tl $ mempty { inputs, outputs, change }
tl = newTransactionLayer @JormungandrKey block0
inps = replicate 255
inputs = replicate 255
( TxIn (Hash "arbitrary") 0
, TxOut addr (Coin 10)
outs = replicate 256 (TxOut addr (Coin 9))
chngs = replicate 256 (Coin 9)
outputs = replicate 256 (TxOut addr (Coin 9))
change = replicate 256 (Coin 9)
res `shouldBe` Left ErrExceededInpsOrOuts
title = "Too numerous outputs yields an error ("
Expand Down

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