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import NetworksMatrix from '../../'; import CompiledBinaries from '../../'

Bootstrap a Cardano node


With the Mithril client connected to a Mithril aggregator, you can restore a full Cardano node in less than two hours!


:::note Mithril networks


Video demonstration

In this video, you will witness the speed of bootstrapping a Cardano node with Mithril compared to classical bootstrapping. The benchmark was conducted on mainnet using the Daedalus wallet.

<iframe style={{width: '100%', height: '480px'}} src="" title="Daedalus Bootstrap Benchmark on mainnet with/without Mithril" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe>


Before proceeding with the installation, ensure that you have the following pre-requisites in place:

  1. Install a correctly configured Rust toolchain: make sure you have the latest stable version of Rust installed

  2. Install OpenSSL development libraries: On Ubuntu/Debian/Mint, run the following command to install the required OpenSSL development libraries:

sudo apt install libssl-dev
  1. Install other requirements: Make sure you have all the additional dependencies and requirements specified for the project:
sudo apt-get install make build-essential m4 docker jq

Download the source file

You can download the source file from GitHub (HTTPS):

git clone

Or (SSH):

git clone

Build the Mithril client binary

To build the Mithril client binary, switch to the desired branch/tag:

# Replace **YOUR_BUILD_BRANCH_OR_TAG** with the appropriate branch or tag name
# Please refer to the **Build from** column of the **Mithril networks** table above
git checkout **YOUR_BUILD_BRANCH_OR_TAG**

Change the directory:

cd mithril/mithril-client-cli

Run tests (optional):

make test

Build the executable:

make build

Verify the binary

Verify the version

To check if the version of the Mithril signer binary is correct, use the following command:

./mithril-client -V

You should see something like:

mithril-client 0.7.6

⚠️ Verify that the version displayed corresponds to the version specified in the content of the Release/Pre-release notes (refer to the Build from column in the 'Mithril networks' table above).

Verify the build

To verify that the Mithril client binary is functioning correctly, run the following command to display its help menu:

./mithril-client -h

You should see:

This program shows, downloads and verifies certified blockchain artifacts.

Usage: mithril-client [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  snapshot                    Deprecated, use `cardano-db` instead
  cardano-db                  Cardano db management (alias: cdb)
  mithril-stake-distribution  Mithril Stake Distribution management (alias: msd)
  cardano-transaction         [unstable] Cardano transactions management (alias: ctx)
  help                        Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

      --run-mode <RUN_MODE>
          Run Mode [env: RUN_MODE=] [default: dev]
  -v, --verbose...
          Verbosity level (-v=warning, -vv=info, -vvv=debug)
      --config-directory <CONFIG_DIRECTORY>
          Directory where configuration file is located [default: ./config]
      --aggregator-endpoint <AGGREGATOR_ENDPOINT>
          Override configuration Aggregator endpoint URL [env: AGGREGATOR_ENDPOINT=]
          Enable JSON output for logs displayed according to verbosity level
      --log-output <LOG_OUTPUT>
          Redirect the logs to a file
          Enable unstable commands (such as Cardano Transactions)
  -h, --help
          Print help
  -V, --version
          Print version


To display results in JSON format for the list and show commands of the Mithril client, you can use the --json option:

./mithril-client cardano-db snapshot list --json



If you wish to delve deeper and access several levels of logs from the Mithril client, you can use the following:

  • Add -v for some logs (WARN)
  • Add -vv for more logs (INFO)
  • Add -vvv for even more logs (DEBUG)
  • Add -vvvv for all logs (TRACE)


Download the pre-built binary

Run the Docker container

The list of available images on the registry is listed here.

Prepare an environment variable with the selected Docker image:


Here is an example configuration for the latest stable Docker image:

export MITHRIL_IMAGE_ID=latest

Then, create a shell function for the Mithril client:

mithril_client () {
  docker run --rm -e GENESIS_VERIFICATION_KEY=$GENESIS_VERIFICATION_KEY -e AGGREGATOR_ENDPOINT=$AGGREGATOR_ENDPOINT --name='mithril-client' -v $(pwd):/app/data -u $(id -u)$MITHRIL_IMAGE_ID $@

You can now use the mithril_client function:

# 1- Help
mithril_client help

# 2- List snapshots
mithril_client cardano-db snapshot list


In the following part of the document, you will need to replace the ./mithril-client commands with mithril_client to use the above shell function.


Bootstrap a Cardano node from a testnet Mithril Cardano DB snapshot

Step 1: Prepare some useful variables

# Aggregator API endpoint URL

# Genesis verification key

# Digest of the latest produced cardano db snapshot for convenience of the demo
# You can also modify this variable and set it to the value of the digest of a snapshot that you can retrieve at step 2
export SNAPSHOT_DIGEST=latest

Step 2: Select a Cardano DB snapshot

List the available cardano db snapshots with which you can bootstrap a Cardano node:

