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deal with withdrawals in decodeSharedTx
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paweljakubas committed May 30, 2023
1 parent 0ab75c5 commit cd3c5b9
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Showing 2 changed files with 37 additions and 32 deletions.
52 changes: 29 additions & 23 deletions lib/wallet/api/http/Cardano/Wallet/Api/Http/Shelley/Server.hs
Expand Up @@ -712,6 +712,8 @@ import qualified Network.Ntp as Ntp
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.WarpTLS as Warp

import qualified Debug.Trace as TR

-- | How the server should listen for incoming requests.
data Listen
= ListenOnPort Port
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2895,8 +2897,8 @@ constructSharedTransaction

withdrawal <- case body ^. #withdrawal of
Just SelfWithdraw -> liftIO $
W.mkSelfWithdrawalShared @_ @_ @n
netLayer txLayer era db wid
W.mkSelfWithdrawalShared @n
netLayer (txWitnessTagFor @SharedKey) era db
_ -> pure NoWithdrawal

let delegationTemplateM = Shared.delegationTemplate $ getState cp
Expand All @@ -2907,13 +2909,7 @@ constructSharedTransaction
forM delegationRequest $
trWorker db epoch knownPools
getPoolStatus NoWithdrawal

withdrawal <- case body ^. #withdrawal of
Just SelfWithdraw -> liftIO $
W.shelleyOnlyMkSelfWithdrawal @_ @_ @n
netLayer (txWitnessTagFor @SharedKey) era db
_ -> pure NoWithdrawal
getPoolStatus withdrawal

let txCtx = defaultTransactionCtx
{ txWithdrawal = withdrawal
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2959,26 +2955,26 @@ constructSharedTransaction
let refunds = case optionalDelegationAction of
Just Quit -> [W.stakeKeyDeposit pp]
_ -> []
rewardAccountM <- handler $ W.readSharedRewardAccount @n db
delCerts <- case optionalDelegationAction of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just action -> do
resM <- handler $ W.readSharedRewardAccount @n db
--at this moment we are sure reward account is present
--if not ErrConstructTxDelegationInvalid would be thrown already
pure $ Just (action, snd $ fromJust resM)
pure $ Just (action, snd $ fromJust rewardAccountM)

pure $ ApiConstructTransaction
{ transaction = balancedTx
, coinSelection =
mkApiCoinSelection deposits refunds
delCerts md (unsignedTx outs apiDecoded delCerts)
delCerts md (unsignedTx outs apiDecoded rewardAccountM)
, fee = apiDecoded ^. #fee
ti :: TimeInterpreter (ExceptT PastHorizonException IO)
ti = timeInterpreter (api ^. networkLayer)

unsignedTx initialOuts decodedTx rewardDel = UnsignedTx
unsignedTx initialOuts decodedTx rewardAccountM = TR.trace ("unsignedTx:"<> show rewardAccountM<>" decodedTx:"<>show decodedTx) $ UnsignedTx
{ unsignedCollateral =
mapMaybe toUnsignedTxInp (decodedTx ^. #collateral)
, unsignedInputs =
Expand All @@ -2989,12 +2985,13 @@ constructSharedTransaction
, unsignedChange =
drop (length initialOuts)
$ map toUnsignedTxChange (decodedTx ^. #outputs)
, unsignedWithdrawals = case rewardDel of
, unsignedWithdrawals = case rewardAccountM of
Nothing -> []
Just (_, path) ->
mapMaybe (toUsignedTxWdrl path) (decodedTx ^. #withdrawals)

