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290 lines (222 loc) · 8.92 KB

Development Environment for Marlowe Run

Install Prerequisites

Marlowe PAB and WBE

Use the marlowe-run-development branch of marlowe.

# Clone marlowe-cardano on the correct branch.
git clone -b marlowe-run-development

# Build the PAB.
nix-build marlowe-cardano/default.nix -A marlowe-pab -o build-pab

# Create the PAB configuration.
cat > marlowe-pab.yaml << EOI
  dbConfigFile: marlowe-pab.db
  dbConfigPoolSize: 20
  baseUrl: http://localhost:9080
  staticDir: marlowe-cardano/marlowe-dashboard-client/dist
  permissiveCorsPolicy: False
  tag: LocalWalletConfig
    baseUrl: http://localhost:8090
  mscSocketPath: node.socket
  mscBaseUrl: "localhost"
  mscKeptBlocks: 2160
  mscNetworkId: "1564"
    scSlotZeroTime: 1638215277000
    scSlotLength: 1000
      getLovelace: 10
    fcScriptsFeeFactor: 1.0
  mscInitialTxWallets: []
  mscNodeMode: AlonzoNode
  mscProtocolParametersJsonPath: testnet.protocol
  ciBaseUrl: http://localhost:9083
  ciWatchedAddresses: []
  requestProcessingInterval: 1
  spBaseUrl: http://localhost:9084
    getWallet: 1
  mdBaseUrl: http://localhost:9085
  pabRollbackHistory: null
    tag: PointAtGenesis

# Build the marlowe dashboard server.
nix-build marlowe-cardano/default.nix -A marlowe-dashboard.marlowe-run-backend-invoker -o build-run

# Create the configuration file for the dashboard server.
cat > marlowe-run.json << EOI
  "wbeConfig": { "host": "localhost", "port": 8090 },
  "staticPath": "/var/empty"

Cardano Node

# Clone cardano-node at the correct revision.
git clone -b 1.33.0

# Build the executable.
nix-build cardano-node/default.nix -A cardano-node -o build-node

# Optionally, patch the configuration file so logging is more verbose.
patch marlowe-cardano/bitte/node/config/config.json << EOI
<   "TraceDNSResolver": true,
<   "TraceDNSSubscription": true,
>   "TraceDNSResolver": false,
>   "TraceDNSSubscription": false,
<   "TraceIpSubscription": true,
>   "TraceIpSubscription": false,
<   "TraceMempool": false,
>   "TraceMempool": true,
<   "TracePeerSelection": true,
<   "TracePeerSelectionActions": true,
<   "TracePublicRootPeers": true,
>   "TracePeerSelection": false,
>   "TracePeerSelectionActions": false,
>   "TracePublicRootPeers": false,
<       "JournalSK",
<       "cardano"
>       "StdoutSK",
>       "stdout"
<   "minSeverity": "Debug",
>   "minSeverity": "Info",
<       "scKind": "JournalSK",
<       "scName": "cardano"
>       "scKind": "StdoutSK",
>       "scName": "stdout",
>       "scRotation": null

Cardano CLI

# Build the cardano-cli tool.
nix-build cardano-node/default.nix -A cardano-cli -o build-cli

Cardano Wallet

# Clone cardano-wallet at the correct revision.
git clone -b v2021-12-15

# Build the executable.
nix-build cardano-wallet/default.nix -A cardano-wallet -o build-wallet

Cardano Chain Index

# Clone plutus-apps at the correct revision.
git clone -b marlowe/SCP-3220

# Build the executable.
nix-shell plutus-apps/shell.nix --run "cd plutus-apps; cabal install --installdir=../build-chain-index exe:plutus-chain-index"

# Create the database directory.
mkdir chain-index.db

Setup Wallet(s)

For each wallet, generate a seed phrase:

$ ./build-wallet/bin/cardano-wallet recovery-phrase generate
success riot top midnight sauce present sport shadow million canyon finger slam refuse dad december forget picture onion problem bid setup skull master vessel

Run Services

Cardano Node

In a terminal for the node, run the following:

./build-node/bin/cardano-node run --config marlowe-cardano/bitte/node/config/config.json     \
                                  --topology marlowe-cardano/bitte/node/config/topology.yaml \
                                  --database-path node.db                                    \
                                  --socket-path node.socket                                  \
                                  --port 3001

You should see log messages appear as the node synchronizes.