./mithril-client cardano-db snapshot list

You will see a list of snapshots:

| Epoch | Immutable | Network | Digest                                                           |       Size | Locations |                           Created |
| 539   | 10787     | preview | db5f50a060d4b813125c4263b700ecc96e5d8c8710f0430e5c80d2f0fa79b667 | 2323485648 | 1         | 2024-04-16 12:56:22.170174972 UTC |
| 539   | 10786     | preview | 6af5dac31e7697c4481426712742f4d6391aea0a5b1df145e08e9eaa105af4a5 | 2323875790 | 1         | 2024-04-16 11:44:25.583804349 UTC |
| 539   | 10785     | preview | 39770647f027a214ac955668dffe4d6d51b9cf67798041de1b003b21ef2208da | 2323295044 | 1         | 2024-04-16 10:31:26.056746652 UTC |
| 539   | 10784     | preview | 9ce64187cb6af25266563e039e8d15962d281482979df94e3ac5c5ca6a914eea | 2323079205 | 1         | 2024-04-16 09:08:14.605224999 UTC |
|       |           |         |                                                                  |            |           |                                   |


If you restore a Cardano node with a version not included in the advertised range of compatible versions, it may cause extra time to restore the node due to ledger computations, or even crash the node.


Step 3: Show Cardano DB snapshot details

To get more details from a specific snapshot (optional), run:

./mithril-client cardano-db snapshot show $SNAPSHOT_DIGEST

You will see more information about the snapshot:

| Epoch                 | 539                                                                                                                                                                            |
| Immutable File Number | 10787                                                                                                                                                                          |
| Network               | preview                                                                                                                                                                        |
| Digest                | db5f50a060d4b813125c4263b700ecc96e5d8c8710f0430e5c80d2f0fa79b667                                                                                                               |
| Size                  | 2323485648                                                                                                                                                                     |
| Cardano node version  | 8.9.0                                                                                                                                                                          |
| Location              | |
| Created               | 2024-04-16 12:56:22.170174972 UTC                                                                                                                                              |
| Compression Algorithm | Zstandard                                                                                                                                                                      |

Step 4: Download the selected Cardano DB snapshot

To download the selected snapshot from the remote location to your remote location, run:

./mithril-client cardano-db download $SNAPSHOT_DIGEST

You will see that the selected snapshot archive has been downloaded locally, unpacked, and that the associated certificate is valid:

1/5 - Checking local disk info…
2/5 - Fetching the certificate and verifying the certificate chain…
3/5 - Downloading and unpacking the cardano db 
4/5 - Computing the cardano db message
5/5 - Verifying the cardano db signature…
Cardano db 'db5f50a060d4b813125c4263b700ecc96e5d8c8710f0430e5c80d2f0fa79b667' has been unpacked and successfully checked against Mithril multi-signature contained in the certificate.

    Files in the directory '/home/mithril/data/testnet/db5f50a060d4b813125c4263b700ecc96e5d8c8710f0430e5c80d2f0fa79b667/db' can be used to run a Cardano node with version >= 8.9.0.

    If you are using Cardano Docker image, you can restore a Cardano Node with:

    docker run -v cardano-node-ipc:/ipc -v cardano-node-data:/data --mount type=bind,source="/home/mithril/data/testnet/db5f50a060d4b813125c4263b700ecc96e5d8c8710f0430e5c80d2f0fa79b667/db",target=/data/db/ -e NETWORK=preview

Step 5: Launch a Cardano node from the restored Cardano DB snapshot

Launch an empty Cardano node and make it live in minutes!

docker run -v cardano-node-ipc:/ipc -v cardano-node-data:/data --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)/data/testnet/$SNAPSHOT_DIGEST/db",target=/data/db/ -e NETWORK=testnet inputoutput/cardano-node

You will see the node start by validating the files ingested from the snapshot archive:

Starting: /nix/store/gps7n088g6xv3zqg281sng821471vq78-cardano-node-exe-cardano-node-1.35.1/bin/cardano-node run
--config /nix/store/5b6pry15w93fv0r0x9rc3r1ii5871lvr-config-0-0.json
--database-path /data/db
--topology /nix/store/dpajyi2vaychwps1x7d20c2ddls4kf62-topology.yaml
--port 3001
--socket-path /ipc/node.socket

