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Resurrect test MIGRATE_08.
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jonathanknowles committed May 13, 2021
1 parent 7b1f342 commit d6771ce
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Showing 2 changed files with 126 additions and 73 deletions.
Expand Up @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ import Data.Text
import Data.Word
( Word64 )
import Test.Hspec
( SpecWith, describe, pendingWith, shouldBe, shouldSatisfy )
( SpecWith, describe, shouldBe, shouldSatisfy )
import Test.Hspec.Extra
( it )
import Test.Integration.Framework.DSL
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -513,47 +513,63 @@ spec = describe "BYRON_MIGRATIONS" $ do
, expectErrorMessage errMsg400ParseError
\migrating wallet with dust should fail." "BYRON_MIGRATE_08 - \
\It's not possible to migrate a wallet whose total balance is less \
\than the minimum ada quantity for an output."
$ \ctx -> runResourceT @IO $ do
liftIO $ pendingWith "Migration endpoints temporarily disabled."
-- Special mnemonic for which wallet with dust
-- (5 utxos with 60 lovelace in total)
let mnemonics =

-- Create a source wallet with a small number of small quantities:
let mnemonicSentence =
[ "suffer", "decorate", "head", "opera"
, "yellow", "debate", "visa", "fire"
, "salute", "hybrid", "stone", "smart"
] :: [Text]
let payloadRestore = Json [json| {
sourceWallet <- unsafeResponse <$> postByronWallet ctx
(Json [json|{
"name": "Dust Byron Wallet",
"mnemonic_sentence": #{mnemonics},
"mnemonic_sentence": #{mnemonicSentence},
"passphrase": #{fixturePassphrase},
"style": "random"
} |]
sourceWallet <- unsafeResponse <$> postByronWallet ctx payloadRestore
eventually "wallet balance greater than 0" $ do
eventually "Source wallet balance is correct." $ do
request @ApiByronWallet ctx
(Link.getWallet @'Byron sourceWallet)
Empty >>= flip verify
[ expectField (#balance . #available) (.> Quantity 0)
[ expectField (#balance . #available)
(`shouldBe` Quantity 15)
let sourceWalletId = sourceWallet ^. walletId

-- Analyse the source wallet's UTxO distribution:
let expectedSourceDistribution = [(10, 5)]
responseSourceDistribution <- request @ApiUtxoStatistics ctx
(Link.getUTxOsStatistics @'Byron sourceWallet) Default Empty
verify responseSourceDistribution
[ expectField #distribution
((`shouldBe` expectedSourceDistribution)
. Map.toList
. Map.filter (> 0)

-- Create an empty target wallet:
targetWallet <- emptyWallet ctx
addrs <- listAddresses @n ctx targetWallet
let addr1 = (addrs !! 1) ^. #id
let payload =
Json [json|
{ passphrase: #{fixturePassphrase}
, addresses: [#{addr1}]
targetAddresses <- listAddresses @n ctx targetWallet
let targetAddressIds = targetAddresses <&>
(\(ApiTypes.ApiAddress addrId _ _) -> addrId)

-- Attempt a migration:
let ep = Link.migrateWallet @'Byron sourceWallet
r <- request @[ApiTransaction n] ctx ep Default payload
let srcId = sourceWallet ^. walletId
verify r
responseMigrate <- request @[ApiTransaction n] ctx ep Default $
Json [json|
{ passphrase: #{fixturePassphrase}
, addresses: #{targetAddressIds}
verify responseMigrate
[ expectResponseCode HTTP.status403
, expectErrorMessage (errMsg403NothingToMigrate srcId)
, expectErrorMessage (errMsg403NothingToMigrate sourceWalletId)
-- Compute the fee associated with an API transaction.
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -57,8 +57,6 @@ import Data.Proxy
( Proxy )
import Data.Quantity
( Quantity (..) )
import Data.Text
( Text )
import Data.Word
( Word64 )
import Test.Hspec
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -481,70 +479,109 @@ spec = describe "SHELLEY_MIGRATIONS" $ do
, expectErrorMessage errMsg400ParseError
\migrating wallet with 'dust' (that complies with minUTxOValue) should pass." "SHELLEY_MIGRATE_08 - \
\It's possible to migrate a wallet with many small ada quantities, \
\provided that the total balance is significantly greater than the \
\minimum ada quantity for an output."
$ \ctx -> runResourceT @IO $ do
liftIO $ pendingWith "Migration endpoints temporarily disabled."
-- Special mnemonic for which wallet has dust
-- (10 utxo with 43 ADA)
let mnemonics =
["either", "flip", "maple", "shift", "dismiss", "bridge"
, "sweet", "reveal", "green", "tornado", "need", "patient"
, "wall", "stamp", "pass"] :: [Text]
let payloadRestore = Json [json| {
"name": "Dust Shelley Wallet",
"mnemonic_sentence": #{mnemonics},

