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Use commads for db-validator
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kderme committed Aug 3, 2020
1 parent ed1dde6 commit 075d503
Showing 1 changed file with 168 additions and 116 deletions.
284 changes: 168 additions & 116 deletions ouroboros-consensus-cardano/tools/db-validator/Main.hs
@@ -1,15 +1,13 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}

Expand All @@ -18,28 +16,21 @@ module Main (main) where

import Control.Monad.Except (runExceptT)
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Time (UTCTime)
import qualified Options.Applicative as Options
import Options.Generic
import qualified System.FilePath as FilePath ((</>))
import Data.Foldable (asum)
import Options.Applicative

import Control.Tracer (contramap, debugTracer, nullTracer)

import qualified Cardano.Binary as CB
import qualified Cardano.Chain.Genesis as CC.Genesis
import qualified Cardano.Chain.Update as CC.Update
import Cardano.Crypto (Hash, ProtocolMagicId (..),
RequiresNetworkMagic (..), decodeAbstractHash)
import Cardano.Crypto (Hash, RequiresNetworkMagic (..))

import qualified Shelley.Spec.Ledger.PParams as SL

import Ouroboros.Consensus.Block
import qualified Ouroboros.Consensus.Fragment.InFuture as InFuture
import qualified Ouroboros.Consensus.Node as Node
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Node.DbMarker
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Node.ProtocolInfo (ProtocolInfo (..))
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Util.IOLike (atomically)
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Util.Orphans ()
Expand All @@ -61,77 +52,136 @@ import Ouroboros.Consensus.Cardano.Block (CardanoBlock)
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Cardano.Node (TriggerHardFork (..),

instance ParseField UTCTime

instance ParseFields UTCTime

instance ParseRecord UTCTime where
parseRecord = fmap getOnly parseRecord

instance ParseField (Hash CB.Raw) where
readField = Options.eitherReader (first Text.unpack . decodeAbstractHash . Text.pack)

instance ParseFields (Hash CB.Raw)

instance ParseRecord (Hash CB.Raw) where
parseRecord = fmap getOnly parseRecord

instance ParseField BlockType
instance ParseRecord BlockType
instance ParseFields BlockType

data Args w = Args {
dbDir :: w ::: FilePath <?> "Path to the new database directory"
, configFile :: w ::: [FilePath] <?> "Configuration file (e.g. mainnet-genesis.json)"
, requiresNetworkMagic :: w ::: Bool <?> "Expecto patronum?"
, genesisHash :: w ::: Hash CB.Raw <?> "Expected genesis hash"
, blockType :: w ::: Maybe BlockType <?> "type of network"
, verbose :: w ::: Bool <?> "Enable verbose logging"
, onlyImmDB :: w ::: Bool <?> "Validate only the immutable DB (e.g. do not do ledger validation)"
} deriving (Generic)
data CmdLine = CmdLine {
dbDir :: FilePath
, verbose :: Bool
, onlyImmDB :: Bool
, blockType :: BlockType

parseCmdLine :: Parser CmdLine
parseCmdLine = CmdLine
<$> strOption (mconcat [
long "db"
, help "Path to the chain DB"
, metavar "PATH"
<*> flag False True (mconcat [
long "verbose"
, help "Enable verbose logging"
<*> flag False True (mconcat [
long "onlyImmDB"
, help "Validate only the immutable DB (e.g. do not do ledger validation)"
<*> blockTypeParser

data BlockType =
ByronBlock ByronBlockArgs
| ShelleyBlock ShelleyBlockArgs
| CardanoBlock CardanoBlockArgs

blockTypeParser :: Parser BlockType
blockTypeParser = subparser $ mconcat
[ command "byron" (info (parseByronType <**> helper) (progDesc "byron command" ))
, command "shelley" (info (parseShelleyType <**> helper) (progDesc "shelley command"))
, command "cardano" (info (parseCardanoType <**> helper) (progDesc "cardano command"))

data ByronBlockArgs = ByronBlockArgs {
configFileByron :: FilePath
, requiresNetworkMagic :: Bool
, genesisHash :: Hash CB.Raw
, threshold :: Maybe PBftSignatureThreshold

parseByronType :: Parser BlockType
parseByronType = ByronBlock <$> parseByronArgs

parseByronArgs :: Parser ByronBlockArgs
parseByronArgs = ByronBlockArgs
<$> strOption (mconcat [
long "configByron"
, help "Path to config file"
, metavar "PATH"
<*> flag False True (mconcat [
long "testnet"
, help "The DB contains blocks from testnet rather than mainnet"
<*> option auto (mconcat [
long "genesisHash"
, help "Expected genesis hash"
, metavar "PATH"
<*> asum [ Just . PBftSignatureThreshold <$> thresholdParser
, pure Nothing
thresholdParser = option auto (mconcat [
long "threshold"
, help "PBftSignatureThreshold"
, metavar "THRESHOLD"

