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make quitting on a non-empty reward account forbidden
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The Cardano ledger forbids to de-register a stake key, if there are
still rewards associated with it. We could have implemented some more
convoluted logic where the wallet would automatically collect rewards as
part of a de-registration, but we are a bit lacking time here so we'll
simply make this a manual operation that users have to undergo. Yet, the
backend will still return a meaningful error message explaining the
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KtorZ committed Jul 3, 2020
1 parent 1d4290c commit 5887a0f
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Showing 7 changed files with 73 additions and 73 deletions.
Expand Up @@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ module Test.Integration.Framework.TestData
, errMsg404NoSuchPool
, errMsg403PoolAlreadyJoined
, errMsg403NotDelegating
, errMsg403NonNullReward
, errMsg403NothingToMigrate
, errMsg404NoEndpoint
, errMsg404CannotFindTx
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -369,6 +370,10 @@ errMsg403NotDelegating = "It seems that you're trying to retire from \
\delegation although you're not even delegating, nor won't be in an \
\immediate future."

errMsg403NonNullReward :: String
errMsg403NonNullReward = "It seems that you're trying to retire from delegation \
\although you've unspoiled rewards in your rewards account!"

errMsg404CannotFindTx :: Text -> String
errMsg404CannotFindTx tid = "I couldn't find a transaction with the given id: "
++ unpack tid
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ import Test.Integration.Framework.DSL
import Test.Integration.Framework.TestData
( errMsg403DelegationFee
, errMsg403NonNullReward
, errMsg403NotDelegating
, errMsg403PoolAlreadyJoined
, errMsg403WrongPass
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -193,6 +194,29 @@ spec = do
, expectField (#balance . #getApiT . #available) (.> previousBalance)

-- Quit delegation altogether.
quitStakePool @n ctx (w, fixturePassphrase) >>= flip verify
[ expectResponseCode HTTP.status202
, expectField (#status . #getApiT) (`shouldBe` Pending)
, expectField (#direction . #getApiT) (`shouldBe` Outgoing)
eventually "Certificates are inserted after quiting a pool" $ do
let ep = Link.listTransactions @'Shelley w
request @[ApiTransaction n] ctx ep Default Empty >>= flip verify
[ expectListField 0
(#direction . #getApiT) (`shouldBe` Outgoing)
, expectListField 0
(#status . #getApiT) (`shouldBe` InLedger)
, expectListField 1
(#direction . #getApiT) (`shouldBe` Outgoing)
, expectListField 1
(#status . #getApiT) (`shouldBe` InLedger)
, expectListField 2
(#direction . #getApiT) (`shouldBe` Outgoing)
, expectListField 2
(#status . #getApiT) (`shouldBe` InLedger)

it "STAKE_POOLS_JOIN_02 - Cannot join already joined stake pool" $ \ctx -> do
w <- fixtureWallet ctx
pool:_ <- map (view #id) . snd
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -311,7 +335,7 @@ spec = do
[ expectField #delegation (`shouldBe` delegating pool2 [])

it "STAKE_POOLS_JOIN_04 - Rewards accumulate and stop" $ \ctx -> do
it "STAKE_POOLS_JOIN_04 - Rewards accumulate" $ \ctx -> do
w <- fixtureWallet ctx
pool:_ <- map (view #id) . snd
<$> unsafeRequest @[ApiStakePool] ctx (Link.listStakePools arbitraryStake) Empty
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -339,38 +363,11 @@ spec = do
(.> (Quantity 0))

-- TODO: Check if we can enable this
-- -- Quit a pool
-- quitStakePool @n ctx (w, fixturePassphrase) >>= flip verify
-- [ expectResponseCode HTTP.status202
-- , expectField (#status . #getApiT) (`shouldBe` Pending)
-- , expectField (#direction . #getApiT) (`shouldBe` Outgoing)
-- ]
-- eventually "Certificates are inserted after quiting a pool" $ do
-- let ep = Link.listTransactions @'Shelley w
-- request @[ApiTransaction n] ctx ep Default Empty >>= flip verify
-- [ expectListField 0
-- (#direction . #getApiT) (`shouldBe` Outgoing)
-- , expectListField 0
-- (#status . #getApiT) (`shouldBe` InLedger)
-- , expectListField 1
-- (#direction . #getApiT) (`shouldBe` Outgoing)
-- , expectListField 1
-- (#status . #getApiT) (`shouldBe` InLedger)
-- ]
-- -- Check that rewards have stopped flowing.
-- waitForNextEpoch ctx
-- waitForNextEpoch ctx
-- reward <- getFromResponse (#balance . #getApiT . #reward) <$>
-- request @ApiWallet ctx (Link.getWallet @'Shelley w) Default Empty
-- waitForNextEpoch ctx
-- request @ApiWallet ctx (Link.getWallet @'Shelley w) Default Empty >>= flip verify
-- [ expectField
-- (#balance . #getApiT . #reward)
-- (`shouldBe` reward)
-- ]
-- Can't quite if unspoiled rewards.
quitStakePool @n ctx (w, fixturePassphrase) >>= flip verify
[ expectResponseCode HTTP.status403
, expectErrorMessage errMsg403NonNullReward