Initially and after each hard fork, retrieve the protocol parameters.

CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH=node.socket ./build-cli/bin/cardano-cli query protocol-parameters        \
                                                                       --testnet-magic 1564       \
                                                                       --out-file testnet.protocol

Cardano Wallet

In a terminal for the wallet, run the following:

./build-wallet/bin/cardano-wallet serve --testnet marlowe-cardano/bitte/node/config/byron-genesis.json \
                                        --database wallet.db                                           \
                                        --node-socket node.socket                                      \
                                        --port 8090

You should see log messages appear as the wallet synchronizes.

Cardano Chain Index

In a terminal for the chain index, run the following:

./build-chain-index/plutus-chain-index start-index --network-id 1564                  \
                                                   --db-path chain-index.db/ci.sqlite \
                                                   --socket-path node.socket          \
                                                   --port 9083

Marlowe PAB

Initially and after removing the database marlowe-pab.db, recreate the PAB database.

rm marlowe-pab.db
./build-pab/bin/marlowe-pab migrate                   \
                            --config marlowe-pab.yaml

In a terminal for the PAB, run the following, where "pab123456789" is the previously chosen wallet password:

./build-pab/bin/marlowe-pab webserver                                \
                            --config marlowe-pab.yaml                \
                            --passphrase fixme-allow-pass-per-wallet \

You should see a list of blocks and slots. Wait until the slot number is close to the tip of the blockchain.

Marlowe Dashboard Server

In a terminal for the dashboard server, run the following:

./build-run/bin/marlowe-dashboard-server webserver --config marlowe-run.json

The server is generally silent, except for a few messages like when wallets are created.

Marlowe Dashboard Client

In a terminal for the dashboard client, run the following:

nix-shell marlowe-cardano/shell.nix --run "cd marlowe-cardano/marlowe-dashboard-client; spago build; npm run start"

Compilation and other messages will appear. Visit http://localhost:8009.

Deployment Diagram

Marlowe Run Deployment on Private Testnet

Notes and Troubleshooting

  • Cardano Node
    1. The node is very reliable, but check the log file if it fails.
    2. The log will show when transactions are added to and removed from the memory pool.
  • Cardano Wallet
    1. The wallet will only start syncing after the node is syncing. If the wallet is started prematurely, it will report that it cannot connect to the node, but once the node is available the messages will go away.
    2. HTTP API documentation is available at
    3. The log file will show wallet restoration, transaction creation and submission, and detection of transactions.
  • Cardano Chain Sync
    1. Syncing with the private testnet is fast, but it takes ~2 days on the public testnet and ~7 days on mainnet.
    2. A Swagger UI is available at http://localhost:49083/swagger/swagger-ui/.
    3. Use curl -H 'accept: application/json;charset=utf-8' http://localhost:49083/tip to check whether the chain index is synchronized with the node. Its slot value should be close to that reported by the node.
  • Marlowe PAB
    1. How the passphrase should be configured is a mystery.
    2. The PAB sometimes resets and restarts at the genesis block.
    3. The PAB sometimes creates wildly invalid transactions.
    4. It is critically important that the time slot parameters in the PAB configuration file match those in MarloweParams.
    5. The passphrase of the PAB should match the passphrase used by Marlowe Run in its communication with the wallet.
    6. A Swagger UI is available at http://localhost:49080/swagger/swagger-ui/.
    7. The log file will show all of the contract, transaction, and wallet operations, including ledger, Plutus, and contract errors.