data ShelleyBlockArgs = ShelleyBlockArgs {
configFileShelley :: FilePath
, initialNonce :: Nonce
} deriving Show

parseShelleyType :: Parser BlockType
parseShelleyType = ShelleyBlock <$> parseShelleyArgs

parseShelleyArgs :: Parser ShelleyBlockArgs
parseShelleyArgs = ShelleyBlockArgs
<$> strOption (mconcat [
long "configShelley"
, help "Path to config file."
, metavar "PATH"
<*> asum [ Nonce <$> parseNonce
, pure NeutralNonce]
parseNonce = strOption (mconcat [
long "nonce"
, help "initial nonce"
, metavar "NONCE"

instance ParseRecord (Args Wrapped)
parseCardanoType :: Parser BlockType
parseCardanoType = CardanoBlock <$> parseCardanoArgs

deriving instance Show (Args Unwrapped)
parseCardanoArgs :: Parser CardanoBlockArgs
parseCardanoArgs = CardanoBlockArgs
<$> parseByronArgs
<*> parseShelleyArgs

data BlockType = Byron | Shelley | Cardano
deriving (Generic, Show, Read)
data CardanoBlockArgs = CardanoBlockArgs {
byronArgs :: ByronBlockArgs
, shelleyArgs :: ShelleyBlockArgs

main :: IO ()
main = do
cmd <- unwrapRecord "DB validator"
let Args{ dbDir, blockType } = cmd
case blockType of
Just Byron -> validate cmd (Proxy @ByronBlock)
Just Shelley -> validate cmd (Proxy @(ShelleyBlock TPraosStandardCrypto))
Just Cardano -> validate cmd (Proxy @(CardanoBlock TPraosStandardCrypto))
Nothing -> do
-- check the dbmarker of the db if the block type is not specified.
protocolMagicId <- readDBMarker dbDir
case unProtocolMagicId protocolMagicId of
764824073 -> validate cmd (Proxy @ByronBlock)
1097911063 -> validate cmd (Proxy @ByronBlock)
42 -> validate cmd (Proxy @(ShelleyBlock TPraosStandardCrypto))
_ -> error $ "unsupported protocolMagicId: " ++ show protocolMagicId

readDBMarker :: FilePath -> IO ProtocolMagicId
readDBMarker dbPath = do
bs <- BS.readFile markerPath
protocolMagicId <- runExceptT $ dbMarkerParse markerPath bs
(\err -> error $
"failed to parse protocolMagicId from db Marker file. Error " ++ show err)
cmdLine <- getCmdLine
case blockType cmdLine of
ByronBlock args -> validate cmdLine args
ShelleyBlock args -> validate cmdLine args
CardanoBlock args -> validate cmdLine args

getCmdLine :: IO CmdLine
getCmdLine = execParser opts
markerPath :: String
markerPath = dbPath FilePath.</> Text.unpack dbMarkerFile
opts = info (parseCmdLine <**> helper) (mconcat [
, progDesc "Simple framework used to validate a Chain DB"

validate :: forall blk. (HasProtocolInfo blk, Node.RunNode blk, Show (Header blk))
=> Args Unwrapped -> Proxy blk -> IO ()
validate Args {..} _ = do
protocolInfo <- mkProtocolInfo @blk configFile genesisHash requiresNetworkMagic
validateChainDb dbDir protocolInfo onlyImmDB verbose
=> CmdLine -> Args blk -> IO ()
validate CmdLine {..} args = do
protocolInfo <- mkProtocolInfo @blk args
validateChainDb @blk dbDir protocolInfo onlyImmDB verbose

:: (Node.RunNode blk, Show (Header blk))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -170,22 +220,18 @@ validateChainDb dbDir protocolInfo onlyImmDB verbose =

class HasProtocolInfo blk where
mkProtocolInfo :: [FilePath]
-> Hash CB.Raw
-> Bool -- is it mainnet?
-> IO (ProtocolInfo IO blk)
type Args blk = args | args -> blk
mkProtocolInfo :: Args blk -> IO (ProtocolInfo IO blk)

