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reintroduce cardano-wallet from stable-wallet-impl branch
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womfoo authored and Pacman99 committed Aug 8, 2022
1 parent eacb7b5 commit 92b715f
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Showing 2 changed files with 146 additions and 0 deletions.
145 changes: 145 additions & 0 deletions nix/cardano/nomadCharts/cardano-wallet.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
}: let
inherit (inputs) data-merge cells;
inherit (inputs.nixpkgs) lib;
inherit (inputs.nixpkgs) system;
inherit (inputs.bitte-cells) vector _utils;
inherit (cell) healthChecks constants oci-images;
# OCI-Image Namer
ociNamer = oci: l.unsafeDiscardStringContext "${oci.imageName}:${oci.imageTag}";
l = lib // builtins;
jobname ? "wallet",
datacenters ? ["eu-central-1" "eu-west-1" "us-east-2"],
} @ args: let
id = jobname;
type = "service";
priority = 50;
persistanceMount = "/persist";
vaultPkiPath = "pki/issue/wallet";
consulRolePath = "consul/creds/wallet";
with data-merge; {
job.${id} = {
inherit namespace datacenters id type priority;
# ----------
# Scheduling
# ----------
constraint = [
attribute = "\${node.class}";
operator = "=";
value = "${nodeClass}";
attribute = "\${meta.cardano}";
operator = "is_set";
operator = "distinct_hosts";
value = "true";
spread = [{attribute = "\${node.datacenter}";}];
# ----------
# Update
# ----------
update.health_check = "task_states";
update.healthy_deadline = "5m0s";
update.max_parallel = 1;
update.min_healthy_time = "10s";
update.progress_deadline = "10m0s";
update.stagger = "30s";
# ----------
# Migrate
# ----------
migrate.health_check = "checks";
migrate.healthy_deadline = "8m20s";
migrate.max_parallel = 1;
migrate.min_healthy_time = "10s";
# ----------
# Reschedule
# ----------
reschedule.delay = "30s";
reschedule.delay_function = "exponential";
reschedule.max_delay = "1h0m0s";
reschedule.unlimited = true;
# ----------
# Task Groups
# ----------
group.wallet = let
# work-around: we need to get rid of vector first
node' = (cell.nomadCharts.cardano-node (args // {jobname = "node";}));
group = l.removeAttrs node' ["task"];
node = group // {task.node = node'.task.node;};
# task.vector ...
(vector.nomadTask.default {
inherit namespace;
endpoints = [
# prometheus metrics for wallet
# prometheus metrics for cardano-node
merge node
count = scaling;
service = append [
(import ./srv-wallet.nix {inherit namespace healthChecks;})
volume = {
"persist-wallet-local" = {
source = "${namespace}-persist-wallet-local";
type = "host";
network.port.wallet = {to = 8090;};
task = {
# ----------
# Task: Wallet
# ----------
wallet = {
env.DATA_DIR = persistanceMount;
env.SOCKET_PATH = "/alloc/tmp/node.socket";
template =
_utils.nomadFragments.workload-identity-vault {inherit vaultPkiPath;}
++ _utils.nomadFragments.workload-identity-vault-consul {inherit consulRolePath;};
env.WORKLOAD_CACERT = "/secrets/tls/ca.pem";
env.WORKLOAD_CLIENT_KEY = "/secrets/tls/key.pem";
env.WORKLOAD_CLIENT_CERT = "/secrets/tls/cert.pem";
config.image = ociNamer oci-images.cardano-wallet;
user = "0:0";
driver = "docker";
kill_signal = "SIGINT";
kill_timeout = "30s";
resources = {
cpu = 2000;
memory = 4096;
volume_mount = {
destination = persistanceMount;
propagation_mode = "private";
volume = "persist-wallet-local";
vault = {
change_mode = "noop";
env = true;
policies = ["wallet"];
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions nix/cardano/nomadCharts/default.nix
Expand Up @@ -6,4 +6,5 @@
cardano-node = import ./cardano-node.nix {inherit inputs cell;};
cardano-db-sync = import ./cardano-db-sync.nix {inherit inputs cell;};
cardano-faucet = import ./cardano-faucet.nix {inherit inputs cell;};
cardano-wallet = import ./cardano-wallet.nix {inherit inputs cell;};

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