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Anviking committed May 30, 2023
1 parent adb9dd1 commit c6257ca
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Showing 11 changed files with 260 additions and 312 deletions.
129 changes: 41 additions & 88 deletions lib/wallet/api/http/Cardano/Wallet/Api/Http/Shelley/Server.hs
Expand Up @@ -150,12 +150,7 @@ import Cardano.Address.Script
, validateScriptOfTemplate
import Cardano.Api
( AnyCardanoEra
, NetworkId
, SerialiseAsCBOR (..)
, toNetworkMagic
, unNetworkMagic
( NetworkId, SerialiseAsCBOR (..), toNetworkMagic, unNetworkMagic )
import Cardano.BM.Tracing
( HasPrivacyAnnotation (..), HasSeverityAnnotation (..) )
import Cardano.Mnemonic
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -475,7 +470,6 @@ import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Slotting
, slotToUTCTime
, timeOfEpoch
, toSlotId
, toTimeTranslation
, unsafeExtendSafeZone
import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.SyncProgress
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1775,13 +1769,12 @@ selectCoins
-> ApiSelectCoinsPayments n
-> Handler (ApiCoinSelection n)
selectCoins ctx@ApiLayer {..} argGenChange (ApiT walletId) body = do
era <- liftIO $ NW.currentNodeEra netLayer
AnyRecentEra (_ :: Write.RecentEra e) <- guardIsRecentEra era
withWorkerCtx ctx walletId liftE liftE $ \workerCtx -> do
let db = workerCtx ^. dbLayer
ti = timeInterpreter netLayer
timeTranslation <- liftIO $ toTimeTranslation ti
pp <- liftIO $ NW.currentProtocolParameters (workerCtx ^. networkLayer)

(Write.InAnyRecentEra _era pp, timeTranslation)
<- liftIO $ W.readNodeTipStateForTxWrite netLayer

withdrawal <-
body ^. #withdrawal
& maybe (pure NoWithdrawal)
Expand All @@ -1794,14 +1787,14 @@ selectCoins ctx@ApiLayer {..} argGenChange (ApiT walletId) body = do
, txMetadata = getApiT <$> body ^. #metadata

(cardanoTx, walletState) <- liftIO $ W.buildTransaction @s @e
(cardanoTx, walletState) <- liftIO $ W.buildTransaction @s
db txLayer timeTranslation genChange pp txCtx paymentOuts

let W.CoinSelection{..} =
W.buildCoinSelectionForTransaction @s @n
(W.stakeKeyDeposit pp)
(W.getStakeKeyDeposit pp)
Nothing -- delegation action

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1839,16 +1832,13 @@ selectCoinsForJoin
selectCoinsForJoin ctx@ApiLayer{..}
knownPools getPoolStatus poolId walletId = do
era <- liftIO $ NW.currentNodeEra netLayer
poolStatus <- liftIO $ getPoolStatus poolId
pools <- liftIO knownPools
curEpoch <- getCurrentEpoch ctx
AnyRecentEra (_ :: Write.RecentEra e) <- guardIsRecentEra era
(Write.InAnyRecentEra _era pp, timeTranslation)
<- liftIO $ W.readNodeTipStateForTxWrite netLayer
withWorkerCtx ctx walletId liftE liftE $ \workerCtx -> liftIO $ do
let db = workerCtx ^. typed @(DBLayer IO s)
timeTranslation <- liftIO $
toTimeTranslation (timeInterpreter netLayer)
pp <- NW.currentProtocolParameters netLayer
action <- liftIO $ WD.joinStakePoolDelegationAction @s
(contramap MsgWallet $ workerCtx ^. logger)
Expand All @@ -1862,15 +1852,15 @@ selectCoinsForJoin ctx@ApiLayer{..}

let paymentOuts = []