ByronBlock instance

instance HasProtocolInfo ByronBlock where
mkProtocolInfo [configFile] genesisHash requiresNetworkMagic = do
config <- openGenesisByron configFile genesisHash requiresNetworkMagic
return $ mkProtocolInfoByron config
mkProtocolInfo ls _ _ =
error $
"a single genesis file is needed for pure Byron. Given " ++ show ls
type Args ByronBlock = ByronBlockArgs
mkProtocolInfo ByronBlockArgs {..} = do
config <- openGenesisByron configFileByron genesisHash requiresNetworkMagic
return $ mkProtocolInfoByron config threshold

openGenesisByron :: FilePath -> Hash CB.Raw -> Bool -> IO CC.Genesis.Config
openGenesisByron configFile genesisHash requiresNetworkMagic = do
Expand All @@ -197,10 +243,12 @@ openGenesisByron configFile genesisHash requiresNetworkMagic = do
either (error . show) return econfig

mkProtocolInfoByron :: CC.Genesis.Config -> ProtocolInfo IO ByronBlock
mkProtocolInfoByron genesisConfig = protocolInfoByron
mkProtocolInfoByron :: CC.Genesis.Config
-> Maybe PBftSignatureThreshold
-> ProtocolInfo IO ByronBlock
mkProtocolInfoByron genesisConfig signatureThreshold = protocolInfoByron
(Just $ PBftSignatureThreshold 0.22) -- PBFT signature threshold
(CC.Update.ProtocolVersion 1 0 0)
(CC.Update.SoftwareVersion (CC.Update.ApplicationName "Cardano SL") 2)
Expand All @@ -209,21 +257,21 @@ mkProtocolInfoByron genesisConfig = protocolInfoByron
ShelleyBlock instance

instance TPraosCrypto c => HasProtocolInfo (ShelleyBlock c) where
mkProtocolInfo [shelleyGenesis] _ _ = do
config <- either (error . show) return =<< Aeson.eitherDecodeFileStrict' shelleyGenesis
return $ mkShelleyProtocolInfo config
mkProtocolInfo ls _ _ =
error $
"a single genesis file is needed for pure Shelley. Given " ++ show ls
instance HasProtocolInfo (ShelleyBlock TPraosStandardCrypto) where
type Args (ShelleyBlock TPraosStandardCrypto) = ShelleyBlockArgs
mkProtocolInfo ShelleyBlockArgs {..} = do
config <- either (error . show) return =<<
Aeson.eitherDecodeFileStrict' configFileShelley
return $ mkShelleyProtocolInfo config initialNonce

mkShelleyProtocolInfo :: forall c. TPraosCrypto c
=> ShelleyGenesis c
-> Nonce
-> ProtocolInfo IO (ShelleyBlock c)
mkShelleyProtocolInfo genesis =
mkShelleyProtocolInfo genesis nonce =
NeutralNonce -- TODO
(SL.ProtVer 0 0)
Expand All @@ -232,27 +280,31 @@ mkShelleyProtocolInfo genesis =
CardanoBlock instance

instance TPraosCrypto c => HasProtocolInfo (CardanoBlock c) where
mkProtocolInfo [byronGenesis, shelleyGenesis] genesisHash requiresNetworkMagic = do
byronConfig <- openGenesisByron byronGenesis genesisHash requiresNetworkMagic
shelleyConfig <- either (error . show) return =<< Aeson.eitherDecodeFileStrict' shelleyGenesis
return $ mkCardanoProtocolInfo byronConfig shelleyConfig
mkProtocolInfo ls _ _ =
error $ "Two genesis files are needed for Cardano. Given " ++ show ls
instance HasProtocolInfo (CardanoBlock TPraosStandardCrypto) where
type Args (CardanoBlock TPraosStandardCrypto) = CardanoBlockArgs
mkProtocolInfo CardanoBlockArgs {..} = do
let ByronBlockArgs {..} = byronArgs
let ShelleyBlockArgs {..} = shelleyArgs
byronConfig <- openGenesisByron configFileByron genesisHash requiresNetworkMagic
shelleyConfig <- either (error . show) return =<<
Aeson.eitherDecodeFileStrict' configFileShelley
return $ mkCardanoProtocolInfo byronConfig shelleyConfig threshold initialNonce

mkCardanoProtocolInfo :: forall c. TPraosCrypto c
=> CC.Genesis.Config
-> ShelleyGenesis c
-> Maybe PBftSignatureThreshold
-> Nonce
-> ProtocolInfo IO (CardanoBlock c)
mkCardanoProtocolInfo byronConfig shelleyConfig =
mkCardanoProtocolInfo byronConfig shelleyConfig signatureThreshold nonce =
(Just $ PBftSignatureThreshold 0.22)
(CC.Update.ProtocolVersion 1 0 0)
(CC.Update.SoftwareVersion (CC.Update.ApplicationName "db-validator") 2)
NeutralNonce -- TODO
(SL.ProtVer 2 0)
Expand Down

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