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consensus: implement TxLimits via the cardano-base:measures package
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This has a few small benefits

  * define's TxMeasure `leq` via the pointwise minimum

  * removes the redundancy of specifying the `pointwiseMin` method per ledger
    instead of per 'Measure'

  * avoids the need for type applications, which let's us re-use the <=

and two large benefits

  * creates an opportunity for more use of deriving

  * the top-bounded meet-semilattice foundation means that `noOverrides` can be
    implemented as `top`; we don't need it to be a function from the (dynamic!)
    ledger limits anymore.

We had previously decided on a function because it made it trivial to override
only parts of the ledger-derived capacity. However, we simplified the override
representation (no more `NP`) and a interface that uses the static `top`
instead of the dynamic "current ledger capacity" is more appropriate for a
interface used for static configuration.

In other words, the function space was "too big" for the following reasons.

  * in practice, these values are parsed from a file, and I doubt the Node Team
    wants to parse functions anytime soon

  * we do not anticipate the node operator wanting to vary their override
    depending on the ledger capacity

The 'Measure' class's lattice semantics let us remove the function space
without losing any convenience.
  • Loading branch information
nfrisby committed Jul 22, 2021
1 parent 39b2ff4 commit 987f1d6
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Showing 10 changed files with 134 additions and 135 deletions.
12 changes: 7 additions & 5 deletions cabal.project
Expand Up @@ -164,7 +164,6 @@ constraints:
-- constraint from dependent-sum-template (which is the library we actually use).
, dependent-sum >

-- ---------------------------------------------------------
-- The "cabal" wrapper script provided by nix-shell will cut off / restore the remainder of this file
-- in order to force usage of nix provided dependencies for `source-repository-package`s.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -196,21 +195,24 @@ source-repository-package
type: git
tag: 0f409343c3655c4bacd7fab385d392ec5d5cca98
--sha256: 0js76inb7avg8c39c9k2zsr77sycg2vadylgvsswdsba808p6hr9
tag: 8c732560b201b5da8e3bdf175c6eda73a32d64bc
--sha256: 0nwy03wyd2ks4qxg47py7lm18karjz6vs7p8knmn3zy72i3n9rfi

type: git
tag: 6b0fca7a73c317f3af7c14dd4dc38178cc78a6c8
--sha256: 0570g723ac8wf0zha37nsh4n0809rqqfx4j9i80hqkq18cysrglr
tag: 66ced00e5cf14b8caa9089a24d958fd309d2e6bb
--sha256: 1wbma14plky17bnwca264wb3ycl6lw9cv9zxykjn6pxiab9iqxh6
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -146,14 +146,12 @@ forgeRegularBlock cfg maxTxCapacityOverrides bno sno st txs isLeader =
epochSlots :: CC.Slot.EpochSlots
epochSlots = byronEpochSlots cfg

maxTxCapacity = computeMaxTxCapacity st maxTxCapacityOverrides

blockPayloads :: BlockPayloads
blockPayloads =
(takeLargestPrefixThatFits maxTxCapacity txs)
(takeLargestPrefixThatFits maxTxCapacityOverrides st txs)

txPayload :: CC.UTxO.TxPayload
txPayload = CC.UTxO.mkTxPayload (bpTxs blockPayloads)
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -85,10 +85,9 @@ import Ouroboros.Consensus.Mempool.TxLimits

instance TxLimits ByronBlock where
type Measure ByronBlock = ByteSize
txMeasure = ByteSize . txInBlockSize . txForgetValidated
maxCapacity = ByteSize . txsMaxBytes
pointwiseMin = min
type TxMeasure ByronBlock = ByteSize
txMeasure = ByteSize . txInBlockSize . txForgetValidated
txsBlockCapacity = ByteSize . txsMaxBytes

Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -6,35 +6,25 @@ import Data.Word (Word32)
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck

import Cardano.Crypto.Hash (ShortHash)

import qualified Ouroboros.Consensus.Mempool.TxLimits as TxLimits

import Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.Scripts (ExUnits, pointWiseExUnits)
import Test.Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.Serialisation.Generators ()

import Ouroboros.Consensus.Shelley.Eras (AlonzoEra)
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Shelley.Ledger.Block (ShelleyBlock)
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Shelley.Ledger.Mempool (AlonzoMeasure (..))

import Test.Consensus.Shelley.MockCrypto (MockCrypto)
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Shelley.Ledger.Mempool (AlonzoExUnits (..),
AlonzoMeasure (..))

tests :: TestTree
tests = testGroup "Shelley coherences" [
testProperty "TxLimits.lessEq uses pointWiseExUnits (<=)" lessEqCoherence
testProperty "TxLimits.<= uses pointWiseExUnits (<=)" leqCoherence

