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Merge pull request #169 from input-output-hk/KtorZ/cardano-api-direct-tx
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More cardano-api uses in Direct.Tx
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abailly-iohk committed Jan 19, 2022
2 parents 90b8e8e + f7abe26 commit 987ce61
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Showing 5 changed files with 118 additions and 167 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion hydra-node/src/Hydra/Chain/Direct.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ chainSyncClient tracer networkMagic callback party headState =
runOnChainTx :: [OnChainTx CardanoTx] -> ValidatedTx Era -> STM m [OnChainTx CardanoTx]
runOnChainTx observed tx = do
onChainHeadState <- readTVar headState
let utxo = knownUtxo onChainHeadState
let utxo = Ledger.UTxO (knownUtxo onChainHeadState)
-- TODO(SN): We should be only looking for abort,commit etc. when we have a headId/policyId
let res =
observeInitTx networkId party tx
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210 changes: 61 additions & 149 deletions hydra-node/src/Hydra/Chain/Direct/Tx.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,32 +17,26 @@ import Cardano.Api (NetworkId)
import Cardano.Binary (serialize)
import Cardano.Ledger.Address (Addr (Addr))
import Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo (Script)
import Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.Data (Data, DataHash, getPlutusData, hashData)
import Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.Data (Data, getPlutusData)
import Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.Language (Language (PlutusV1))
import Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.Scripts (ExUnits (..), Script (PlutusScript), Tag (Spend))
import Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.Tx (IsValid (IsValid), ScriptPurpose (Spending), ValidatedTx (..), rdptr)
import Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.Scripts (Script (PlutusScript))
import Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.Tx (ValidatedTx (..))
import Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.TxBody (TxBody (..), TxOut (TxOut))
import Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.TxInfo (transKeyHash)
import Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.TxWitness (RdmrPtr (RdmrPtr), Redeemers (..), TxDats (..), TxWitness (..), unRedeemers, unTxDats)
import Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.TxWitness (TxWitness (..), unTxDats)
import Cardano.Ledger.Crypto (StandardCrypto)
import Cardano.Ledger.Era (hashScript)
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.SafeHash as SafeHash
import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.API (
Coin (..),
Credential (ScriptHashObj),
Network (Testnet),
StakeReference (StakeRefNull),
StrictMaybe (..),
TxId (TxId),
TxIn (TxIn),
Wdrl (Wdrl),
import Cardano.Ledger.ShelleyMA.Timelocks (ValidityInterval (..))
import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.UTxO (UTxO (..))
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Sequence.Strict as StrictSeq
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Time (Day (ModifiedJulianDay), UTCTime (UTCTime))
import Hydra.Chain (HeadParameters (..), OnChainTx (..))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,7 +70,7 @@ import qualified Hydra.Ledger.Cardano as Api
import Hydra.Party (MultiSigned, Party (Party), toPlutusSignatures, vkey)
import Hydra.Snapshot (Snapshot (..))
import Ledger.Value (AssetClass (..), currencyMPSHash)
import Plutus.V1.Ledger.Api (FromData, MintingPolicyHash, PubKeyHash (..), fromData)
import Plutus.V1.Ledger.Api (MintingPolicyHash, PubKeyHash (..), fromData)
import qualified Plutus.V1.Ledger.Api as Plutus
import Plutus.V1.Ledger.Value (assetClass, currencySymbol, tokenName)
import Plutus.V2.Ledger.Api (toBuiltin)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -120,68 +114,6 @@ threadToken = assetClass (currencySymbol "hydra") (tokenName "token")
policyId :: MintingPolicyHash
(policyId, _) = first currencyMPSHash (unAssetClass threadToken)

emptyTx :: ValidatedTx Era
emptyTx =
{ body = emptyTxBody
, wits =
{ txwitsVKey = mempty
, txwitsBoot = mempty
, txscripts = mempty
, txdats = mempty
, txrdmrs = Redeemers Map.empty
, isValid = IsValid True -- REVIEW(SN): no idea of the semantics of this
, auxiliaryData = SNothing

