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KtorZ edited this page Jul 28, 2020 · 17 revisions

Docker builds of cardano-wallet are available on DockerHub.

Downloading the Docker image

To get the latest release of cardano-wallet, run:

docker pull inputoutput/cardano-wallet:shelley

Running the Docker container for cardano-wallet

To run basic CLI commands, use:

docker run --rm inputoutput/cardano-wallet:shelley --help

See Wallet Command Line Interface for full documentation of the CLI.

Naming scheme

The following tags are pushed to DockerHub.

Tag Network node backend Version
inputoutput/cardano-wallet cardano-node same as shelley
inputoutput/cardano-wallet:shelley cardano-node Latest GitHub release
inputoutput/cardano-wallet:dev-master-shelley cardano-node Latest revision of master branch
inputoutput/cardano-wallet:2020.7.28-shelley cardano-node v2020-07-28 (for example)
inputoutput/cardano-wallet:aa46adfd67134bf713bd103d51541f6cb7597aa9-shelley cardano-node A certain revision of the master branch (aa46adf for example).

Building the Docker image locally

Ensure that you have Nix installed and the IOHK binary cache enabled (instructions).

Then run this command from the cardano-wallet git repo:

docker load -i $(nix-build -A dockerImage.shelley --no-out-link)

If you have no local changes, the build should be downloaded from the IOHK binary cache then loaded into your local Docker image storage.

Inspecting the contents of the Docker image

The default entrypoint of the image is /bin/start-cardano-wallet-shelley. If you need to run a shell inside the Docker image, use the bash shell as the entrypoint:

docker run --rm -it --entrypoint bash inputoutput/cardano-wallet:shelley

Docker compose

One can also use docker-compose to quickly spin up cardano-wallet together with supported block producer.

Here is exemplary docker-compose.yaml combining the latest versions of cardano-wallet and cardano-node.

To give it a spin simply launch:

NETWORK=mainnet docker-compose up
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