-- Create a source wallet with many small ada quantities:
sourceWallet <- unsafeResponse <$> postWallet ctx
(Json [json|{
"name": "Shelley Wallet",
"mnemonic_sentence": #{mnemonicToText onlyDustWallet},
"passphrase": #{fixturePassphrase}
} |]
sourceWallet <- unsafeResponse <$> postWallet ctx payloadRestore
originalBalance <- eventually "wallet balance greater than 0" $ do
rg <- request @ApiWallet ctx
(Link.getWallet @'Shelley sourceWallet)
verify rg
[ expectField (#balance . #available) (.> Quantity 0)
sourceBalance <- eventually "Source wallet balance is correct." $ do
response <- request @ApiWallet ctx
(Link.getWallet @'Shelley sourceWallet) Default Empty
verify response
[ expectField (#balance . #available . #getQuantity)
(`shouldBe` 43_000_000)
, expectField (#balance . #total . #getQuantity)
(`shouldBe` 43_000_000)
pure $ getFromResponse (#balance. #available . #getQuantity)

-- Calculate the expected migration fee:
r0 <- request @(ApiWalletMigrationPlan n) ctx
(Link.createMigrationPlan @'Shelley sourceWallet) Default Empty
verify r0
[ expectResponseCode HTTP.status200
, expectField #totalFee (.> Quantity 0)
-- Analyse the source wallet's UTxO distribution:
let expectedSourceDistribution =
[ ( 1_000_000, 3)
, ( 10_000_000, 6)
, (100_000_000, 1)
responseSourceDistribution <- request @ApiUtxoStatistics ctx
(Link.getUTxOsStatistics @'Shelley sourceWallet) Default Empty
verify responseSourceDistribution
[ expectField #distribution
((`shouldBe` expectedSourceDistribution)
. Map.toList
. Map.filter (> 0)
let expectedFee = getFromResponse (#totalFee . #getQuantity) r0

-- Create an empty target wallet:
targetWallet <- emptyWallet ctx
addrs <- listAddresses @n ctx targetWallet
let addr1 = (addrs !! 1) ^. #id
let payload =
Json [json|
{ passphrase: #{fixturePassphrase}
, addresses: [#{addr1}]
targetAddresses <- listAddresses @n ctx targetWallet
let targetAddressIds = targetAddresses <&>
(\(ApiTypes.ApiAddress addrId _ _) -> addrId)

-- Compute the expected migration plan:
let feeExpected = 254_800
responsePlan <- request @(ApiWalletMigrationPlan n) ctx
(Link.createMigrationPlan @'Shelley sourceWallet) Default
(Json [json|{addresses: #{targetAddressIds}}|])
verify responsePlan
[ expectResponseCode HTTP.status202
, expectField #totalFee (`shouldBe` Quantity feeExpected)
, expectField #selections ((`shouldBe` 1) . length)

-- Perform the migration:
let ep = Link.migrateWallet @'Shelley sourceWallet
r <- request @[ApiTransaction n] ctx ep Default payload
verify r
[ expectResponseCode HTTP.status202 ]
responseMigrate <- request @[ApiTransaction n] ctx ep Default $
Json [json|
{ passphrase: #{fixturePassphrase}
, addresses: #{targetAddressIds}

-- Verify the fee is as expected:
verify responseMigrate
[ expectResponseCode HTTP.status202
, expectField id ((`shouldBe` 1) . length)
, expectField id
$ (`shouldBe` feeExpected)
. fromIntegral
. sum
. fmap apiTransactionFee

-- Check that funds become available in the target wallet:
let expectedBalance = originalBalance - expectedFee
eventually "targetWallet balance = expectedBalance" $ do
let expectedBalance = sourceBalance - feeExpected
eventually "Target wallet balance reaches the expected amount." $ do
request @ApiWallet ctx
(Link.getWallet @'Shelley targetWallet)
Empty >>= flip verify
[ expectField
(#balance . #available)
( `shouldBe` Quantity expectedBalance)
(#balance . #available)
( `shouldBe` Quantity expectedBalance)
, expectField
(#balance . #total)
( `shouldBe` Quantity expectedBalance)
(#balance . #total)
( `shouldBe` Quantity expectedBalance)

-- Analyse the target wallet's UTxO distribution:
let expectedTargetDistribution = [(100_000_000, 1)]
responseTargetDistribution <- request @ApiUtxoStatistics ctx
(Link.getUTxOsStatistics @'Shelley targetWallet) Default Empty
verify responseTargetDistribution
[ expectField #distribution
((`shouldBe` expectedTargetDistribution)
. Map.toList
. Map.filter (> 0)
-- Compute the fee associated with an API transaction.
apiTransactionFee :: ApiTransaction n -> Word64
Expand Down

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