withBody :: TxBody Era -> ValidatedTx Era -> ValidatedTx Era
withBody body tx =

withDatums :: [Data Era] -> ValidatedTx Era -> ValidatedTx Era
withDatums datums tx =
tx{wits = (wits tx){txdats = datumsFromList datums}}

withRedeemers :: [(TxIn StandardCrypto, Data Era)] -> ValidatedTx Era -> ValidatedTx Era
withRedeemers redeemers tx =
tx{wits = (wits tx){txrdmrs = redeemersFromList $ mkRedeemer <$> redeemers}}
mkRedeemer (txin, redeemer) = (rdptr (body tx) (Spending txin), (redeemer, ExUnits 0 0))

withScripts :: Map (ScriptHash StandardCrypto) (Script Era) -> ValidatedTx Era -> ValidatedTx Era
withScripts scripts tx =
tx{wits = (wits tx){txscripts = scripts}}

emptyTxBody :: TxBody Era
emptyTxBody =
{ inputs = mempty
, collateral = mempty
, outputs = mempty
, txcerts = mempty
, txwdrls = Wdrl mempty
, txfee = Coin 0
, txvldt = ValidityInterval SNothing SNothing
, txUpdates = SNothing
, reqSignerHashes = mempty
, mint = mempty
, scriptIntegrityHash = SNothing
, adHash = SNothing
, txnetworkid = SNothing

-- | Adds the given 'inputs' to the existing transaction body's existing inputs.
withInputs :: [TxIn StandardCrypto] -> TxBody Era -> TxBody Era
withInputs newInputs txbody =
txbody{inputs = inputs txbody <> Set.fromList newInputs}

-- | Appends the given 'newOutputs' to the transaction body's existing outputs.
withOutputs :: [TxOut Era] -> TxBody Era -> TxBody Era
withOutputs newOutputs txbody =
txbody{outputs = outputs txbody <> StrictSeq.fromList newOutputs}

-- | Create the init transaction from some 'HeadParameters' and a single TxIn
-- which will be used as unique parameter for minting NFTs.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -569,50 +501,70 @@ observeCommit networkId tx = \case
-- and decoding its redeemer.
observeCollectComTx ::
-- | A Utxo set to lookup tx inputs
Map (TxIn StandardCrypto) (TxOut Era) ->
UTxO Era ->
ValidatedTx Era ->
Maybe (OnChainTx CardanoTx, OnChainHeadState)
observeCollectComTx utxo tx = do
(headInput, headOutput) <- findScriptOutput utxo headScript
redeemer <- getRedeemerSpending tx headInput
oldHeadDatum <- lookupDatum (wits tx) headOutput
(headInput, headOutput) <- Api.findScriptOutput @Api.PlutusScriptV1 (Api.fromLedgerUtxo utxo) headScript
redeemer <-
(Api.getTxBody $ Api.fromLedgerTx tx)
oldHeadDatum <- lookupDatum (wits tx) (Api.toLedgerTxOut headOutput)
datum <- fromData $ getPlutusData oldHeadDatum
case (datum, redeemer) of
(Head.Initial{parties}, Head.CollectCom{}) -> do
(newHeadInput, newHeadOutput) <- findScriptOutput (utxoFromTx tx) headScript
newHeadDatum <- lookupDatum (wits tx) newHeadOutput
(newHeadInput, newHeadOutput) <- Api.findScriptOutput @Api.PlutusScriptV1 (Api.utxoFromTx $ Api.fromLedgerTx tx) headScript
newHeadDatum <- lookupDatum (wits tx) (Api.toLedgerTxOut newHeadOutput)
( OnCollectComTx
, OpenOrClosed{threadOutput = (newHeadInput, newHeadOutput, newHeadDatum, parties)}
, OpenOrClosed
{ threadOutput =
( Api.toLedgerTxIn newHeadInput
, Api.toLedgerTxOut newHeadOutput
, newHeadDatum
, parties
_ -> Nothing
headScript = plutusScript $ Head.validatorScript policyId
headScript = Api.fromPlutusScript $ Head.validatorScript policyId