..or, once again, in a single line:
/nix/store/gps7n088g6xv3zqg281sng821471vq78-cardano-node-exe-cardano-node-1.35.1/bin/cardano-node run --config /nix/store/5b6pry15w93fv0r0x9rc3r1ii5871lvr-config-0-0.json --database-path /data/db --topology /nix/store/dpajyi2vaychwps1x7d20c2ddls4kf62-topology.yaml --host-addr --port 3001 --socket-path /ipc/node.socket      +RTS -N2 -I0 -A16m -qg -qb --disable-delayed-os-memory-return -RTS
Node configuration: NodeConfiguration {ncSocketConfig = SocketConfig {ncNodeIPv4Addr = Last {getLast = Just}, ncNodeIPv6Addr = Last {getLast = Nothing}, ncNodePortNumber = Last {getLast = Just 3001}, ncSocketPath = Last {getLast = Just "/ipc/node.socket"}}, ncConfigFile = "/nix/store/5b6pry15w93fv0r0x9rc3r1ii5871lvr-config-0-0.json", ncTopologyFile = "/nix/store/dpajyi2vaychwps1x7d20c2ddls4kf62-topology.yaml", ncDatabaseFile = "/data/db", ncProtocolFiles = ProtocolFilepaths {byronCertFile = Nothing, byronKeyFile = Nothing, shelleyKESFile = Nothing, shelleyVRFFile = Nothing, shelleyCertFile = Nothing, shelleyBulkCredsFile = Nothing}, ncValidateDB = False, ncShutdownConfig = ShutdownConfig {scIPC = Nothing, scOnSyncLimit = Just NoShutdown}, ncProtocolConfig = NodeProtocolConfigurationCardano (NodeByronProtocolConfiguration {npcByronGenesisFile = "/nix/store/kax0css4lx3ywihvsgrqjym0jpi20f99-byron-genesis.json", npcByronGenesisFileHash = Just "96fceff972c2c06bd3bb5243c39215333be6d56aaf4823073dca31afe5038471", npcByronReqNetworkMagic = RequiresMagic, npcByronPbftSignatureThresh = Nothing, npcByronApplicationName = ApplicationName {unApplicationName = "cardano-sl"}, npcByronApplicationVersion = 0, npcByronSupportedProtocolVersionMajor = 3, npcByronSupportedProtocolVersionMinor = 0, npcByronSupportedProtocolVersionAlt = 0}) (NodeShelleyProtocolConfiguration {npcShelleyGenesisFile = "/nix/store/2xhy92909anynqsvx1b1x153cxwnfmzx-shelley-genesis.json", npcShelleyGenesisFileHash = Just "849a1764f152e1b09c89c0dfdbcbdd38d711d1fec2db5dfa0f87cf2737a0eaf4"}) (NodeAlonzoProtocolConfiguration {npcAlonzoGenesisFile = "/nix/store/8qnphq6yvcjspiy3z0aijfd6cv64l3hl-alonzo-genesis.json", npcAlonzoGenesisFileHash = Just "7e94a15f55d1e82d10f09203fa1d40f8eede58fd8066542cf6566008068ed874"}) (NodeHardForkProtocolConfiguration {npcTestEnableDevelopmentHardForkEras = False, npcTestShelleyHardForkAtEpoch = Nothing, npcTestShelleyHardForkAtVersion = Nothing, npcTestAllegraHardForkAtEpoch = Nothing, npcTestAllegraHardForkAtVersion = Nothing, npcTestMaryHardForkAtEpoch = Nothing, npcTestMaryHardForkAtVersion = Nothing, npcTestAlonzoHardForkAtEpoch = Nothing, npcTestAlonzoHardForkAtVersion = Nothing, npcTestBabbageHardForkAtEpoch = Nothing, npcTestBabbageHardForkAtVersion = Nothing}), ncDiffusionMode = InitiatorAndResponderDiffusionMode, ncSnapshotInterval = DefaultSnapshotInterval, ncTestEnableDevelopmentNetworkProtocols = False, ncMaxConcurrencyBulkSync = Nothing, ncMaxConcurrencyDeadline = Nothing, ncLoggingSwitch = True, ncLogMetrics = True, ncTraceConfig = TracingOnLegacy (TraceSelection {traceVerbosity = NormalVerbosity, traceAcceptPolicy = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceBlockFetchClient = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceBlockFetchDecisions = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceBlockFetchProtocol = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceBlockFetchProtocolSerialised = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceBlockFetchServer = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceBlockchainTime = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceChainDB = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceChainSyncBlockServer = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceChainSyncClient = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceChainSyncHeaderServer = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceChainSyncProtocol = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceConnectionManager = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceConnectionManagerCounters = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceConnectionManagerTransitions = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceDebugPeerSelectionInitiatorTracer = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceDebugPeerSelectionInitiatorResponderTracer = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceDiffusionInitialization = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceDnsResolver = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceDnsSubscription = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceErrorPolicy = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceForge = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceForgeStateInfo = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceHandshake = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceInboundGovernor = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceInboundGovernorCounters = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceInboundGovernorTransitions = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceIpSubscription = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceKeepAliveClient = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceLedgerPeers = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceLocalChainSyncProtocol = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceLocalConnectionManager = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceLocalErrorPolicy = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceLocalHandshake = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceLocalInboundGovernor = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceLocalMux = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceLocalRootPeers = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceLocalServer = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceLocalStateQueryProtocol = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceLocalTxMonitorProtocol = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceLocalTxSubmissionProtocol = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceLocalTxSubmissionServer = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceMempool = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceMux = OnOff {isOn = False}, tracePeerSelection = OnOff {isOn = True}, tracePeerSelectionCounters = OnOff {isOn = True}, tracePeerSelectionActions = OnOff {isOn = True}, tracePublicRootPeers = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceServer = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceTxInbound = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceTxOutbound = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceTxSubmissionProtocol = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceTxSubmission2Protocol = OnOff {isOn = False}}), ncTraceForwardSocket = Nothing, ncMaybeMempoolCapacityOverride = Nothing, ncProtocolIdleTimeout = 5s, ncTimeWaitTimeout = 60s, ncAcceptedConnectionsLimit = AcceptedConnectionsLimit {acceptedConnectionsHardLimit = 512, acceptedConnectionsSoftLimit = 384, acceptedConnectionsDelay = 5s}, ncTargetNumberOfRootPeers = 100, ncTargetNumberOfKnownPeers = 100, ncTargetNumberOfEstablishedPeers = 50, ncTargetNumberOfActivePeers = 20, ncEnableP2P = DisabledP2PMode}
Listening on
[c995d1df:cardano.node.basicInfo.protocol:Notice:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:51.68 UTC] Byron; Shelley
[c995d1df:cardano.node.basicInfo.version:Notice:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:51.68 UTC] 1.35.1
[c995d1df:cardano.node.basicInfo.commit:Notice:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:51.68 UTC] 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
[c995d1df:cardano.node.basicInfo.nodeStartTime:Notice:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:51.68 UTC] 2022-07-10 13:48:51.685957811 UTC
[c995d1df:cardano.node.basicInfo.systemStartTime:Notice:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:51.68 UTC] 2019-07-24 20:20:16 UTC
[c995d1df:cardano.node.basicInfo.slotLengthByron:Notice:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:51.68 UTC] 20s
[c995d1df:cardano.node.basicInfo.epochLengthByron:Notice:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:51.68 UTC] 21600
[c995d1df:cardano.node.basicInfo.slotLengthShelley:Notice:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:51.68 UTC] 1s
[c995d1df:cardano.node.basicInfo.epochLengthShelley:Notice:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:51.68 UTC] 432000
[c995d1df:cardano.node.basicInfo.slotsPerKESPeriodShelley:Notice:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:51.68 UTC] 129600
[c995d1df:cardano.node.basicInfo.slotLengthAllegra:Notice:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:51.68 UTC] 1s
[c995d1df:cardano.node.basicInfo.epochLengthAllegra:Notice:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:51.68 UTC] 432000
[c995d1df:cardano.node.basicInfo.slotsPerKESPeriodAllegra:Notice:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:51.68 UTC] 129600
[c995d1df:cardano.node.basicInfo.slotLengthMary:Notice:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:51.68 UTC] 1s
[c995d1df:cardano.node.basicInfo.epochLengthMary:Notice:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:51.68 UTC] 432000
[c995d1df:cardano.node.basicInfo.slotsPerKESPeriodMary:Notice:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:51.68 UTC] 129600
[c995d1df:cardano.node.basicInfo.slotLengthAlonzo:Notice:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:51.68 UTC] 1s
[c995d1df:cardano.node.basicInfo.epochLengthAlonzo:Notice:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:51.68 UTC] 432000
[c995d1df:cardano.node.basicInfo.slotsPerKESPeriodAlonzo:Notice:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:51.68 UTC] 129600
[c995d1df:cardano.node.basicInfo.slotLengthBabbage:Notice:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:51.68 UTC] 1s
[c995d1df:cardano.node.basicInfo.epochLengthBabbage:Notice:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:51.68 UTC] 432000
[c995d1df:cardano.node.basicInfo.slotsPerKESPeriodBabbage:Notice:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:51.68 UTC] 129600
[c995d1df:cardano.node.startup:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:51.69 UTC] Config path /nix/store/5b6pry15w93fv0r0x9rc3r1ii5871lvr-config-0-0.json, Network magic NetworkMagic {unNetworkMagic = 1097911063}, Protocol "Byron; Shelley", Version "1.35.1", Commit "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", Node start time 2022-07-10 13:48:51.694962147 UTC
[c995d1df:cardano.node.startup:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:51.69 UTC] Era Byron, Slot length 20s, Epoch length 21600
[c995d1df:cardano.node.startup:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:51.69 UTC] Era Shelley, Slot length 1s, Epoch length 432000, Slots per KESPeriod 129600