-- | 'TxLimits.lessEq' and @'pointWiseExUnits' (<=)@ must agree
lessEqCoherence :: Word32 -> ExUnits -> ExUnits -> Property
lessEqCoherence w eu1 eu2 =
-- | 'TxLimits.<=' and @'pointWiseExUnits' (<=)@ must agree
leqCoherence :: Word32 -> ExUnits -> ExUnits -> Property
leqCoherence w eu1 eu2 =
actual === expected
inj eu = AlonzoMeasure (TxLimits.ByteSize w) eu

actual =
@(ShelleyBlock (AlonzoEra (MockCrypto ShortHash)))
(inj eu1)
(inj eu2)
inj eu = AlonzoMeasure (TxLimits.ByteSize w) (AlonzoExUnits eu)

actual = inj eu1 TxLimits.<= inj eu2
expected = pointWiseExUnits (<=) eu1 eu2
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions ouroboros-consensus-shelley/ouroboros-consensus-shelley.cabal
Expand Up @@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ library

build-depends: base >=4.9 && <4.15
, base-deriving-via
, bytestring >=0.10 && <0.11
, cardano-binary
, cardano-crypto-class
Expand All @@ -58,8 +59,10 @@ library
, cborg >=0.2.2 && <0.3
, containers >=0.5 && <0.7
, data-default-class
, measures
, mtl >=2.2 && <2.3
, nothunks
, orphans-deriving-via
, serialise >=0.2 && <0.3
, strict-containers
, text >=1.2 && <1.3
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -69,9 +69,7 @@ forgeShelleyBlock hotKey canBeLeader cfg maxTxCapacityOverrides curNo curSlot ti
SL.toTxSeq @era
. Seq.fromList
. fmap extractTxInBlock
$ takeLargestPrefixThatFits maxTxCapacity txs

maxTxCapacity = computeMaxTxCapacity tickedLedger maxTxCapacityOverrides
$ takeLargestPrefixThatFits maxTxCapacityOverrides tickedLedger txs

extractTxInBlock :: (Validated (GenTx (ShelleyBlock era))) -> SL.TxInBlock era
extractTxInBlock (ShelleyValidatedTx _ tx) = tx
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ module Ouroboros.Consensus.Shelley.Ledger.Mempool (
, mkShelleyTx
, mkShelleyValidatedTx
, perTxOverhead
-- * Exported for tests
-- * Exported for tests
, AlonzoExUnits (..)
, AlonzoMeasure (..)
) where

Expand All @@ -41,6 +42,8 @@ import NoThunks.Class (NoThunks (..))

import Cardano.Binary (Annotator (..), FromCBOR (..),
FullByteString (..), ToCBOR (..))
import Data.DerivingVia (InstantiatedAt (..))
import Data.Measure (BoundedMeasure, Measure)

import Ouroboros.Network.Block (unwrapCBORinCBOR, wrapCBORinCBOR)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -272,52 +275,51 @@ theLedgerLens f x =

instance (SL.PraosCrypto c) => TxLimits (ShelleyBlock (ShelleyEra c)) where
type Measure (ShelleyBlock (ShelleyEra c)) = ByteSize
txMeasure = ByteSize . txInBlockSize . txForgetValidated
maxCapacity = ByteSize . txsMaxBytes
pointwiseMin = min
type TxMeasure (ShelleyBlock (ShelleyEra c)) = ByteSize
txMeasure = ByteSize . txInBlockSize . txForgetValidated
txsBlockCapacity = ByteSize . txsMaxBytes

instance (SL.PraosCrypto c) => TxLimits (ShelleyBlock (AllegraEra c)) where
type Measure (ShelleyBlock (AllegraEra c)) = ByteSize
txMeasure = ByteSize . txInBlockSize . txForgetValidated
maxCapacity = ByteSize . txsMaxBytes
pointwiseMin = min
type TxMeasure (ShelleyBlock (AllegraEra c)) = ByteSize
txMeasure = ByteSize . txInBlockSize . txForgetValidated
txsBlockCapacity = ByteSize . txsMaxBytes

instance (SL.PraosCrypto c) => TxLimits (ShelleyBlock (MaryEra c)) where
type Measure (ShelleyBlock (MaryEra c)) = ByteSize
txMeasure = ByteSize . txInBlockSize . txForgetValidated
maxCapacity = ByteSize . txsMaxBytes
pointwiseMin = min

data AlonzoMeasure = AlonzoMeasure {
byteSize :: !ByteSize
, exUnits :: !ExUnits
} deriving stock (Show, Eq)

instance Semigroup AlonzoMeasure where
(AlonzoMeasure bs1 exu1) <> (AlonzoMeasure bs2 exu2) =
AlonzoMeasure (bs1 <> bs2) (exu1 <> exu2)

instance Monoid AlonzoMeasure where
mempty = AlonzoMeasure mempty mempty
type TxMeasure (ShelleyBlock (MaryEra c)) = ByteSize
txMeasure = ByteSize . txInBlockSize . txForgetValidated
txsBlockCapacity = ByteSize . txsMaxBytes

instance ( SL.PraosCrypto c
) => TxLimits (ShelleyBlock (AlonzoEra c)) where

type Measure (ShelleyBlock (AlonzoEra c)) = AlonzoMeasure
type TxMeasure (ShelleyBlock (AlonzoEra c)) = AlonzoMeasure