describe "STAKE_POOLS_JOIN_01x - Fee boundary values" $ do
it "STAKE_POOLS_JOIN_01x - \
Expand Down
11 changes: 9 additions & 2 deletions lib/core/src/Cardano/Wallet.hs
Expand Up @@ -1753,8 +1753,9 @@ quitStakePool ctx wid argGenChange pwd = db & \DBLayer{..} -> do
walMeta <- mapExceptT atomically $ withExceptT ErrQuitStakePoolNoSuchWallet $
withNoSuchWallet wid $ readWalletMeta (PrimaryKey wid)

rewards <- liftIO $ fetchRewardBalance @ctx @s @k ctx wid
withExceptT ErrQuitStakePoolCannotQuit $ except $
guardQuit (walMeta ^. #delegation)
guardQuit (walMeta ^. #delegation) rewards

let action = Quit

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2078,6 +2079,7 @@ data ErrCannotJoin

data ErrCannotQuit
= ErrNotDelegatingOrAboutTo
| ErrNonNullRewards (Quantity "lovelace" Word64)
deriving (Generic, Eq, Show)

-- | Can't perform given operation because the wallet died.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2131,11 +2133,16 @@ guardJoin knownPools WalletDelegation{active,next} pid = do

:: WalletDelegation
-> Quantity "lovelace" Word64
-> Either ErrCannotQuit ()
guardQuit WalletDelegation{active,next} = do
guardQuit WalletDelegation{active,next} rewards = do
let last_ = maybe active (view #status) $ lastMay next

unless (isDelegatingTo anyone last_) $
Left ErrNotDelegatingOrAboutTo

unless (rewards == Quantity 0) $
Left $ ErrNonNullRewards rewards
anyone = const True

Expand Down
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions lib/core/src/Cardano/Wallet/Api/Server.hs
Expand Up @@ -2123,6 +2123,13 @@ instance LiftHandler ErrQuitStakePool where
, "although you're not even delegating, nor won't be in an "
, "immediate future."
ErrNonNullRewards (Quantity rewards) ->
apiError err403 NonNullRewards $ mconcat
[ "It seems that you're trying to retire from delegation "
, "although you've unspoiled rewards in your rewards "
, "account! Make sure to withdraw your ", pretty rewards
, " lovelace first."

instance LiftHandler ErrCreateRandomAddress where
handler = \case
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions lib/core/src/Cardano/Wallet/Api/Types.hs
Expand Up @@ -639,6 +639,7 @@ data ApiErrorCode
| AddressAlreadyExists
| InvalidWalletType
| QueryParamMissing
| NonNullRewards
deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)

