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add a large describing the reason behind the additional bang in updat…
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fraser-iohk committed May 30, 2023
1 parent 66c6b9b commit 4a973ff
Showing 1 changed file with 11 additions and 0 deletions.
Expand Up @@ -168,6 +168,17 @@ isEmptyMVar StrictMVar { tmvar } = atomically $ Lazy.isEmptyTMVar tmvar

updateMVar :: (MonadSTM m, HasCallStack) => StrictMVar m a -> (a -> (a, b)) -> m b
updateMVar StrictMVar { tmvar, tvar, invariant } f = do
-- it's not unreasonable to assume that forcing !(!a', b) inside the
-- atomically block will force the new value before putting it into the
-- MVar, but there's actually an additional closure constructed (with a
-- dependency on a') that will only force a' when *it's* evaluated! in
-- order to ensure that we're forcing the value inside the MVar before
-- calling checkInvariant, we need an additional bang outside the
-- atomically block, which will correctly force a' before checkInvariant
-- looks to see if it's been evaluated or not. without this change, it's
-- possible to put a lazy value inside a StrictMVar (though it's unlikely
-- to occur in production environments because this intermediate unforced
-- closure is optimized away at -O1 and above)
(!a', b) <- atomically $ do
a <- Lazy.takeTMVar tmvar
let !(!a', b) = f a
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