[c995d1df:cardano.node.startup:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:51.69 UTC] Era Allegra, Slot length 1s, Epoch length 432000, Slots per KESPeriod 129600
[c995d1df:cardano.node.startup:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:51.69 UTC] Era Mary, Slot length 1s, Epoch length 432000, Slots per KESPeriod 129600
[c995d1df:cardano.node.startup:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:51.69 UTC] Era Alonzo, Slot length 1s, Epoch length 432000, Slots per KESPeriod 129600
[c995d1df:cardano.node.startup:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:51.69 UTC] Era Babbage, Slot length 1s, Epoch length 432000, Slots per KESPeriod 129600
[c995d1df:cardano.node.startup:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:51.69 UTC] startup time: 1657460932
[c995d1df:cardano.node.startup:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:51.70 UTC] 
node addresses:
local socket:            /ipc/node.socket
node-to-node versions:
NodeToNodeV_7 HardForkNodeToNodeEnabled HardForkSpecificNodeToNodeVersion1 (EraNodeToNodeEnabled ByronNodeToNodeVersion2 :* EraNodeToNodeEnabled ShelleyNodeToNodeVersion1 :* EraNodeToNodeEnabled ShelleyNodeToNodeVersion1 :* EraNodeToNodeEnabled ShelleyNodeToNodeVersion1 :* EraNodeToNodeEnabled ShelleyNodeToNodeVersion1 :* EraNodeToNodeDisabled :* Nil)
NodeToNodeV_8 HardForkNodeToNodeEnabled HardForkSpecificNodeToNodeVersion1 (EraNodeToNodeEnabled ByronNodeToNodeVersion2 :* EraNodeToNodeEnabled ShelleyNodeToNodeVersion1 :* EraNodeToNodeEnabled ShelleyNodeToNodeVersion1 :* EraNodeToNodeEnabled ShelleyNodeToNodeVersion1 :* EraNodeToNodeEnabled ShelleyNodeToNodeVersion1 :* EraNodeToNodeDisabled :* Nil)
NodeToNodeV_9 HardForkNodeToNodeEnabled HardForkSpecificNodeToNodeVersion1 (EraNodeToNodeEnabled ByronNodeToNodeVersion2 :* EraNodeToNodeEnabled ShelleyNodeToNodeVersion1 :* EraNodeToNodeEnabled ShelleyNodeToNodeVersion1 :* EraNodeToNodeEnabled ShelleyNodeToNodeVersion1 :* EraNodeToNodeEnabled ShelleyNodeToNodeVersion1 :* EraNodeToNodeEnabled ShelleyNodeToNodeVersion1 :* Nil)
node-to-client versions:
NodeToClientV_9 HardForkNodeToClientEnabled HardForkSpecificNodeToClientVersion2 (EraNodeToClientEnabled ByronNodeToClientVersion1 :* EraNodeToClientEnabled ShelleyNodeToClientVersion4 :* EraNodeToClientEnabled ShelleyNodeToClientVersion4 :* EraNodeToClientEnabled ShelleyNodeToClientVersion4 :* EraNodeToClientEnabled ShelleyNodeToClientVersion4 :* EraNodeToClientDisabled :* Nil)
NodeToClientV_10 HardForkNodeToClientEnabled HardForkSpecificNodeToClientVersion2 (EraNodeToClientEnabled ByronNodeToClientVersion1 :* EraNodeToClientEnabled ShelleyNodeToClientVersion4 :* EraNodeToClientEnabled ShelleyNodeToClientVersion4 :* EraNodeToClientEnabled ShelleyNodeToClientVersion4 :* EraNodeToClientEnabled ShelleyNodeToClientVersion4 :* EraNodeToClientDisabled :* Nil)
NodeToClientV_11 HardForkNodeToClientEnabled HardForkSpecificNodeToClientVersion2 (EraNodeToClientEnabled ByronNodeToClientVersion1 :* EraNodeToClientEnabled ShelleyNodeToClientVersion5 :* EraNodeToClientEnabled ShelleyNodeToClientVersion5 :* EraNodeToClientEnabled ShelleyNodeToClientVersion5 :* EraNodeToClientEnabled ShelleyNodeToClientVersion5 :* EraNodeToClientDisabled :* Nil)
NodeToClientV_12 HardForkNodeToClientEnabled HardForkSpecificNodeToClientVersion2 (EraNodeToClientEnabled ByronNodeToClientVersion1 :* EraNodeToClientEnabled ShelleyNodeToClientVersion5 :* EraNodeToClientEnabled ShelleyNodeToClientVersion5 :* EraNodeToClientEnabled ShelleyNodeToClientVersion5 :* EraNodeToClientEnabled ShelleyNodeToClientVersion5 :* EraNodeToClientDisabled :* Nil)
NodeToClientV_13 HardForkNodeToClientEnabled HardForkSpecificNodeToClientVersion2 (EraNodeToClientEnabled ByronNodeToClientVersion1 :* EraNodeToClientEnabled ShelleyNodeToClientVersion5 :* EraNodeToClientEnabled ShelleyNodeToClientVersion5 :* EraNodeToClientEnabled ShelleyNodeToClientVersion5 :* EraNodeToClientEnabled ShelleyNodeToClientVersion5 :* EraNodeToClientEnabled ShelleyNodeToClientVersion5 :* Nil)
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:51.70 UTC] Started opening Chain DB
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:51.70 UTC] Started opening Immutable DB
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:51.79 UTC] Validating chunk no. 0 out of 2917. Progress: 0.00%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:52.16 UTC] Validated chunk no. 0 out of 2917. Progress: 0.00%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:52.16 UTC] Validating chunk no. 1 out of 2917. Progress: 0.00%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:52.56 UTC] Validated chunk no. 1 out of 2917. Progress: 0.03%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:52.56 UTC] Validating chunk no. 2 out of 2917. Progress: 0.03%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:52.96 UTC] Validated chunk no. 2 out of 2917. Progress: 0.07%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:52.96 UTC] Validating chunk no. 3 out of 2917. Progress: 0.07%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:53.35 UTC] Validated chunk no. 3 out of 2917. Progress: 0.10%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:53.35 UTC] Validating chunk no. 4 out of 2917. Progress: 0.10%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:53.75 UTC] Validated chunk no. 4 out of 2917. Progress: 0.14%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:53.75 UTC] Validating chunk no. 5 out of 2917. Progress: 0.14%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:48:54.14 UTC] Validated chunk no. 5 out of 2917. 