-- | Identify a close tx by lookup up the input spending the Head output and
-- decoding its redeemer.
observeCloseTx ::
-- | A Utxo set to lookup tx inputs
Map (TxIn StandardCrypto) (TxOut Era) ->
UTxO Era ->
ValidatedTx Era ->
Maybe (OnChainTx CardanoTx, OnChainHeadState)
observeCloseTx utxo tx = do
(headInput, headOutput) <- findScriptOutput utxo headScript
redeemer <- getRedeemerSpending tx headInput
oldHeadDatum <- lookupDatum (wits tx) headOutput
(headInput, headOutput) <- Api.findScriptOutput @Api.PlutusScriptV1 (Api.fromLedgerUtxo utxo) headScript
redeemer <-
(Api.getTxBody $ Api.fromLedgerTx tx)
oldHeadDatum <- lookupDatum (wits tx) (Api.toLedgerTxOut headOutput)
datum <- fromData $ getPlutusData oldHeadDatum
case (datum, redeemer) of
(Head.Open{parties}, Head.Close{snapshotNumber = onChainSnapshotNumber}) -> do
(newHeadInput, newHeadOutput) <- findScriptOutput (utxoFromTx tx) headScript
newHeadDatum <- lookupDatum (wits tx) newHeadOutput
(newHeadInput, newHeadOutput) <- Api.findScriptOutput @Api.PlutusScriptV1 (Api.utxoFromTx $ Api.fromLedgerTx tx) headScript
newHeadDatum <- lookupDatum (wits tx) (Api.toLedgerTxOut newHeadOutput)
snapshotNumber <- integerToNatural onChainSnapshotNumber
( OnCloseTx{contestationDeadline, snapshotNumber}
, OpenOrClosed{threadOutput = (newHeadInput, newHeadOutput, newHeadDatum, parties)}
, OpenOrClosed
{ threadOutput =
( Api.toLedgerTxIn newHeadInput
, Api.toLedgerTxOut newHeadOutput
, newHeadDatum
, parties
_ -> Nothing
headScript = plutusScript $ Head.validatorScript policyId
headScript = Api.fromPlutusScript $ Head.validatorScript policyId

-- FIXME(SN): store in/read from datum
contestationDeadline = UTCTime (ModifiedJulianDay 0) 0
Expand All @@ -625,32 +577,38 @@ observeCloseTx utxo tx = do
-- from a known script (the head state machine script) with a "fanout" redeemer.
observeFanoutTx ::
-- | A Utxo set to lookup tx inputs
Map (TxIn StandardCrypto) (TxOut Era) ->
UTxO Era ->
ValidatedTx Era ->
Maybe (OnChainTx CardanoTx, OnChainHeadState)
observeFanoutTx utxo tx = do
headInput <- fst <$> findScriptOutput utxo headScript
getRedeemerSpending tx headInput >>= \case
Head.Fanout{} -> pure (OnFanoutTx, Final)
_ -> Nothing
headInput <- fst <$> Api.findScriptOutput @Api.PlutusScriptV1 (Api.fromLedgerUtxo utxo) headScript
(Api.getTxBody $ Api.fromLedgerTx tx)
>>= \case
Head.Fanout{} -> pure (OnFanoutTx, Final)
_ -> Nothing
headScript = plutusScript $ Head.validatorScript policyId
headScript = Api.fromPlutusScript $ Head.validatorScript policyId