-- | Defines a point in time that can be formatted as and parsed from an
Expand Down
27 changes: 17 additions & 10 deletions lib/core/test/unit/Cardano/WalletSpec.hs
Expand Up @@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
( posixSecondsToUTCTime )
import Data.Word
( Word32 )
( Word32, Word64 )
import Data.Word.Odd
( Word31 )
import GHC.Generics
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -262,22 +262,22 @@ spec = do
`shouldBe` Left (W.ErrNoSuchPool pidUnknown)
it "Cannot quit when active: not_delegating, next = []" $ do
let dlg = WalletDelegation {active = NotDelegating, next = []}
W.guardQuit dlg `shouldBe` Left (W.ErrNotDelegatingOrAboutTo)
W.guardQuit dlg (Quantity 0) `shouldBe` Left (W.ErrNotDelegatingOrAboutTo)
it "Cannot quit when active: A, next = [not_delegating]" $ do
let next1 = next (EpochNo 1) NotDelegating
let dlg = WalletDelegation {active = Delegating pidA, next = [next1]}
W.guardQuit dlg `shouldBe` Left (W.ErrNotDelegatingOrAboutTo)
W.guardQuit dlg (Quantity 0) `shouldBe` Left (W.ErrNotDelegatingOrAboutTo)
it "Cannot quit when active: A, next = [B, not_delegating]" $ do
let next1 = next (EpochNo 1) (Delegating pidB)
let next2 = next (EpochNo 2) NotDelegating
let dlg = WalletDelegation
{active = Delegating pidA, next = [next1, next2]}
W.guardQuit dlg `shouldBe` Left (W.ErrNotDelegatingOrAboutTo)
W.guardQuit dlg (Quantity 0) `shouldBe` Left (W.ErrNotDelegatingOrAboutTo)
it "Can quit when active: not_delegating, next = [A]" $ do
let next1 = next (EpochNo 1) (Delegating pidA)
let dlg = WalletDelegation
{active = NotDelegating, next = [next1]}
W.guardQuit dlg `shouldBe` Right ()
W.guardQuit dlg (Quantity 0) `shouldBe` Right ()
pidA = PoolId "A"
pidB = PoolId "B"
Expand All @@ -298,22 +298,29 @@ prop_guardJoinQuit
-> Property
prop_guardJoinQuit knownPools dlg pid =
case W.guardJoin knownPools dlg pid of
Right () -> label "I can join" $ property True
Left W.ErrNoSuchPool{} -> label "ErrNoSuchPool" $ property True
Right () ->
label "I can join" $ property True
Left W.ErrNoSuchPool{} ->
label "ErrNoSuchPool" $ property True
Left W.ErrAlreadyDelegating{} ->
label "ErrAlreadyDelegating" (W.guardQuit dlg === Right ())
label "ErrAlreadyDelegating"
(W.guardQuit dlg (Quantity 0) === Right ())

:: NonEmptyList PoolId
-> WalletDelegation
-> Word64
-> Property
prop_guardQuitJoin (NonEmpty knownPools) dlg =
case W.guardQuit dlg of
prop_guardQuitJoin (NonEmpty knownPools) dlg rewards =
case W.guardQuit dlg (Quantity rewards) of
Right () ->
label "I can quit" $ property True
Left W.ErrNotDelegatingOrAboutTo ->
label "ErrNotDelegatingOrAboutTo"
(W.guardJoin knownPools dlg (last knownPools) === Right ())
Left W.ErrNonNullRewards{} ->
label "ErrNonNullRewards"
(property $ rewards /= 0)

:: (WalletId, WalletName, DummyState)
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ import Test.Integration.Framework.DSL
import Test.Integration.Framework.TestData
( errMsg403DelegationFee
, errMsg403NoRootKey
, errMsg403NonNullReward
, errMsg403NotDelegating
, errMsg403PoolAlreadyJoined
, errMsg403WrongPass
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -354,35 +355,10 @@ spec = do
(.> (Quantity 0))

-- Quit a pool
-- Can't quit a pool
quitStakePool @n ctx (w, fixturePassphrase) >>= flip verify
[ expectResponseCode HTTP.status202
, expectField (#status . #getApiT) (`shouldBe` Pending)
, expectField (#direction . #getApiT) (`shouldBe` Outgoing)
eventually "Certificates are inserted after quiting a pool" $ do
let ep = Link.listTransactions @'Shelley w
request @[ApiTransaction n] ctx ep Default Empty >>= flip verify
[ expectListField 0
(#direction . #getApiT) (`shouldBe` Outgoing)
, expectListField 0
(#status . #getApiT) (`shouldBe` InLedger)
, expectListField 1
(#direction . #getApiT) (`shouldBe` Outgoing)
, expectListField 1
(#status . #getApiT) (`shouldBe` InLedger)

waitForNextEpoch ctx
waitForNextEpoch ctx
reward <- getFromResponse (#balance . #getApiT . #reward) <$>
request @ApiWallet ctx (Link.getWallet @'Shelley w) Default Empty

waitForNextEpoch ctx
request @ApiWallet ctx (Link.getWallet @'Shelley w) Default Empty >>= flip verify
[ expectField
(#balance . #getApiT . #reward)
(`shouldBe` reward)
[ expectResponseCode HTTP.status403
, expectErrorMessage errMsg403NonNullReward

Expand Down

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