... (Cut for readability)

[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:08.33 UTC] Validated chunk no. 2911 out of 2917. Progress: 99.79%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:08.33 UTC] Validating chunk no. 2912 out of 2917. Progress: 99.79%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:08.40 UTC] Validated chunk no. 2912 out of 2917. Progress: 99.83%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:08.40 UTC] Validating chunk no. 2913 out of 2917. Progress: 99.83%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:08.48 UTC] Validated chunk no. 2913 out of 2917. Progress: 99.86%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:08.48 UTC] Validating chunk no. 2914 out of 2917. Progress: 99.86%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:08.54 UTC] Validated chunk no. 2914 out of 2917. Progress: 99.90%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:08.54 UTC] Validating chunk no. 2915 out of 2917. Progress: 99.90%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:08.60 UTC] Validated chunk no. 2915 out of 2917. Progress: 99.93%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:08.60 UTC] Validating chunk no. 2916 out of 2917. Progress: 99.93%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:08.66 UTC] Validated chunk no. 2916 out of 2917. Progress: 99.97%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:08.66 UTC] Validating chunk no. 2917 out of 2917. Progress: 99.97%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Warning:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:08.67 UTC] Rewriting the secondary index for the chunk file with number 2917.
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Warning:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:08.67 UTC] Rewriting the primary index for the chunk file with number 2917.
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:08.72 UTC] Found a valid last location at chunk 2917 with tip 07c1891b7394c92f50ddfabb84b9bd6be5944c5a201796190b5f69a69dcbc432@63009237.
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:08.72 UTC] Opened imm db with immutable tip at 07c1891b7394c92f50ddfabb84b9bd6be5944c5a201796190b5f69a69dcbc432 at slot 63009237 and chunk 2917
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:08.72 UTC] Started opening Volatile DB
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:09.28 UTC] Opened vol db
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:09.28 UTC] Started opening Ledger DB
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:37.19 UTC] Replaying ledger from snapshot at 16ce3e707388b8c033f87b440ac89095b2d2fc5fa2b42f768c38da286312a31a at slot 63005524
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:37.19 UTC] Replayed block: slot 63005533 out of 63009237. Progress: 0.24%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:37.20 UTC] Replayed block: slot 63007165 out of 63009237. Progress: 44.20%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:37.24 UTC] Opened lgr db
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:37.24 UTC] Started initial chain selection
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:37.45 UTC] Pushing ledger state for block 110b618d3359fb6d8bddf8cb1e98823dc995083a2af2607f1c179928a26d03c3 at slot 63009421. Progress: 0.00%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:37.82 UTC] before next, messages elided = 63009476
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:37.82 UTC] Pushing ledger state for block 5e59df354b64634bd27fc1b3ed08991c6de909ea085625da2ca78ec5a6a3e37c at slot 63019450. Progress: 13.85%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:37.82 UTC] Pushing ledger state for block e0610e4f03ef640ead31a729f6f18aa820f3906f6414b179d3c553f0011162ef at slot 63019479. Progress: 13.89%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:37.82 UTC] Pushing ledger state for block 8edc84f1f289475ca5c2afd9cae3c704ed7bcdf3e489fd1842e3904bd2d6d8c5 at slot 63019510. Progress: 13.93%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:38.21 UTC] before next, messages elided = 63019575
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:38.21 UTC] Pushing ledger state for block fc426a1c3a8c5ae61100e5ccfcaa47ccfb6cc144ed17fcd47a2b55f48890790a at slot 63029515. Progress: 27.75%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:38.21 UTC] Pushing ledger state for block 68059200505d3ec65d3ddce9441efb0607adab002066c00acc050f5bb0c53deb at slot 63029578. Progress: 27.84%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:38.21 UTC] Pushing ledger state for block 25f5cc004ad90dc554e085699f1386dc8f69cec4012a7b35735b83da6fa68a0b at slot 63029602. Progress: 27.87%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:38.61 UTC] before next, messages elided = 63029636
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:38.61 UTC] Pushing ledger state for block cfb3dd669fd1a85aaf005ddd0e4a8b90cbb7b2c66dc8ff6f41e2e7aa2a0f0c57 at slot 63039634. Progress: 41.72%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:38.61 UTC] Pushing ledger state for block d7f057436e749e4468cfd8b17a04d447c4ce628b8dc33ea7ebdc4d3ad4659dec at slot 63039638. Progress: 41.73%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:38.61 UTC] Pushing ledger state for block 73fcb92346714585e1dbb484b1678bb15dab7304a8071cd95ec85195ca7a46be at slot 63039655. Progress: 41.75%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:38.93 UTC] before next, messages elided = 63039729