-- | Identify an abort tx by looking up the input spending the Head output and
-- decoding its redeemer.
observeAbortTx ::
-- | A Utxo set to lookup tx inputs
Map (TxIn StandardCrypto) (TxOut Era) ->
UTxO Era ->
ValidatedTx Era ->
Maybe (OnChainTx CardanoTx, OnChainHeadState)
observeAbortTx utxo tx = do
headInput <- fst <$> findScriptOutput utxo headScript
getRedeemerSpending tx headInput >>= \case
Head.Abort -> pure (OnAbortTx, Final)
_ -> Nothing
headInput <- fst <$> Api.findScriptOutput @Api.PlutusScriptV1 (Api.fromLedgerUtxo utxo) headScript
(Api.getTxBody $ Api.fromLedgerTx tx)
>>= \case
Head.Abort -> pure (OnAbortTx, Final)
_ -> Nothing
-- FIXME(SN): make sure this is aborting "the right head / your head" by not hard-coding policyId
headScript = plutusScript $ Head.validatorScript policyId
headScript = Api.fromPlutusScript $ Head.validatorScript policyId

-- * Functions related to OnChainHeadState

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -694,58 +652,12 @@ scriptAddr script =
plutusScript :: Plutus.Script -> Script Era
plutusScript = PlutusScript PlutusV1 . toShort . fromLazy . serialize

withDataHash :: Data Era -> (DataHash StandardCrypto, Data Era)
withDataHash d = (hashData d, d)

withScriptHash :: Script Era -> (ScriptHash StandardCrypto, Script Era)
withScriptHash s = (hashScript @Era s, s)

datumsFromList :: [Data Era] -> TxDats Era
datumsFromList = TxDats . Map.fromList . fmap withDataHash

-- | Slightly unsafe, as it drops `SNothing` values from the list silently.
redeemersFromList ::
[(StrictMaybe RdmrPtr, (Data Era, ExUnits))] ->
Redeemers Era
redeemersFromList =
Redeemers . Map.fromList . foldl' hasRdmrPtr []
hasRdmrPtr acc = \case
(SNothing, _) -> acc
(SJust v, ex) -> (v, ex) : acc

-- | Lookup included datum of given 'TxOut'.
lookupDatum :: TxWitness Era -> TxOut Era -> Maybe (Data Era)
lookupDatum wits = \case
(TxOut _ _ (SJust datumHash)) -> Map.lookup datumHash . unTxDats $ txdats wits
_ -> Nothing

-- | Lookup and decode redeemer which is spending a given 'TxIn'.
getRedeemerSpending :: FromData a => ValidatedTx Era -> TxIn StandardCrypto -> Maybe a
getRedeemerSpending ValidatedTx{body, wits} txIn = do
idx <- Set.lookupIndex txIn (inputs body)
(d, _exUnits) <- Map.lookup (RdmrPtr Spend $ fromIntegral idx) redeemers
fromData $ getPlutusData d
redeemers = unRedeemers $ txrdmrs wits

findScriptOutput ::
Map (TxIn StandardCrypto) (TxOut Era) ->
Script Era ->
Maybe (TxIn StandardCrypto, TxOut Era)
findScriptOutput utxo script =
find go $ Map.toList utxo
go (_, TxOut addr _ _) = addr == scriptAddr script

-- | Get the Utxo set created by given transaction.
-- TODO(SN): DRY with Hydra.Ledger.Cardano.utxoFromTx
utxoFromTx :: ValidatedTx Era -> Map (TxIn StandardCrypto) (TxOut Era)
utxoFromTx ValidatedTx{body} =
Map.fromList $ zip (map mkTxIn [0 ..]) . toList $ outputs body
mkTxIn = TxIn (TxId $ SafeHash.hashAnnotated body)

-- | Find first occurrence including a transformation.
findFirst :: Foldable t => (a -> Maybe b) -> t a -> Maybe b
findFirst fn = getFirst . foldMap (First . fn)
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion hydra-node/src/Hydra/Chain/Direct/Wallet.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Sequence.Strict as StrictSeq
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Hydra.Chain.Direct.Tx (redeemersFromList)
import Hydra.Chain.Direct.Util (
Expand Down

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