txMeasure validatedGenTx@(ShelleyValidatedTx _ tx) =
AlonzoMeasure {
byteSize = ByteSize . txInBlockSize $ txForgetValidated validatedGenTx
, exUnits = totExUnits tx
, exUnits = AlonzoExUnits $ totExUnits tx

maxCapacity ledgerState =
let pparams = getPParams $ tickedShelleyLedgerState ledgerState
in AlonzoMeasure {
byteSize = ByteSize $ txsMaxBytes ledgerState
, exUnits = getField @"_maxBlockExUnits" pparams
txsBlockCapacity ledgerState =
AlonzoMeasure {
byteSize = ByteSize $ txsMaxBytes ledgerState
, exUnits = AlonzoExUnits $ getField @"_maxBlockExUnits" pparams
pparams = getPParams $ tickedShelleyLedgerState ledgerState

pointwiseMin (AlonzoMeasure bs1 (ExUnits mem1 steps1)) (AlonzoMeasure bs2 (ExUnits mem2 steps2)) =
AlonzoMeasure (bs1 `min` bs2) (ExUnits (mem1 `min` mem2) (steps1 `min` steps2))
data AlonzoMeasure = AlonzoMeasure {
byteSize :: !ByteSize
, exUnits :: !AlonzoExUnits
} deriving stock (Eq, Generic, Show)
deriving (BoundedMeasure, Measure)
via (InstantiatedAt Generic AlonzoMeasure)

-- | Used only to avoid orphan instances
-- TODO won't be necessary once cardano-ledger-specs declares BoundedMeasure
-- ExUnits
newtype AlonzoExUnits = AlonzoExUnits ExUnits
deriving newtype (Eq, Show)
deriving (BoundedMeasure, Measure)
via (InstantiatedAt Generic ExUnits)
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions ouroboros-consensus/ouroboros-consensus.cabal
Expand Up @@ -280,6 +280,7 @@ library

build-depends: base >=4.9 && <4.15
, base-deriving-via
, base16-bytestring
, bimap >=0.3 && <0.5
, binary >=0.8 && <0.11
Expand All @@ -297,6 +298,7 @@ library
, filelock
, filepath >=1.4 && <1.5
, hashable
, measures
, mtl >=2.2 && <2.3
, nothunks >=0.1.2 && <0.2
, psqueues >=0.2.3 && <0.3
Expand Down
43 changes: 17 additions & 26 deletions ouroboros-consensus/src/Ouroboros/Consensus/Block/Forging.hs
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ module Ouroboros.Consensus.Block.Forging (
-- * 'UpdateInfo'
, UpdateInfo (..)
-- * Selecting transaction sequence prefixes
, computeMaxTxCapacity
, takeLargestPrefixThatFits
) where

Expand All @@ -30,6 +29,7 @@ import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.Text (Text)
import GHC.Stack

import qualified Data.Measure as Measure

import Ouroboros.Consensus.Block.Abstract
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Config
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -152,36 +152,27 @@ data BlockForging m blk = BlockForging {
-> m blk

-- | Computes maximum tx capacity
-- | The prefix of transactions to include in the block
-- It queries the ledger state for the current limit and then applies the given
-- override. The result is the pointwise minimum of the ledger-specific capacity
-- and the result of the override. In other words, the override can only reduce
-- (parts of) the 'TxLimits.Measure'.
computeMaxTxCapacity ::
TxLimits blk
=> TickedLedgerState blk
-> TxLimits.Overrides blk
-> TxLimits.Measure blk
computeMaxTxCapacity ledger overrides =
TxLimits.applyOverrides overrides (TxLimits.maxCapacity ledger)

-- | Filters out all transactions that do not fit the maximum size that is
-- passed to this function as the first argument. Value of that first argument
-- will most often by calculated by calling 'computeMaxTxCapacity'
-- Filters out all transactions that do not fit the maximum size of total
-- transactions in a single block, which is determined by querying the ledger
-- state for the current limit and the given override. The result is the
-- pointwise minimum of the ledger-specific capacity and the result of the
-- override. In other words, the override can only reduce (parts of) the
-- 'TxLimits.TxMeasure'.
takeLargestPrefixThatFits ::
forall blk. TxLimits blk
=> TxLimits.Measure blk
TxLimits blk
=> TxLimits.Overrides blk
-> TickedLedgerState blk
-> [Validated (GenTx blk)]
-> [Validated (GenTx blk)]
takeLargestPrefixThatFits maxTxCapacity = go mempty
takeLargestPrefixThatFits overrides ledger txs =
Measure.take TxLimits.txMeasure capacity txs
go acc = \case
(tx : remainingTxs) | fits -> tx : go acc' remainingTxs
acc' = acc <> TxLimits.txMeasure tx
fits = TxLimits.lessEq @blk acc' maxTxCapacity
_ -> []
capacity =
(TxLimits.txsBlockCapacity ledger)

data ShouldForge blk =
-- | Before check whether we are a leader in this slot, we tried to update
Expand Down

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