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:38.93 UTC] Pushing ledger state for block a7256fa99f7bf50d0e764cb80122222b1d2b80ffef4bee30e42c0bb80c5f1168 at slot 63049716. Progress: 55.64%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:38.93 UTC] Pushing ledger state for block 75e2064629d6a017bfe324a3d31723ed7bfa017eceda1549bd6c9f4d63653394 at slot 63049861. Progress: 55.84%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:38.94 UTC] Pushing ledger state for block 71aeaae8f83ee6b94a7feb521c16f0d889a9b95be6da85d540ac0435b412fb2c at slot 63049904. Progress: 55.90%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:39.19 UTC] before next, messages elided = 63049909
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:39.19 UTC] Pushing ledger state for block 15ad241c6908d0748cb80d17035d4001f7f86ee22fe71197cbe9bc7489d8e71b at slot 63059862. Progress: 69.65%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:39.19 UTC] Pushing ledger state for block a5e38b0875d44e10a3cba9c420ad4c9708e913e3458f1003a8236a831762069a at slot 63059915. Progress: 69.73%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:39.19 UTC] Pushing ledger state for block ca6dc89bd705476bcd056d6ffc3dd43499e51d0e5ecfe56a439fadacac50fc1b at slot 63059939. Progress: 69.76%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:39.48 UTC] before next, messages elided = 63059957
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:39.48 UTC] Pushing ledger state for block 3c8593b6859b02abaa7f3b69d2114b1f402c65eef6904020e5ed37356aea4461 at slot 63069941. Progress: 83.57%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:39.48 UTC] Pushing ledger state for block 50a06570febcf89ee00c386979d3a616561996b6c5cf6cbff44c20aa8454c375 at slot 63069971. Progress: 83.61%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:39.48 UTC] Pushing ledger state for block 6265f3c30f149ba0a797a1d2c6998b918f089e7455ab665e3369456105901a5a at slot 63069972. Progress: 83.62%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:39.79 UTC] before next, messages elided = 63069985
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:39.79 UTC] Pushing ledger state for block 0be786a1d9272083e9e184da3bc3bfcb71b82ad10fbf52f4959dc5dc6d1b7b3c at slot 63079898. Progress: 97.32%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:39.79 UTC] Pushing ledger state for block 2862bd67a50bf9f6f31ab11d9153663d3e657f88c24ba8e71174f8f5216c2a99 at slot 63079992. Progress: 97.45%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:39.79 UTC] Pushing ledger state for block cc9036c6c4076ca28ac5d03522001c233a9202cb5b1d9484c3e406fbb3406fd5 at slot 63079994. Progress: 97.45%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:39.86 UTC] before next, messages elided = 63080024
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:39.86 UTC] Pushing ledger state for block c9bb7635b3e55175af30d1c9ca943d5df438ed838e814956d304cbb638c664aa at slot 63081837. Progress: 100.00%
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:39.86 UTC] Valid candidate at tip 110b618d3359fb6d8bddf8cb1e98823dc995083a2af2607f1c179928a26d03c3 at slot 63009421
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:39.86 UTC] Initial chain selected
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:39.86 UTC] Opened db with immutable tip at 07c1891b7394c92f50ddfabb84b9bd6be5944c5a201796190b5f69a69dcbc432 at slot 63009237 and tip c9bb7635b3e55175af30d1c9ca943d5df438ed838e814956d304cbb638c664aa at slot 63081837
[c995d1df:cardano.node.shutdown:Warning:5] [2022-07-10 13:53:39.87 UTC] Will terminate upon reaching NoShutdown
[c995d1df:cardano.node.DiffusionInitializationTracer:Info:346] [2022-07-10 13:53:39.87 UTC] CreatingServerSocket
[c995d1df:cardano.node.DiffusionInitializationTracer:Info:346] [2022-07-10 13:53:39.87 UTC] ConfiguringServerSocket
[c995d1df:cardano.node.DiffusionInitializationTracer:Info:346] [2022-07-10 13:53:39.87 UTC] ListeningServerSocket
[c995d1df:cardano.node.DiffusionInitializationTracer:Info:346] [2022-07-10 13:53:39.87 UTC] ServerSocketUp
[c995d1df:cardano.node.DiffusionInitializationTracer:Info:346] [2022-07-10 13:53:39.87 UTC] RunServer ( :| [])
[c995d1df:cardano.node.DiffusionInitializationTracer:Info:349] [2022-07-10 13:53:39.87 UTC] CreateSystemdSocketForSnocketPath (LocalAddress "/ipc/node.socket")
[c995d1df:cardano.node.DiffusionInitializationTracer:Info:349] [2022-07-10 13:53:39.87 UTC] CreatedLocalSocket (LocalAddress "/ipc/node.socket")
[c995d1df:cardano.node.DiffusionInitializationTracer:Info:349] [2022-07-10 13:53:39.87 UTC] ConfiguringLocalSocket (LocalAddress "/ipc/node.socket") (FileDescriptor 26)
[c995d1df:cardano.node.DiffusionInitializationTracer:Info:349] [2022-07-10 13:53:39.87 UTC] ListeningLocalSocket (LocalAddress "/ipc/node.socket") (FileDescriptor 26)
[c995d1df:cardano.node.DiffusionInitializationTracer:Info:349] [2022-07-10 13:53:39.87 UTC] LocalSocketUp (LocalAddress "/ipc/node.socket") (FileDescriptor 26)
[c995d1df:cardano.node.DiffusionInitializationTracer:Info:349] [2022-07-10 13:53:39.87 UTC] RunLocalServer (LocalAddress "/ipc/node.socket")
[c995d1df:cardano.node.DnsSubscription:Warning:345] [2022-07-10 13:53:39.91 UTC] Domain: "" Unsupported remote target address [2a05:d014:e00:a200:0:1:0:1]:3001
[c995d1df:cardano.node.DnsSubscription:Notice:358] [2022-07-10 13:53:39.91 UTC] Domain: "" Connection Attempt Start, destination
[c995d1df:cardano.node.DnsSubscription:Warning:345] [2022-07-10 13:53:39.94 UTC] Domain: "" Unsupported remote target address [2a05:d01c:321:2101:0:1:0:2]:3001
[c995d1df:cardano.node.DnsSubscription:Notice:359] [2022-07-10 13:53:39.94 UTC] Domain: "" Connection Attempt Start, destination
[c995d1df:cardano.node.DnsSubscription:Notice:359] [2022-07-10 13:53:39.95 UTC] Domain: "" Connection Attempt End, destination outcome: ConnectSuccessLast
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ErrorPolicy:Notice:343] [2022-07-10 13:53:39.95 UTC] IP ErrorPolicySuspendConsumer (Just (ConnectionExceptionTrace (SubscriberError {seType = SubscriberParallelConnectionCancelled, seMessage = "Parallel connection cancelled", seStack = []}))) 1s

