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add lean specifications for primitives of the new submissions store
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paolino committed Nov 29, 2022
1 parent fabefd4 commit e0f7922
Showing 1 changed file with 214 additions and 0 deletions.
214 changes: 214 additions & 0 deletions specifications/Cardano/Wallet/Submissions/primitives.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@

parameter Slot : Type
-- transaction database for submitted transactions
parameter Submissions : Type

-- we choose to explicitly move around the expiring slot
-- to remove access to Tx
inductive TxStatus : Type
-- a transaction has been submitted but it's not in the ledger
| InSubmission
: Slot -- expiring
-> TxStatus
-- a transaction is in the ledger but can be rolled out
| InLedger
: Slot -- expiring
-> Slot -- acceptance
-> TxStatus
-- a transaction has Expired but could reappear in case of rollbacks
| Expired
: Slot -- expiring
-> TxStatus
-- a transaction is not known to the submission db
| Unknown : TxStatus
open TxStatus

structure Submissions :=

: Slot -- ^ transaction slot
-> Slot -- ^ reference slot
-> Prop

: Slot -- ^ transaction slot
-> Slot -- ^ reference slot
-> Prop
-- a transaction
(Tx : Type)

-- transaction status relative to the database
(status : Tx -> Submissions -> TxStatus)

-- tip slot of the database, no transactions have
-- acceptance slot > tip
(tip : Submissions -> Slot)
-- finality slot of the database, no transactions have
-- acceptance slot <= finality ∨ expiring slot <= finality
(finality : Submissions -> Slot)

-- tries to add a new transactions to the submissions store
: Slot -- expiring slot, after which
-- a transaction cannot make it to the ledger
-> Tx -- new submitted transaction
-> Submissions -- db
-> Submissions -- modified db
: ∀ (x:Tx) (xs:Submissions) (expiring:Slot)
, let xs' := addSubmission expiring x xs
in tip xs' = tip xs ∧ finality xs' = finality xs
: ∀ (x:Tx) (xs:Submissions) (expiring:Slot) (y:Tx)
, let xs' := addSubmission expiring x xs
, old := status y xs
, new := status y xs'
, unknown :=
old = Unknown
∧ after expiring (tip xs)
∧ x = y
unknown → new = InSubmission expiring
¬ unknown → new = old

-- moveToLedger
-- this operation is primitive and leaving tip untouched
-- no property is checked that the tip is not smaller than the acceptance slot
: Slot -- acceptance slot for this tx
-> Tx -- landed transaction
-> Submissions -- db
-> Submissions -- modified db
: ∀ (x:Tx) (xs:Submissions) (acceptance:Slot)
, let xs' := moveToLedger acceptance x xs
in tip xs' = tip xs ∧ finality xs' = finality xs
-- take care that transaction moved here will be with acceptance after the tip
-- in this phase the tip is staying behind marking the minimum acceptance
: ∀ (acceptance:Slot) (xs:Submissions) (x:Tx) (expiring:Slot) (y : Tx)
, let xs' := moveToLedger acceptance x xs
, old := status y xs
, new := status y xs'
, inSubmission :=
old = InSubmission expiring
∧ after expiring acceptance
∧ after acceptance (tip xs)
∧ x = y
inSubmission → new = InLedger expiring acceptance
∧ ¬ inSubmission → new = old

-- moveTip
: Slot -- new tip, can be in the past or in the future
-> Submissions -- db
-> Submissions -- modified db
: ∀ (newTip:Slot) (xs:Submissions)
, let xs' := moveTip newTip xs in tip xs' = newTip

: ∀ (x:Tx) (xs:Submissions) (newTip:Slot)
, let xs' := moveTip newTip xs in
after (finality xs) newTip → finality xs' = newTip
before (finality xs) newTip → finality xs' = finality xs

-- InLedger effects,
: ∀ (newTip:Slot) (xs:Submissions) (y:Tx) (acceptance:Slot) (expiring:Slot)
, let xs' := moveTip newTip xs
, old := status y xs
, new := status y xs'
, inSubmission :=
old = InSubmission expiring
∧ before expiring newTip
, expired :=
old = Expired expiring
∧ after expiring newTip
, inLedger :=
old = InLedger expiring acceptance
∧ after acceptance newTip
inSubmission → new = Expired expiring
∧ expired → new = InSubmission expiring
∧ inLedger → new = InSubmission expiring
∧ (¬ (inSubmission ∨ expired ∨ inLedger)) → new = old
-- moveFinality
: Slot -- slot in the past for which transactions
-- cannot roll back to submission (persisted status)
-- or roll forward to ledger (dead status)
-> Submissions -- db
-> Submissions -- modified db
: ∀ (newFinality:Slot) (xs:Submissions)
, let xs' := moveFinality newFinality xs in tip xs' = tip xs

: ∀ (newFinality:Slot) (xs:Submissions)
, let xs' := moveFinality newFinality xs
after newFinality (finality xs) ∧ before newFinality (tip xs)
→ finality xs' = newFinality
∧ before newFinality (finality xs)
→ finality xs' = finality xs
∧ after newFinality (tip xs)
→ finality xs' = tip xs

: ∀ (newFinality:Slot) (xs:Submissions) (y:Tx) (acceptance:Slot) (expiring:Slot)
, let xs' := moveTip newFinality xs
, old := status y xs
, new := status y xs'
, expired :=
old = Expired expiring
∧ before expiring (finality xs')
, inLedger :=
old = InLedger expiring acceptance
∧ before acceptance (finality xs')
inLedger → new = Unknown
∧ expired → new = Unknown
∧ (¬ (expired ∨ inLedger)) → new = old

: Tx
-> Submissions
-> Submissions
: ∀ (x:Tx) (xs:Submissions) (expiring:Slot)
, let xs' := forget x xs
in tip xs' = tip xs ∧ finality xs' = finality xs
: ∀ x y xs
, let xs' := forget x xs
, old := status y xs
, new := status y xs'
x = y → new = Unknown ∧ x ≠ y → new = old

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