:: forall n . HasSNetworkId n
=> ApiLayer (SharedState n SharedKey)
Expand All @@ -3004,7 +3001,7 @@ decodeSharedTransaction
decodeSharedTransaction ctx (ApiT wid) (ApiSerialisedTransaction (ApiT sealed) _) = do
era <- liftIO $ NW.currentNodeEra nl
(txinsOutsPaths, collateralInsOutsPaths, outsPath, pp, certs, txId, fee
, metadata, scriptValidity, interval, witsCount)
, metadata, scriptValidity, interval, witsCount, withdrawals, rewardAcctM)
<- withWorkerCtx ctx wid liftE liftE $ \wrk -> do
(cp, _, _) <- handler $ W.readWallet wrk
let witCountCtx = toWitnessCountCtx SharedWallet (getState cp)
Expand All @@ -3015,6 +3012,7 @@ decodeSharedTransaction ctx (ApiT wid) (ApiSerialisedTransaction (ApiT sealed) _
, resolvedInputs
, resolvedCollateralInputs
, outputs
, withdrawals
, metadata
, scriptValidity
}) = decodedTx
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3051,6 +3049,8 @@ decodeSharedTransaction ctx (ApiT wid) (ApiSerialisedTransaction (ApiT sealed) _
, scriptValidity
, interval
, witsCount
, withdrawals
, rewardAcctM
pure $ ApiDecodedTransaction
{ id = ApiT txId
Expand All @@ -3060,7 +3060,9 @@ decodeSharedTransaction ctx (ApiT wid) (ApiSerialisedTransaction (ApiT sealed) _
, collateral = map toInp collateralInsOutsPaths
-- TODO: [ADP-1670]
, collateralOutputs = ApiAsArray Nothing
, withdrawals = []
, withdrawals = case rewardAcctM of
Nothing -> []
Just acct -> map (toWrdl acct) $ Map.assocs withdrawals
-- TODO minting/burning multisig
, mint = emptyApiAssetMntBurn
, burn = emptyApiAssetMntBurn
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3220,13 +3222,17 @@ decodeTransaction
tl = ctx ^. W.transactionLayer @(KeyOf s) @'CredFromKeyK

toWrdl acct (rewardKey, (Coin c)) =
if rewardKey == acct then
ApiWithdrawalGeneral (ApiRewardAccount rewardKey)
(Quantity $ fromIntegral c) Our
ApiWithdrawalGeneral (ApiRewardAccount rewardKey)
(Quantity $ fromIntegral c) External
:: RewardAccount
-> (RewardAccount, Coin)
-> ApiWithdrawalGeneral n
toWrdl acct (rewardKey, (Coin c)) =
if rewardKey == acct then
ApiWithdrawalGeneral (ApiRewardAccount rewardKey)
(Quantity $ fromIntegral c) Our
ApiWithdrawalGeneral (ApiRewardAccount rewardKey)
(Quantity $ fromIntegral c) External

ourRewardAccountRegistration :: ApiAnyCertificate n -> Bool
ourRewardAccountRegistration = \case
Expand Down
17 changes: 8 additions & 9 deletions lib/wallet/src/Cardano/Wallet.hs
Expand Up @@ -585,7 +585,9 @@ import Data.List
import Data.List.NonEmpty
( NonEmpty (..) )
import Data.Maybe
( fromMaybe, isJust, mapMaybe, maybeToList )
( fromJust, fromMaybe, isJust, isNothing, mapMaybe, maybeToList )
import Data.Proxy
( Proxy (..) )
import Data.Quantity
( Quantity (..) )
import Data.Set
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1269,23 +1271,20 @@ shelleyOnlyMkSelfWithdrawal netLayer txWitnessTag db =
$ ExceptionReadRewardAccount ErrReadRewardAccountNotAShelleyWallet

:: forall ktype tx n block
:: forall n block
. NetworkLayer IO block
-> TransactionLayer SharedKey ktype tx
-> TxWitnessTag
-> AnyCardanoEra
-> DBLayer IO (SharedState n SharedKey) SharedKey
-> WalletId
-> IO Withdrawal
mkSelfWithdrawalShared netLayer txLayer era db wallet = do
rewardAccountM <-
runExceptT (readSharedRewardAccount db wallet)
>>= either (throwIO . ExceptionReadRewardAccount) pure
mkSelfWithdrawalShared netLayer txWitnessTag era db = do
rewardAccountM <- readSharedRewardAccount db
when (isNothing rewardAccountM) $
throwIO $ ExceptionReadRewardAccount ErrReadRewardAccountMissing
let (rewardAccount, derivationPath) = fromJust rewardAccountM
balance <- getCachedRewardAccountBalance netLayer rewardAccount
pp <- currentProtocolParameters netLayer
return $ case checkRewardIsWorthTxCost txLayer pp era balance of
return $ case checkRewardIsWorthTxCost txWitnessTag pp era balance of
Left ErrWithdrawalNotBeneficial -> NoWithdrawal
Right () -> WithdrawalSelf rewardAccount derivationPath balance

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