Then, the Cardano node will synchronize with the other network nodes and start adding blocks:

[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Notice:322] [2022-07-10 13:53:40.06 UTC] Chain extended, new tip: 7ae33b2f4bc8b84e77dfd539f0f6e7f59b293e96f62fdcfdb17cbd7a006fe5c0 at slot 63081906
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Notice:322] [2022-07-10 13:55:08.30 UTC] Chain extended, new tip: 6b4ccd2bec5e3862b23ea0f7c2f342a3659cecdcfdaf04551179df3839be6213 at slot 63092090
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Notice:322] [2022-07-10 13:55:21.36 UTC] Chain extended, new tip: 6e95eb82da5a38544e6ef430a2733f6014c3c10527003b9d3bdc534f6a2ce81f at slot 63092103
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Notice:322] [2022-07-10 13:55:39.04 UTC] Chain extended, new tip: a662672ec4b988022e135cb0b7e440f5fbffe8e205771d13a566a418f7021ba7 at slot 63092121
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Notice:322] [2022-07-10 13:55:45.18 UTC] Chain extended, new tip: 2a0f2e6f218a08f4e0bc4668285d8e792fd7ec62f05880bd5b2d23d6bce20dfb at slot 63092127
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Notice:322] [2022-07-10 13:56:18.05 UTC] Chain extended, new tip: ab9ef8af92ec062ec59a10da588e238ba8840705c095ebd5cd5da7ab9ea9c8e1 at slot 63092160
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Notice:322] [2022-07-10 13:56:45.15 UTC] Chain extended, new tip: e59bcbf34172eb6a934e2580f6b20ebe1ea32fba7420feec096744fab8ffce76 at slot 63092189
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Notice:322] [2022-07-10 13:57:59.06 UTC] Chain extended, new tip: ea0e76fe069a0bcb831cf6b342530adf2a28de4922a752cff734fe81a1842dff at slot 63092263
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Notice:322] [2022-07-10 13:58:02.27 UTC] Chain extended, new tip: 1b68a85a10dd7bd840a69ece2807fbca61a1de07c30080bf94fbbfd1de8d1446 at slot 63092266
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Notice:322] [2022-07-10 13:58:28.21 UTC] Chain extended, new tip: 07e1252c5614b9bb6e6cff95066c134eb251aea6bef33dc34c0dd064934f2cea at slot 63092292
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Notice:322] [2022-07-10 13:58:33.17 UTC] Chain extended, new tip: 0d3712fd7852b0aff00d660f4e7dc609808018dc271fe460bb9ff8270dd50d8f at slot 63092297
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Notice:322] [2022-07-10 13:58:48.53 UTC] Chain extended, new tip: c8bb96ea392e41dce6fc157e164dbe19ba894d268f69985e20a2d65daeb4488c at slot 63092312
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Notice:322] [2022-07-10 13:58:58.08 UTC] Chain extended, new tip: 35ea30e175abaae7983db9f65e7a00ba45312ecb151e53a651b3a6058add4c4f at slot 63092322
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Notice:322] [2022-07-10 13:59:02.13 UTC] Chain extended, new tip: 5320de43ea30e46515f48263211212833474ea87ff046f36f0d83059fad6e9ff at slot 63092326
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Notice:322] [2022-07-10 13:59:06.29 UTC] Chain extended, new tip: 58e9cb29bd771e0625689a0d591a7a8309f9e859ce4a3b70a9ab2e28173ce78b at slot 63092330
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Notice:322] [2022-07-10 13:59:36.31 UTC] Chain extended, new tip: 1af2411f492e1895231cc910bdb1a68a45596157bcbfae5bdfd5c5ed81b03054 at slot 63092360
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Notice:322] [2022-07-10 14:00:04.51 UTC] Chain extended, new tip: 270d47c5a277ef7efe028b6eb4764ab328db8e509ad962370bb383b1832bb260 at slot 63092388
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Notice:322] [2022-07-10 14:00:29.52 UTC] Chain extended, new tip: 6fbe009ac36363cbebc607c733964878dfce6054c8785d1294f202acb475c861 at slot 63092413
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Notice:322] [2022-07-10 14:01:12.63 UTC] Chain extended, new tip: f764596ece0b75d5d0054f22f3f0a0846f1647ff980d053015065099ec279839 at slot 63092456