(cardanoTx, walletState) <- W.buildTransaction @s @e
(cardanoTx, walletState) <- W.buildTransaction @s
db txLayer timeTranslation changeAddrGen pp txCtx

let W.CoinSelection{..} =
W.buildCoinSelectionForTransaction @s @n
(W.stakeKeyDeposit pp)
(W.getStakeKeyDeposit pp)
(Just action)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1901,13 +1891,10 @@ selectCoinsForQuit
-> ApiT WalletId
-> Handler (ApiCoinSelection n)
selectCoinsForQuit ctx@ApiLayer{..} (ApiT walletId) = do
era <- liftIO $ NW.currentNodeEra netLayer
AnyRecentEra (_ :: Write.RecentEra e) <- guardIsRecentEra era
(Write.InAnyRecentEra _era pp, timeTranslation)
<- liftIO $ W.readNodeTipStateForTxWrite netLayer
withWorkerCtx ctx walletId liftE liftE $ \workerCtx -> liftIO $ do
let db = workerCtx ^. typed @(DBLayer IO s)
timeTranslation <- liftIO $
toTimeTranslation (timeInterpreter netLayer)
pp <- NW.currentProtocolParameters netLayer
withdrawal <- W.shelleyOnlyMkSelfWithdrawal @s
netLayer (txWitnessTagFor @k) db
action <- WD.quitStakePoolDelegationAction db withdrawal
Expand All @@ -1919,14 +1906,14 @@ selectCoinsForQuit ctx@ApiLayer{..} (ApiT walletId) = do

let paymentOuts = []

(cardanoTx, walletState) <- W.buildTransaction @s @e
(cardanoTx, walletState) <- W.buildTransaction @s
db txLayer timeTranslation changeAddrGen pp txCtx paymentOuts

let W.CoinSelection{..} =
W.buildCoinSelectionForTransaction @s @n
(W.stakeKeyDeposit pp)
(W.getStakeKeyDeposit pp)
(Just action)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2185,9 +2172,6 @@ postTransactionOld ctx@ApiLayer{..} argGenChange (ApiT wid) body = do
let mTTL = body ^? #timeToLive . traverse . #getQuantity
withWorkerCtx ctx wid liftE liftE $ \wrk -> do
let db = wrk ^. dbLayer
era <- liftIO $ NW.currentNodeEra netLayer
AnyRecentEra (recentEra :: Write.RecentEra era)
<- guardIsRecentEra era
ttl <- liftIO $ W.transactionExpirySlot ti mTTL
wdrl <- case body ^. #withdrawal of
Nothing -> pure NoWithdrawal
Expand All @@ -2208,7 +2192,6 @@ postTransactionOld ctx@ApiLayer{..} argGenChange (ApiT wid) body = do
(coerce $ getApiT $ body ^. #passphrase)
(W.defaultChangeAddressGen argGenChange)
(AnyRecentEra recentEra)
(PreSelection $ NE.toList outs)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2361,30 +2344,30 @@ postTransactionFeeOld
-> PostTransactionFeeOldData n
-> Handler ApiFee
postTransactionFeeOld ctx@ApiLayer{..} (ApiT walletId) body = do
era <- liftIO $ NW.currentNodeEra netLayer
AnyRecentEra (recentEra :: Write.RecentEra era) <- guardIsRecentEra era
(protocolParameters, _bundledProtocolParameters) <- liftIO $
W.toBalanceTxPParams @era <$> currentProtocolParameters netLayer
(Write.InAnyRecentEra era pp, timeTranslation)
<- liftIO $ W.readNodeTipStateForTxWrite netLayer

-- Needed only for calcMinimumCoinValues. We'd ideally use the ledger @pp@
-- above instead.
walletPP <- liftIO $ currentProtocolParameters netLayer

