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tip-sample: tests
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coot committed Jul 3, 2020
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Expand Up @@ -47,13 +47,13 @@ directStIdle (SendMsgFollowTip n handleTips) ServerStIdle { handleFollowTip } =
go handleTips (handleFollowTip n)
go :: HandleTips n tip m a
-> FollowTip n tip m b
-> SendTips n tip m b
-> m (a, b)
go (ReceiveTip k) (NextTip _ mFollowTip) = do
go (ReceiveTip k) (SendNextTip _ mFollowTip) = do
(tip, followTip) <- mFollowTip
receiveTip <- k tip
go receiveTip followTip
go (ReceiveLastTip k) (LastTip _ mFollowTip) = do
go (ReceiveLastTip k) (SendLastTip _ mFollowTip) = do
(tip, serverIdle) <- mFollowTip
clientIdle <- k tip
directStIdle clientIdle serverIdle
Expand Down
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Ouroboros.Network.Protocol.TipSample.Examples where

import Cardano.Slotting.Slot (SlotNo (..))

import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty

import Network.TypedProtocol.Pipelined (N (..), Nat (Succ, Zero),
natToInt, unsafeIntToNat)

import Ouroboros.Network.Protocol.TipSample.Client
import Ouroboros.Network.Protocol.TipSample.Server

import Test.QuickCheck

data Request tip
= RequestTipAfterSlotNo SlotNo
| RequestTipAfterTip tip
| forall (n :: N). RequestFollowTips (Nat (S n))

instance Show tip => Show (Request tip) where
show (RequestTipAfterSlotNo slotNo) = "RequestTipAfterSlotNo " ++ show slotNo
show (RequestTipAfterTip tip) = "RequestTipAfterTip " ++ show tip
show (RequestFollowTips n) = "RequestFollowTips " ++ show (natToInt n)

instance Eq tip => Eq (Request tip) where
RequestTipAfterSlotNo slotNo == RequestTipAfterSlotNo slotNo' = slotNo == slotNo'
RequestTipAfterTip tip == RequestTipAfterTip tip' = tip == tip'
RequestFollowTips n == RequestFollowTips n' = natToInt n == natToInt n'
_ == _ = False

instance Arbitrary tip => Arbitrary (Request tip) where
arbitrary = oneof
[ RequestTipAfterSlotNo . SlotNo <$> arbitrary
, RequestTipAfterTip <$> arbitrary
, RequestFollowTips . unsafeIntToNat . getPositive <$> arbitrary

-- | Given a list of requests record all the responses.
tipSampleClientExample :: forall tip m. Applicative m
=> [Request tip]
-> TipSampleClient tip m [tip]
tipSampleClientExample reqs =
TipSampleClient $ pure (\tip -> goIdle [tip] reqs)
:: [tip]
-> [Request tip]
-> ClientStIdle tip m [tip]
goIdle !acc [] =
SendMsgDone (reverse acc)
goIdle !acc (RequestTipAfterSlotNo slotNo : as) =
SendMsgGetTipAfterSlotNo slotNo $ \tip -> pure (goIdle (tip : acc) as)
goIdle !acc (RequestTipAfterTip a : as) =
SendMsgGetTipAfterTip a $ \tip -> pure (goIdle (tip : acc) as)
goIdle !acc (RequestFollowTips n : as) = SendMsgFollowTip n (goFollowTips acc as n)

:: [tip]
-> [Request tip]
-> Nat (S n)
-> HandleTips (S n) tip m [tip]
goFollowTips !acc as (Succ p@(Succ _)) =
(ReceiveTip $ \tip -> pure $ goFollowTips (tip : acc) as p)
goFollowTips !acc as (Succ Zero) =
(ReceiveLastTip $ \tip -> pure $ goIdle (tip : acc) as)

-- | A server which sends replies from a list (used cyclicly) and returns all
-- requests.
tipSampleServerExample :: forall tip m. Applicative m
=> tip
-> NonEmpty tip
-> TipSampleServer tip m [Request tip]
tipSampleServerExample tip tips =
TipSampleServer $ pure (tip, go [] tiplist)
tiplist = cycle $ NonEmpty.toList tips

go :: [Request tip]
-> [tip]
-> ServerStIdle tip m [Request tip]
go _acc [] = error "tipSampleServerExample: impossible happened"
go !acc as@(a : as') =
ServerStIdle {
handleTipAfterSlotNo = \req -> pure (a, go (RequestTipAfterSlotNo req : acc) as'),
handleTipChange = \req -> pure (a, go (RequestTipAfterTip req : acc) as'),
handleFollowTip = \n -> goFollowTip n (RequestFollowTips n : acc) as,
handleDone = pure $ reverse acc

goFollowTip :: Nat (S n)
-> [Request tip]
-> [tip]
-> SendTips (S n) tip m [Request tip]
goFollowTip n@(Succ Zero) !acc (a : as) =
SendLastTip n (pure (a, go acc as))
goFollowTip n@(Succ p@(Succ _)) !acc (a : as) =
SendNextTip n (pure (a, goFollowTip p acc as))
goFollowTip _ _ [] =
error "tipSampleServerExample: impossible happened"

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