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[test] remove dependency on MT
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abailly-iohk committed Jan 17, 2022
1 parent 5103431 commit 852cafe
Showing 1 changed file with 43 additions and 54 deletions.
97 changes: 43 additions & 54 deletions hydra-node/exe/tx-cost/Main.hs
Expand Up @@ -11,9 +11,7 @@ import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.TxBody as Ledger.Alonzo
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.API as Ledger
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Val as Ledger
import Control.Exception (ErrorCall)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Maybe.Strict (StrictMaybe (..))
import Hydra.Chain.Direct.Tx (fanoutTx, plutusScript, policyId, scriptAddr)
import qualified Hydra.Contract.Hash as Hash
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,23 +46,14 @@ import Hydra.Ledger.Cardano (
import Hydra.Ledger.Cardano.Evaluate (evaluateTx, pparams)
import Plutus.MerkleTree (rootHash)
import qualified Plutus.MerkleTree as MT
import Plutus.MerkleTreeValidator (merkleTreeValidator, mtBuilderValidator)
import Plutus.Orphans ()
import Plutus.V1.Ledger.Api (toBuiltin, toData)
import qualified PlutusTx.Builtins as Plutus
import Test.Plutus.Validator (
ExUnits (ExUnits),
import Test.QuickCheck (generate, vectorOf)

main :: IO ()
main = do
-- costOfMerkleTree

costOfFanOut :: IO ()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -116,52 +105,52 @@ mkHeadOutput headDatum =
headValue = Ledger.inject (Ledger.Coin 2_000_000)
headDatumHash = Ledger.hashData @LedgerEra <$> headDatum

costOfMerkleTree :: IO ()
costOfMerkleTree = do
putStrLn "Cost of on-chain Merkle-Tree"
forM_ ([1 .. 10] <> [20, 30 .. 100] <> [120, 140 .. 500]) $ \numElems -> do
utxo <- fmap Plutus.toBuiltin <$> genFakeUtxos numElems
-- costOfMerkleTree :: IO ()
-- costOfMerkleTree = do
-- putStrLn "Cost of on-chain Merkle-Tree"
-- forM_ ([1 .. 10] <> [20, 30 .. 100] <> [120, 140 .. 500]) $ \numElems -> do
-- utxo <- fmap Plutus.toBuiltin <$> genFakeUtxos numElems

let (memberMem, memberCpu) = executionCostForMember utxo
ExUnits (fromIntegral @_ @Double -> maxMem) (fromIntegral @_ @Double -> maxCpu) =
(builderMem, builderCpu) = executionCostForBuilder utxo
-- let (memberMem, memberCpu) = executionCostForMember utxo
-- ExUnits (fromIntegral @_ @Double -> maxMem) (fromIntegral @_ @Double -> maxCpu) =
-- defaultMaxExecutionUnits
-- (builderMem, builderCpu) = executionCostForBuilder utxo

putText $
show numElems
<> "\t"
<> show (100 * fromIntegral (fromIntegral memberMem `div` numElems) / maxMem)
<> "\t"
<> show (100 * fromIntegral (fromIntegral memberCpu `div` numElems) / maxCpu)
( "\t"
<> show (100 * fromIntegral builderMem / maxMem)
<> "\t"
<> show (100 * fromIntegral builderCpu / maxCpu)
`catch` \(_ :: ErrorCall) ->
-- NOTE builder validator is likely to fail and thus raise an exception at low values
-- of numElems, so we put 0 instead
putTextLn "\t0\t0"
-- NOTE: assume size of a UTXO is around 60 bytes
genFakeUtxos numElems = generate (vectorOf numElems $ BS.pack <$> vectorOf 60 arbitrary)
-- putText $
-- show numElems
-- <> "\t"
-- <> show (100 * fromIntegral (fromIntegral memberMem `div` numElems) / maxMem)
-- <> "\t"
-- <> show (100 * fromIntegral (fromIntegral memberCpu `div` numElems) / maxCpu)
-- putTextLn
-- ( "\t"
-- <> show (100 * fromIntegral builderMem / maxMem)
-- <> "\t"
-- <> show (100 * fromIntegral builderCpu / maxCpu)
-- )
-- `catch` \(_ :: ErrorCall) ->
-- -- NOTE builder validator is likely to fail and thus raise an exception at low values
-- -- of numElems, so we put 0 instead
-- putTextLn "\t0\t0"
-- where
-- -- NOTE: assume size of a UTXO is around 60 bytes
-- genFakeUtxos numElems = generate (vectorOf numElems $ BS.pack <$> vectorOf 60 arbitrary)

executionCostForMember :: [Plutus.BuiltinByteString] -> (Natural, Natural)
executionCostForMember utxo =
let tree = MT.fromList utxo
accumulateCost e (curMem, curCpu) =
let proof = fromJust $ MT.mkProof e tree
ExUnits mem cpu = evaluateScriptExecutionUnits merkleTreeValidator (e, MT.rootHash tree, proof)
in (mem + curMem, cpu + curCpu)
in foldr accumulateCost (0, 0) utxo
-- executionCostForMember :: [Plutus.BuiltinByteString] -> (Natural, Natural)
-- executionCostForMember utxo =
-- let tree = MT.fromList utxo
-- accumulateCost e (curMem, curCpu) =
-- let proof = fromJust $ MT.mkProof e tree
-- ExUnits mem cpu = evaluateScriptExecutionUnits merkleTreeValidator (e, MT.rootHash tree, proof)
-- in (mem + curMem, cpu + curCpu)
-- in foldr accumulateCost (0, 0) utxo

executionCostForBuilder :: [Plutus.BuiltinByteString] -> (Natural, Natural)
executionCostForBuilder utxo =
let tree = MT.fromList utxo
root = rootHash tree
ExUnits mem cpu = evaluateScriptExecutionUnits mtBuilderValidator (utxo, root)
in (mem, cpu)
-- executionCostForBuilder :: [Plutus.BuiltinByteString] -> (Natural, Natural)
-- executionCostForBuilder utxo =
-- let tree = MT.fromList utxo
-- root = rootHash tree
-- ExUnits mem cpu = evaluateScriptExecutionUnits mtBuilderValidator (utxo, root)
-- in (mem, cpu)

costOfHashing :: IO ()
costOfHashing = do
Expand Down

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