let mTTL = body ^? #timeToLive . traverse . #getQuantity
withWorkerCtx ctx walletId liftE liftE $ \workerCtx -> do
let db = workerCtx ^. dbLayer
timeTranslation <- liftIO $
toTimeTranslation (timeInterpreter netLayer)
ttl <- liftIO $ W.transactionExpirySlot (timeInterpreter netLayer) mTTL
wdrl <- case body ^. #withdrawal of
Nothing -> pure NoWithdrawal
Just apiWdrl ->
shelleyOnlyMkWithdrawal @s
netLayer (txWitnessTagFor @k) db apiWdrl
let outputs = F.toList $ addressAmountToTxOut <$> body ^. #payments
minCoins = W.calcMinimumCoinValues protocolParameters txLayer
minCoins = W.calcMinimumCoinValues walletPP txLayer
<$> outputs
feePercentiles <- liftIO $ W.transactionFee @s
(Write.unsafeFromWalletProtocolParameters protocolParameters)
{ txWithdrawal = wdrl
Expand All @@ -2395,7 +2378,10 @@ postTransactionFeeOld ctx@ApiLayer{..} (ApiT walletId) body = do
$ mkApiFee Nothing minCoins
$ W.padFeePercentiles protocolParameters padding feePercentiles
$ W.padFeePercentiles
(Write.getFeePerByte era $ Write.pparamsLedger pp)
-- Padding to make the fee percentiles more imprecise, for the following
-- reasons:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2464,12 +2450,12 @@ constructTransaction api argGenChange knownPools poolStatus apiWalletId body = d
netLayer = wrk ^. networkLayer
txLayer = wrk ^. transactionLayer @_ @'CredFromKeyK
trWorker = MsgWallet >$< wrk ^. logger
pp <- liftIO $ NW.currentProtocolParameters netLayer
era <- liftIO $ NW.currentNodeEra netLayer

(Write.InAnyRecentEra (_era :: Write.RecentEra era) pp, _)
<- liftIO $ W.readNodeTipStateForTxWrite netLayer

epoch <- getCurrentEpoch api

AnyRecentEra (_recentEra :: Write.RecentEra era)
<- guardIsRecentEra era
withdrawal <- case body ^. #withdrawal of
Just SelfWithdraw -> liftIO $
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2586,11 +2572,11 @@ constructTransaction api argGenChange knownPools poolStatus apiWalletId body = d
(_, _, rewardPath) <- handler $ W.readRewardAccount @n db

let deposits = case txDelegationAction transactionCtx2 of
Just (JoinRegisteringKey _poolId) -> [W.stakeKeyDeposit pp]
Just (JoinRegisteringKey _poolId) -> [W.getStakeKeyDeposit pp]
_ -> []

let refunds = case txDelegationAction transactionCtx2 of
Just Quit -> [W.stakeKeyDeposit pp]
Just Quit -> [W.getStakeKeyDeposit pp]
_ -> []

pure ApiConstructTransaction
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2885,11 +2871,9 @@ constructSharedTransaction
txLayer = wrk ^. transactionLayer @SharedKey @'CredFromScriptK
trWorker = MsgWallet >$< wrk ^. logger

pp <- liftIO $ NW.currentProtocolParameters netLayer
epoch <- getCurrentEpoch api
era <- liftIO $ NW.currentNodeEra (wrk ^. networkLayer)
AnyRecentEra (_recentEra :: Write.RecentEra era)
<- guardIsRecentEra era
(Write.InAnyRecentEra (_ :: Write.RecentEra era) pp, _)
<- liftIO $ W.readNodeTipStateForTxWrite netLayer
(cp, _, _) <- handler $ W.readWallet wrk
let delegationTemplateM = Shared.delegationTemplate $ getState cp
when (isNothing delegationTemplateM && isJust delegationRequest) $
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2940,10 +2924,10 @@ constructSharedTransaction
apiDecoded <- decodeSharedTransaction api (ApiT wid) balancedTx
let deposits = case optionalDelegationAction of
Just (JoinRegisteringKey _poolId) ->
[W.stakeKeyDeposit pp]
[W.getStakeKeyDeposit pp]
_ -> []
let refunds = case optionalDelegationAction of
Just Quit -> [W.stakeKeyDeposit pp]
Just Quit -> [W.getStakeKeyDeposit pp]
_ -> []
delCerts <- case optionalDelegationAction of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3081,23 +3065,19 @@ balanceTransaction
-> Handler ApiSerialisedTransaction
ctx@ApiLayer{..} argGenChange utxoAssumptions (ApiT wid) body = do
-- NOTE: Ideally we'd read @pp@ and @era@ atomically.
pp <- liftIO $ currentProtocolParameters netLayer
era <- liftIO $ NW.currentNodeEra netLayer
Write.AnyRecentEra recentEra <- guardIsRecentEra era
(Write.InAnyRecentEra recentEra pp, timeTranslation)
<- liftIO $ W.readNodeTipStateForTxWrite netLayer

withWorkerCtx ctx wid liftE liftE $ \wrk -> do
(utxo, wallet, _txs) <- handler $ W.readWalletUTxO wrk
timeTranslation <- liftIO $ toTimeTranslation (timeInterpreter netLayer)

partialTx <- parsePartialTx recentEra

balancedTx <- liftHandler
. fmap (Cardano.InAnyCardanoEra Write.cardanoEra . fst)
$ Write.balanceTransaction
(MsgWallet . W.MsgBalanceTx >$< wrk ^. W.logger)
(Write.unsafeFromWalletProtocolParameters pp)
(Write.constructUTxOIndex utxo)
(W.defaultChangeAddressGen argGenChange)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3509,10 +3489,6 @@ joinStakePool
poolStatus <- liftIO (getPoolStatus poolId)
pools <- liftIO knownPools
curEpoch <- getCurrentEpoch ctx
-- FIXME [ADP-1489] pp and era are not guaranteed to be consistent,
-- which could cause problems under exceptional circumstances.
era <- liftIO $ NW.currentNodeEra netLayer
AnyRecentEra (recentEra :: Write.RecentEra era) <- guardIsRecentEra era
withWorkerCtx ctx walletId liftE liftE $ \wrk -> do
let tr = wrk ^. logger
db = wrk ^. typed @(DBLayer IO s)
Expand All @@ -3525,7 +3501,6 @@ joinStakePool
(coerce $ getApiT $ body ^. #passphrase)
(W.defaultChangeAddressGen argGenChange)
(AnyRecentEra recentEra)
(PreSelection [])
=<< WD.joinStakePool
(MsgWallet >$< tr)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3568,18 +3543,12 @@ delegationFee
-> ApiT WalletId
-> Handler ApiFee
delegationFee ctx@ApiLayer{..} (ApiT walletId) = do
era <- liftIO $ NW.currentNodeEra netLayer
AnyRecentEra (recentEra :: Write.RecentEra era) <- guardIsRecentEra era
withWorkerCtx ctx walletId liftE liftE $ \workerCtx -> liftIO $ do
timeTranslation <-
toTimeTranslation (timeInterpreter netLayer)
W.DelegationFee {feePercentiles, deposit} <-
W.delegationFee @s
(workerCtx ^. dbLayer)
(AnyRecentEra recentEra)
(W.defaultChangeAddressGen (delegationAddressS @n))
pure $ mkApiFee (Just deposit) [] feePercentiles

Expand All @@ -3598,8 +3567,6 @@ quitStakePool
-> ApiWalletPassphrase
-> Handler (ApiTransaction n)
quitStakePool ctx@ApiLayer{..} argGenChange (ApiT walletId) body = do
era <- liftIO $ NW.currentNodeEra netLayer
AnyRecentEra (recentEra :: Write.RecentEra era) <- guardIsRecentEra era
withWorkerCtx ctx walletId liftE liftE $ \wrk -> do
let db = wrk ^. typed @(DBLayer IO s)
ti = timeInterpreter netLayer
Expand All @@ -3612,7 +3579,6 @@ quitStakePool ctx@ApiLayer{..} argGenChange (ApiT walletId) body = do
(coerce $ getApiT $ body ^. #passphrase)
(W.defaultChangeAddressGen argGenChange)
(AnyRecentEra recentEra)
(PreSelection [])

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4203,19 +4169,6 @@ type RewardAccountBuilder k
= (k 'RootK XPrv, Passphrase "encryption")
-> (XPrv, Passphrase "encryption")

guardIsRecentEra :: AnyCardanoEra -> Handler AnyRecentEra
guardIsRecentEra (Cardano.AnyCardanoEra era) = case era of
Cardano.ConwayEra -> pure $ Write.AnyRecentEra Write.RecentEraConway
Cardano.BabbageEra -> pure $ Write.AnyRecentEra Write.RecentEraBabbage
Cardano.AlonzoEra -> liftE invalidEra
Cardano.MaryEra -> liftE invalidEra
Cardano.AllegraEra -> liftE invalidEra
Cardano.ShelleyEra -> liftE invalidEra
Cardano.ByronEra -> liftE invalidEra
invalidEra = W.ErrNodeNotYetInRecentEra $ Cardano.AnyCardanoEra era

:: forall n block
. NetworkLayer IO block
Expand Down

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